The final showdown (10)

*Xin Lei*

Damn! Chu Jie, that man and woman are still tied up to that pole. If I don't do something, then they can attack them.


On my right, Cocoa already fiercely jumped on his prey. I ducked and hid behind a pillar and grabbed a gun from the guard I had knocked out with my feet.

Rodey effortlessly fought men on his side too. But I worried he wouldn't be able to do it for long. His injuries would weaken him until he could fight no more.

I hoped Bai Li and bro reach us until that happened.

I peeked from the pillar but didn't find Zhang Ning.

Where is she? Where did she go?

Did she take the cover of her men and slipped away?

But I couldn't brood on it anymore because I saw a man's shadow coming towards me. I took a step back and let him walk beside him. As soon as he arrived at my side, I jumped behind him. Before he could turn his head, I already fired a shot.

I had to go to Chu Jie's side at any cost.