Fu Ting's case hearing (6) - Conclusion


High court, Beijing

If the perpetrators had planned to trap Fu Ting further during the break, then Xin Nianzu wasn't dilly-dallying either.

In the case of child witnesses, the judge needed to know beforehand about such witnesses.

Xin Nianzu had already warned Fu Biyu yesterday that he might need to call Fu Jun for his testimony if the need arises. Naturally, he would try to avoid that as much as possible, considering Fu Jun's age and the effect on his mental health, but he knew the culprits in the shadows would stop at nothing.

They also had a discussion with Fu Jun with a child psychologist present with them.


"Jun. Do you want your Daddy to come back to you again?" Xin Nianzu asked. 

Fu Jun's gaze brightened. He was on his mother's lap. "Daddy! Yes! I want him back! I am missing him. He did not give me a piggy-back ride for so long!" He pouted.

"En. So you have to help him."