All black

Time: 7:02 AM. Seventeen hours and twenty-eight minutes left.

*Xin Lei*

Zhang Ning's complexion suddenly seemed much better now.  

"Oh, thank you so much!"

I had already told Bai Li that Zhang Ning liked him, so he must have figured out her intention, but he still agreed to stay.

Maybe he wanted to investigate more so…

I sighed.

On my side, Liao Huifang was still looking at Zhang Ning as if she was seriously concentrating on something.

Zhang Chao asked, "I know it's early for breakfast, but will you join us?"

We shrugged.

At the breakfast table, I helped put the food on Bai Li's plate and guided his hands towards the chopsticks.

Zhang asked, "You all seem tired."

I typed. "We couldn't get any sleep last night."

"Why not?"

Bai Li said, "Too many things happened. Zhang Chao. You must have heard about General Song's death, right?"