The final showdown (13)

*Xin Lei*

"You bastard!"

The man roared, and I heard a shot rang towards my right.


There was silence for a moment before I heard a low groan.


That was Rodey's voice. Damn, did that shot really hit him!?

The man laughed, and he said, "Ahahaha! I see you going down! Hahaha! Rodey, you are dead! I hit Rodey, you arrogant bastard! I, Bloodygame, took you out!"

I froze.

Bloodygame... Bloodygame…

That's right...How can I forget this voice? 

It was the same voice that I heard in the video recording. He was that same man who killed Fu Meili…

I completely missed recognizing his voice because of all this smoke curtain suddenly coming out of nowhere.

No wonder I felt this voice sounded so familiar!

I gritted my teeth. My jaw clenched as I felt an intense fury rage inside me. Fu Meili's cries were still fresh in my mind.

He killed Fu Meili. He killed that little girl!