Let's breakup!

*Bai Li*

I kept staring at her like a stupid fool. 

Are my ears playing tricks on me?

But I realized they weren't. Once again, it wasn't my illusion. I had really heard Xin Lei speaking.

"You... you-you...spoke…"

She chuckled at me and said, "Yes."

I widened my eyes. There it was. She spoke again.


I was stupefied. Not in my wildest dream did I imagine that that one blast would not only bring my sight back but Xin Lei's voice too.

When she said how she screamed my name in distress, I felt my heart stop beating for a moment.

I felt guilty that I made her worry so much, but at the same time, my heart skipped a beat that she said my name first. After years of silence, the first word that she uttered was my name. That feeling sent a rush of emotions all at once. It felt as if something was tingling in my stomach.

The one word with which I could describe my feelings was joy - Immense joy.