His diminishing confidence

*Xin Lei*

Come back?

Dad was right. Big brother and he disappeared and that was why I set out to find answers. That was why we were digging in Fu Meili's case.

But now Dad was safe and I was sure that the army would help us in finding the whereabouts of brother Zhen too.

But I already knew my answer.

"Xin Lei will come back."

Startled, I looked at my side.

Bai Li?

I immediately shook his arm.

What are you saying!

Dad asked, "You...Are you Bai Li?"

Bai Li bowed. "Yes. Nice to meet you Mr. Xin and nicer to hear that you are safe."

"Nice to meet you too. So you are the one who was with Lei Lei all this time. I was really curious to meet you."

From the video, I saw Dad squinting his gaze at Bai Li.

I recognized that look.

I signed. 'He cannot see.'

Dad was visibly surprised. He would pretty much shrug at all things but I saw how he raised his eyebrow and stared at Bai Li.