Their mother's memories


*Xin Lei*

Till bro's team was working on restoring data from the video camera we found, everyone else was chatting around.

I went to Bai Li's side and hugged him. 

"I like your brother. He is cool." He chuckled.

I widened my eyes in surprise. I typed. "Are you for real?"

He shrugged. "Why not? Actually, I find him to be an ideal big brother. Most of the brothers really dote on their younger sisters. Not that it's wrong, but they really don't do anything even if their sisters act spoiled. I like men who can toughen up for their sisters and daughters. Xin Zhen loves you, but he also scolds you if he finds that you lack somewhere. That kind of relationship is nice…"

I giggled. I type. "I don't think any other man would have talked like this about his potential future brother-in-law considering the way how he treated you at the entrance."