The final showdown (4)

Time: 8:30 PM.


*Bai Li*

Inside the building northeast east to Imperial High, Xin Zhen handed me two Glocks 19, and I asked, "Are the guards suspicious yet?"


"I think Yusheng is leaving now," Zhang Xiulan said. "They didn't doubt a thing."

I asked, "There are four floors in the building. How many can you see patrolling in each?"

Luo Zhiqiang said, "I can see two guards taking rounds in the corridor. But there can be more in the classrooms."

"So up to 10-12 guards and then those twenty-five men who tortured the victims."

"But from the corridor, they can see the guards on the ground. If we take them out, they will alert the whole place," Zhang Xiulan said. "Do we know where they are kept? Which floor? We don't have the time to check all the classrooms on all the floors."