Meeting Yu Zichen

Time: 7:36 PM. Twenty-nine hours and fifty-four minutes left.


*Xin Lei*

It was already dark by the time we reached retired Major General Yu Zichen's home. Bro, Shi Ruiling, Luo Zhiqiang, and Liao Huifang chose to stay back and work with Qi Qiang if they could find anything about Zhang Xiulan and her mystery supporter. Major General Shi was with us.

I rang the doorbell three times, and it opened as I saw a woman step out. She looked at the three of us in turns and asked, "Yes?"

Bai Li said, "Is Yu Zichen home?"

She slightly furrowed her brows. "Why do you want him?"

"You must be his wife."

"Yes, I am."

"We need to discuss a case, especially what happened to one soldier who met him today this morning."

"You are from the army," she stated.

"Ex-Major Bai Li, Chinese Army."

"Major General Shi Jianguo, Chinese Army."

"He is not at home."

Major General asked, "Where is he?"