Missing their dear ones


Chu Jie didn't know how long it was when they finally stopped at a place. The day had already turned into the dark shade of night.

Along the way, Sufy had covered his eyes with a back cloth so that he wouldn't understand the direction or any signboards to let him know where they were going.

After what happened in the Andingzhen base, she was extra cautious this time. She couldn't go to Langfang either with what happened in the Natural Park.

So this was her next stop. She finally removed the cloth from his eyes.

Chu Jie fearfully looked left and right, but he couldn't make out anything about the place. It was too dark.

Sufy got out and dragged Chu Jie and Cocoa out of the car. All this time, Chu Jie was tightly holding on to Cocoa as if she would still shoot at him at any moment. Cocoa was still unconscious.

"Let us go!" Chu Jie screamed. "Leave me! Where are you taking me?"