Truly something unique


Rodey was calmly walking on the streets with a smirk laced on his lips.

"Ah, finally free. Damn, those soldiers really kept me hungry for this whole time." Rodey stretched his arms and felt the cold air brush past him.

On an almost deserted road, he sat on the bench by the roadside. He lit a cigarette and took a big puff.

Rodey sneered. He exhaled, dragging a smoke ring out of his mouth. He recalled how he made his escape.

When the proceedings in the court were over, the officers locked his wrists again with the handcuffs.

Rodey passed by Xin Nianzu. "Feeling happy about the win, Mr. Lawyer?"

Xin Nianzu smiled. "Definitely. Won't you congratulate me?"

Rodey laughed. "You are getting too overconfident. Do you think with this measly win, you have won against us?"