The final showdown (5)

*Bai Li*

Just a staircase above us, I heard some movement. I narrowed my eyes. It was definitely a guard.

"Let's bring him to us."

I tapped my foot lightly, just enough for him to hear. We ducked under cover.

"Huh?" He mumbled. "16. Is that you?"

His footsteps, as he climbed down the stairs, grew closer and louder. I stood in between the first and second steps and waited.

He almost seemed to reach the end. My cheeks felt cold. I felt a light gust of air touch them. That meant he was within my reach.

Three seconds and he would turn.

Three, two, one.

I climbed a step, and I must be in his complete view now. With his last footsteps, I felt that we stood facing each other. I moved my torso forward and headbutted straight at his face. I heard his steps stagger and sensed him stumble behind farther away from me. Then a thud as he fell.

I jumped to his side and kicked on his abdomen.
