The meaning of Fu Meili's drawing

*Bai Li*

"Bai Li. Is anything the problem?" Zhang Ning asked.

It was strange. I turned on an impulse. It felt as if Xin Lei was calling me. 

"Nothing…Can you see Xin Lei coming?"

I heard Liao Huifang speak, "No. She is still not here."

"It has been fifteen minutes already. She just went to send a text."

Then Zhang Ning spoke, "I think she might be talking to someone on the phone?"

Still, my gut feeling was saying that something was wrong. 

Why am I not feeling calm? 

There was an unsettling feeling gripping my chest. Just a moment ago, I felt it in my bones that she was calling me. But, now I couldn't sense it anymore.

I felt a tug from my side. "Are you alright, Bai Li? You seem alert for some reason…" Zhang Ning's voice sounded strained.

I touched her fingertips and shook it away. "Nothing."

Then I turned towards Liao Huifang's direction. "Call Xin Lei. She shouldn't take this much time."
