
*Xin Lei*

After a few moments of silence, which seemed like forever to me, Bai Li responded first. He brought his hand forward. "Nice to meet you."

Yuan blinked his eyes and tilted his head as if he was confused.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell him that Bai Li cannot see.

I signed him about the same.

Yuan seemed shocked and alternated his gaze between Bai Li and me.

He paused and nodded a moment later. He shook Bai Li's hand. "Nice to meet you, too."

Yuan said, "Xin Lei must have told you about me a bit, and I hope they are all good things."

Bai Li smiled. "Indeed. She has been ranting non-stop about your achievements and that I can rest assured."

"Well, yes. But I want to personally assure you, too, that you are in good hands. We will work together on your PTSD. I know it may seem a difficult task to get over your fears right now, but we will slowly get there."

Bai Li nodded.