Passed with distinction


*Bai Li*

I pulled her face towards me even closer as I moved my lips on hers. I slowly tasted her lips, but in just one second, I couldn't control my urge any longer. I felt hungrier to capture her lips deeply and never let her go.

Ah, felt so long that we had been this intimate.


She softly moaned that just triggered the rush of all my emotions. They flooded so vigorously than before that I almost gnawed her lips with my teeth.

Xin Lei clutched my hair and kissed me back, matching my pace. I felt our turn breaths rapid but oddly synchronized. Her cheeks felt warm in my palms, and I tightly hugged her.

I chomped down on her lower lip and nipped it with my teeth in a straight line. Our misty gazes met for a moment, and instinctively we knew what to do next. We opened our mouths at the same time and meshed our tongues against each other.
