The common link


Through the window into the other room, Chu Jie saw the floor dyed with red. It was lots of blood, and somebody's hand was lying on it.

He was about to stumble, but he quickly caught onto the rail and balanced himself.

From the hand and shoulder, he could make out it was a man who was facing on the other side. much blood…That he d-dead?

His face turned pale and as white as a sheet. The color drained from his face. He covered his mouth and felt as if he would puke when the smell of blood wafted through his nose.

Chu Jie jumped from the cardboard boxes back on the floor. He collapsed on his knees, and that bloody sight was circling in his mind.

No, no, no! Who is that man? Are we going to end up like that too? T-they really want to kill us…

Chu Jie took rapid, short breaths, but even then, he felt breathless.

Cocoa circled around Chu Jie anxiously. He leaped onto his lap and once again licked his face.