The urgent matter

Oswald and Clive arrived at the study, they didn't really know if the two have waited for them but the urgent matter they needed to discuss with them cannot be delayed any longer.

Oswald knocked on the study room's door. "Do you think they have gone to sleep already?" Oswald asked Clive as no one answered when they knocked but before Clive could give and answer, Rem opened the door and greeted them warmly.

"How was the trip to the village?" Rem asked as he sat down on the sofa beside Leon, who was enjoying his midnight tea.

"It was fun. The little ones had enjoyed it." Oswald answered remembering the joyful faces of the two young ladies as well as the satisfied expression of Clause.

"That's good," It was Leon who spoke. "Now for the much more urgent matter you have to discuss with us."

"Right…about that…" Oswald started looking at Clive first, who stood leaning on the wall with his arms folded in front of him and his eyes closed, listening to them.

"Have you heard any strange rumors? Any strange rumors at all happening near the kingdom or any other town?" Rem looked at Leon before he shook his head. "No, we haven't heard anything strange going around."

"Then do you know of a town called Louka."

"Yes, the town was blessed with pasture and abundant vegetation. A lot of merchants coming from that town are selling their products here especially at the night market." Rem said recalling the first time he set foot on the town. "We've been there once. What about it?"

"Something strange happened at the town. No one really knew what exactly happened but some people have disappeared and most of them were magic users."

What Oswald had said, aroused Leon's interest. He placed his cup on the tea and attentively listened as Oswald continued.

"A group from my family's business was escorting a merchant to the town. At first, there was nothing amiss in the town. It was just like the last time they went there, peaceful, lively and the people were accommodating as always….not until their last night there."

"What happened at their last night?" Rem asked getting curious on the story.

"Their last night was different from the previous ones. At around midnight, everyone was woken up by a sound of a flute."

"A flute? In the middle of the night?" Rem pondered a little, this story sure is not simple.

"Yeah, that's what they said. They didn't paid much attention to it at first. They just thought that someone just wanted to play some tunes even though it made them wonder a little since it was already so late."

Oswald paused, making Rem and Leon looked at him wondering why Oswald had paused, "And?" Leon asked, he was clearly interested in the story which seldom happens.

Oswald smiled mischievously seeing Leon very interested, "You really want to know what happened next?" he teased them but he was clearly aiming it at Leon. Leon looked at Oswald realizing what Oswald was doing, this made his eyebrow twitched. He tried to hold back from knocking on Oswald's head into sense.

Rem looked back and forth from Oswald and Leon. He then chuckled a little knowing Oswald was teasing Leon. The story made Leon active and interested which was rare so no one can really blame Oswald into teasing Leon but he should clearly know what will happen to him if he continued, Rem thought making him sighed. He was about to speak but Leon spoke first.

"Are you going to continue or what?" Leon said in gritted teeth, his tone sharp and hinting. Oswald shivered a little from Leon's tone and look, so he didn't delay anymore and stopped teasing him as he continued his story, "Y-yeah, I'll continue…"

"Since they didn't mind it, they decided to go back to sleep but then the sound became strange. The soft tune was replaced by a shrill sound making their heads ached. The sound lasted for a while, that's what they said."

"The tune was changed…that only means that the one who was playing was up to something." Rem spoke of his conclusion from what Oswald had said.

"Yes, you are right. After they heard the sound, footsteps were heard outside. Two of their companions, walked out of the place they were staying. The strange thing about it was…they weren't like themselves…as if possessed by something."

Oswald paused causing Leon to glare at him. This made Oswald a bit panic, "Wait, I'm thirsty…You don't have to give me that look." He took a cup and poured himself a cup of tea before gulping it in one go. He surely shouldn't have teased the young master, Oswald thought, now he has reaped what he had sowed.

Oswald continued, "The knights said they tried calling out to their comrades but they didn't respond instead they just continued to walk out of the inn. Even when they tried to stop them they just shoved them out of the way."

���That is odd…very odd" Rem commented, "Was it the sound of the flute that made them like that?" Rem wasn't asking, it was just his guess. Anyone would have that guess after hearing the story so far.

"The group also thought that. They didn't think it was just a coincidence, a sound of a flute played out in the middle of the night then their comrades suddenly became listless and would even hurt them." Oswald said as he drank another cup of tea.

"What's even stranger than that was what happened next…The knights decided to follow them out while some stayed behind with the merchant in the inn. Those who followed their comrades noticed that it wasn't only their comrades who were walking like they have no care in the world. They saw others…travelers, some were even those who lived in the town. They tried to wake them up from whatever possessed them but they failed. The people just passed by them shoving them here and there."

"What did your knights do next?" It was Leon.

"Since they cannot do anything about them, they decided to go to the mayor and tell him what was happening but before they can even reach the mayor's dwelling, another shrilling sound was heard. They said this one was far greater than what they have heard before. It made their ears almost bled and their heads almost split in to two. That was the last thing they have heard before losing their consciousness."

"They fainted?" Oswald nodded his head. "Yes, they fainted on their way to the mayor's dwelling. When the sun was up in the sky, some townsfolks found them fainted in front of the mayor's house."

"When they were asked, what were they doing there fainted? They told them what happened that night. And you wouldn't believe what the mayor had said."

"What did he say?" Leon was getting impatient of Oswald as he stops here and there engaging them to participate in his story telling.

"Well…he said to forget about everything that had happened. There was nothing they can do now that their comrades were taken too. He also offered them a great sum of money just to keep them quiet."

"That's what the mayor had said? That's way too suspicious…Why would he go to such great lengths just to cover everything?"

"Since it's very suspicious, the knights didn't want to let it go too, after all their comrades were "taken" but before they can say anything more they were all thrown out of the town along with those who were all waiting at the inn. They went back immediately and told us what happened then we went to Clive and told him what happened in his majesty's presence."

After the long story, the room became quiet, everyone was deep in thought. At least, Rem and Leon were, as for Oswald he was leaning on the sofa across the two relaxing like his energy was sucked out from him after telling the story. Clive on the other hand had opened his eyes observing Rem and Leon. He then spoke.

"You clearly learned that this was very suspicious and alarming that is why his majesty appointed me to lead an investigation of this incident."

"What's that got to do with us?" He paused a little looking at his cup of tea before continuing, "We are just humble lords who own a piece of land and manages a small village. It is true that the incident picked my interest and is very suspicious and alarming as you've said but I don't have authority over this incident even more so Rem." He placed his cup on the table before leaning back on the sofa, his arms folded in front of him his legs crossed and eyes focused on Clive.

Clive looked at Leon head on, he was never scared of this young master's imposing aura, he just chose to ignore it and Leon know this well too.

Leon was right though, they don't have authority on this matter but regardless they need to participate in the investigation as it was what his majesty had ordered. In addition, he had a reputation of meddling into difficult things that lead to all of them getting in to awkward and difficult situations in the past.

"I don't think you wouldn't know why you two need to join this investigation. His majesty ordered it. Also, Rem's expertise as well as yours are needed to get to the bottom of this in addition his majesty wanted my most trusted." Clive said hoping this was an enough reason for Leon.

Rem sighed placing his hand on Leon's that made him relaxed a bit and looked at Rem who was looking back with a small smile, "This will be fun plus I meant to go there too, to pick up the fabrics I have ordered and it's not like you don't want to go."

Leon sighed looking at Rem the at Clive, "You heard that? We don't have a choice anyways. So, when are we going?"