The final showdown (12)

*Bai Li*

The door opened, and I heard two distinct footsteps coming out. As I sensed them passed by my hidden spot, they stopped just as I had told them to.

"Boss, we are here," one quietly whispered.

"Boss, where are you?"

I came out.

Slow and silent. They didn't sense a thing as I stood behind them. I grabbed their necks and squeezed the side of it where a hell lot of important nerves were present that were enough to render one completely useless.

I heard them sharply gasp and felt them violently struggle. I sensed their arms and legs flailing frantically, and they started to breathe hard. They gripped my hand, trying to tear it away but would somebody tell them that it was useless?

Well, I guess I should.

"I am here,"

This time, I used my real voice. I felt them stiffen.