The final showdown (11)

*Bai Li*

On the fourth floor, as I was carefully and silently walking my way, I heard footsteps rapid and urgent running around. I touched my way and felt a gap between two pillars. I ducked inside.

From my earpiece, I heard Luo Zhiqiang's voice, "Bai Li, from here, we can see movement on the fourth floor. A few people are running around. Be on guard."

"Hm. I can hear their footsteps too."

The footsteps came closer and closer to where I was, but I knew I was in a fairly good blind spot so that they couldn't see me.

The sound of their footsteps stopped. I heard them huffing and puffing and talking to each other.

"Fuck! That Rodey is crazy! He broke through the chain all by himself!"

I narrowed my eyes.

"Seriously, just how strong he is...he was already injured, yet he could fight the guards in his condition."

I heard a third voice, "I cannot believe that Rodey went against our boss! He betrayed her for that bitch."