Even a villian can have principles

*Xin Lei*

I peeked inside the room and found that Bai Li's first session was over. I hurriedly walked away inside.

Yuan frowned at me. "What happened? You look worried."

Bai Li asked, "Is everything okay?"

I typed. "It was Lin Zihao's call. He said that Rodey has escaped."


"Wait, who is Rodey?" Liao Huifang asked.

I typed. "He is also one of the members of the gang. We caught him, but just now, I got a call that he escaped from outside the court."


I explained what Lin Zihao told me.

Liao Huifang seemed confused. "Doesn't it mean that somebody was an accomplice who helped Rodey? But who?"

Then she widened her eyes and looked furious. "Wait, is that bastard Tian Song who helped him?"

That could be possible…

"But wasn't he in Langfang last night?"

I typed. "Perhaps he went back to Dongcheng secretly. What do you think, Bai Li?"