The ancient war

Lila let Nanna pulled her towards the storyteller's stall. The stall was surrounded but a lt of people and most of them were children who liked to watch the dolls move. They stood behind the kids who were seated comfortably on the ground enthusiastically waiting for the story to begin.

"What are the dolls for?" Nanna asked once she was able to get a good look at the stall.

"The dolls are the things that made the story very enjoyable and interesting." Lila said giggling as she saw Nanna's confused face. "They move as the storyteller narrate the story. They use magic for it, you will see." She added pointing at the stall. The crystals dimmed, the crowd went silent as the storyteller started to speak.

"A long, long time ago the world perished. The Lands became barren, people became hungry, many have died…" The dolls disappeared from the table and was replaced by a scene of dry and empty land as the storyteller narrates the story.

"The ancient beings were put into chaos when one of their kin became greedy and tried to wipe out everyone of them. This resulted to a war that lasted for many years." The storyteller said as the dolls appeared depicting the ancient beings moving fuidly like their alive acting to the story teller's narration.

"How did they stopped the war?" One child spoke from the crowd, he was unable to contain his curiosity. A girl beside her tried to stop him but she was too late.

Hearing what the child asked he spoke, "What do you think? How did they stopped the war?" The child thougt for a while then spoke with confidence, "A hero appeared!"

The storyteller chuckled and clapped his hands to the child's answer. "Yes, a hero appeared. A very unlikely hero." He said before he continued the story. The girl beside the child who spoke warned him to not interrupt the storyteller anymore.

"After so many years of fighting that strayed kin, the ancient beings found a very old writing about a prophecy. It was about a young lady, an omega born from a small kingdom. It was said that this young lady will be the key in defeating their kin." The scene was changed and a kingdom was shown. A doll transformed to a young wolf girl playing on the meadow.

"The ancient beings didn't hesitate and acted immedietaly looking for the one in the prophecy. When they found her, they can not believe it. The young lady in the prophecy was still a young girl looking weak and delicate. These made the ancient beings dismayed and skeptic of the prophecy, if it can be even trusted anymore." The crowd, still listeing intently, sighed as they got dismayed much like the ancient beings in the story. The storyteller smiled, this only meant that everyone was already caught in his story.

"When they were about to leave the kingdom, their kin who have learned about the prophecy, attacked the kingdom. The ancient beings fought him and his army alongside th kingdoms own knights. When they were about to be defeated, a light suddenly engulfed the whole kingdom." A blinding flash of light appeared making everyone watching covered their eyes after awhile they saw some of the dolls lifeless and some were still standing.

The storyteller continued, "Once the light was gone, they saw the young girl in the prophecy floating in the sky. She was not like the weak and delicate girl they saw earlier instead she looked fearless like a hero. When they looked for their kin, they saw him heavily injured…his army defeated only one of his most trusted was left."

"Did they kill them?" It was a different child, much younger. Children are naturally curious so the storyteller didn't get angry instead he smiled and answered the child.

"No, they did not." He said putting a frown on the child's face.

"If he was so bad why didn't they killed him so that it won't happen again?" The child asked again making the crowds murmur in agreement to him. This made the storyteller surprised how come a child can think of such thoughts. He shook his head but nonetheless he answered him.

"Because for the ancient beings everyone has a chance to change and since this one was one of them their hearts became soft. Instead of killing him, they banished and imprisoned him in an unknown mountain."

"What happened next?" Someone from the crowd asked.

The storyteller continued, "Due to what happened, they bestowed the young girl an ancient relic as a gift of gratitude for helping them defeat their kin. She was also given a kingdom of her own, living her life until its end."

The crowd was silent unable to comprehend the simple ending of the story but nonetheless it was interesting. The storyteller held out his hat and everyone who watched and listened his performance dropped an leon or two in it.

Nanna was fascinated by the performance but like the crowd she was disappointed on the simple ending of the story. Either way she enjoyed and dropped two leons in the storyteller's hat.

"So what do you think?" Lila asked her as she saw Nanna's facial expression changed a couple of times.

"It was very interesting and fascinating but somehow I didn't expect the story to have a very simple ending." Lila giggled at Nanna. "Well as long as you enjoyed it, it was still worth it wasn't it?" Nanna smiled and nodded her head.

During this whole time, Oswald and Clause stood not far from the stall. They were looking for the two earlier. After sometime of looking, they spotted them in the crowd of spectators in front of the storyteller's stall. Oswald decided to let them watched the performance after all girls like a good story, he said to Clause.

They approached the two once the story was finished, "Did you enjoyed it?" he asked them. The nodded their heads happily, clearly showing that they had enjoyed the storyteller's show.

"Let's get going. Its already very late." Clause said as he walked leaving them behind.

Lila, Nanna and Oswald looked at each other before following Clause closely. "He sure enjoyed going here and yet he's acting like he didn't liked it." Lila said frowning a little.

"Let him be. He's just shy to admit it." Oswald said. He made sure it was loud enough for Clause to hear. Clause sighed trying to not talk back to Oswald's teasing.

As they walked back Nanna, looked around occasionally. She was looking for Clive. She thought that she would be able to enjoy the trip with him around instead he immediately disappeared once they reached the village, this made Nanna sighed sadly.

Lila noticed Nanna as she looked around. She already knew who she was looking for. She also thought that this would help Nanna get a little closer to young master Clive but it didn't since he disappeared suddenly. She reached for Nanna's hand caressing it, comforting her. "Don't worry you'll have more chances in the future. At least you had fun."

Nanna smiled thankful Lila was beside her, "Yeah, I did. I was glad that we made this trip. I learned a lot and saw many interesting things."

"I'm glad both of you had fun as I had too." Oswald said as they carriage.

Clive was already there sitting inside. "Young master Clive how was your time at the village?" Oswald asked him with a slight teasing tone. "It was okay." Clive answered briefly before closing his eyes.

They all got in the carriage and made their way back ot the mansion. After arriving at the mansion, Lila and Nanna thanked Oswald and Clive for accompanying them to the village. They also thanked Curtis for bringing them there. Before they went inside the three bowed to the young masters then made their way towards their rooms.