


*Xin Lei*

I just received a call from Dad that we won the case, and Fu Ting was set free of all charges.

I rushed over to Bai Li's side and jumped in his embrace.

"Hey, Hey. Have you forgotten that I am patient? Look at my hurt shoulder."

I rolled my eyes.

I furiously typed in excitement. "Bai Li. Dad won the case! Fu Ting is free!"

Liao Huifang exclaimed. "That's great! Finally!"

Bai Li nodded. "That is good news, indeed."

Somebody coughed on my right side, and I saw Major General Shi clearing his throat.

Then I realized the position we were in.

Gosh! So embarrassing! I hugged Bai Li so openly in front of his commander!

I heard Liao Huifang chuckling softly.

I awkwardly smiled and quickly moved away.

"So Major General, how are you here? Where is the esteemed General Song?"