Black market of the Internet

*Xin Lei*

Bro slowly nodded as Qi Qiang finished.

"That is what we concluded too. When Zhiqiang told us about that app when he raided Gen Gen's base, we got into searching, and when we didn't find the app, we naturally thought of the Dark Web."

Qi Qiang nodded. "Yup. The Dark Web is the internet's black market. But it is not necessarily bad."

Bai Li asked, "What do you mean?"

"Dark Web gives anonymity, so naturally, it is a boon for criminals. But it is also used by law enforcement for secret communication or exchange information. Many journalists hide their identities to dig in for details for crime reports and all."

Shi Ruiling nodded. "He is right. Though not often, we have used to gather intelligence about our different missions if we had to. But we use it sparingly."

I typed. "How do you access the Dark Web if one really has to?"