I know who you are

Time: 8:17 AM. Sixteen hours and thirteen minutes left.




Ditzybitzy cursed as he slashed a belt on Ying Yue's back.

"Why aren't you screaming!? Come on! Scream. Cry. Beg us!"

Ying Yue's condition was pale as the men continuously kept on torturing her. Sweat covered her forehead, and her lips were trembling. But, she didn't make a sound. She refused to cry and scream for them because she knew that's what they wanted.

"This bitch is just like that other woman! She refused to cry either!"

"Just who are these freaking women! Don't they feel pain?"

Pain? Of course, she felt pain. Her back felt as if it was burning in lava. Every hit from the belt felt like her skin was being torn apart. But, Ying Yue was someone who was always in control of her emotions. She would always seem impassive, and that's what she thought today was useful to her.