Escape is pointless

Same time at Xin Lei's side.


*Xin Lei*

If I had been drinking water, then I would have surely spit it out by now. Bai Li and I both coughed at once.

Dad was really something else.

Bai Li and my child…

"Dad!" Bro suddenly roared. "What are you saying? And Xin Lei. Snap out of your stupid dream already! I can see you must be imagining your children."

I blushed and typed. "I wasn't thinking that!"

Dad shrugged. "What did I say wrong? Lei Lei is also old enough to give me grandbabies. Isn't she already dating Bai Li? What's the problem?" Then his gaze fell on Bai Li, and he beamed. "Bai Li. Finally, we meet!"

Bai Li smiled and brought his hand forward in his direction. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Xin."

Bro snorted and looked away.

"Call me, Uncle. The same goes for you three too," he looked at Luo Zhiqiang, Liao Huifang, and Kang Yuan. "Well, Yuan already calls me that, isn't it?"