Departure and Minow Village

Clive knew that even though they have been friends for a longtime, Leon won't easily agree without any question. He would need to have a good enough reason first, especially if the request was going to be dangerous, and then that's the only time he will consider everything, that's how Leon's mind worked.

"We are going to Louka town after two days." Clive said thinking they needed to prepare well before they embark on their small journey.

Oswald looked at everyone. He sighed in relief after everything has been settled. He really thought that Leon won't help but good thing Rem intervened and convinced him, otherwise Clive might need an edict from his majesty to force Leon to accept the request.

"Now that everything has been settled. I'll go and retire to my room." Oswald said as he stood and was about to made his way towards the door when Clive spoke again. "You are also coming with us Oswald." He said firmly before Oswald opened the door.

"EH?! Why do I need to come too?" Oswald asked. He thought he was just there to help him in telling the story and to try and convinced the two to come with him. He didn't intend to tag along with this investigation, at least not this one since he really has a lot of things to do back home, everything has filed up.

Rem chuckled at Oswald's reaction, "Have you been busy young master Oswald?" He teased knowing Oswald's father somehow always made the guy drown in paper works. He wasn't the oldest to begin with but he was the naughtiest among the Reinger family, maybe that's why his father always made sure he will stay in his study for the good of the business.

Oswald awkwardly chuckled knowing he was being teased, "Y-yeah…Kind of…Father gave me a lot of work to do, now that big brother went out to enjoy his marriage for a little while. I don't think father will agree."

"He already agreed." Clive said. He asked master Reinger the day before they decided to come and ask Rem and Leon for their help. He knew Oswald would find a way to refuse in participating in the investigation. "He also said that, it is your duty to know what happened to the knights that day since they all worked in your family."

"When did you-", Oswald cut himself off. He thought, if it's Clive he must have done this some days ago even before they come here. "Fine, if father agreed I don't have any choice otherwise he will just drag me to come with you." He sighed.

It was not like he did not like to come but the paper works and his free time, he thought. Anyway, this wouldn't be a bad idea he can play around a little at Louka. Oswald smiled to himself thinking of things he can do at Louka.

"Now that has been settled, let us all go and retire we have busy days ahead of us." Everyone agreed. They all went to their respective rooms and retired for the night.

-The day of the departure-

"Nanna hurry up! The young masters might leave and forget their blankets." Lila said as they hurriedly made their way down the stairs carrying some of the things the young masters need on their journey.

"Yes! Yes! I'm right behind you…but do they really need this much?" Nanna asked as she looked at the blankets she was holding. "They do! We don't want them being cold, do we?"

"Whoa there little ones!" A helper in the mansion said as he moved out of the way of the two ladies as they both hurried to the front of the mansion. "Be careful or you might end up getting hurt!" he warned them as he saw them almost tripping on their way down the stairs.

"We will…Thanks", the two shouted in unison as they made their way towards the carriage in front of the mansion where everyone was waiting.

The two panted as they handed the blankets to Curtis who placed them at the back of the carriage.

"Do we have everything that we needed?" Leon asked Curtis who was about to go inside the carriage.

"Yes, master. We already have everything we need. We can depart whenever you are ready." Curtis answered respectfully after checking all the luggage he just placed at the back of the carriage.

"Good…Let's get moving." Leon ordered before climbing inside the carriage waiting for the others to go inside as well.

Rem walked to Lila and Nanna who has calmed down and were both standing aside.

"The two of you be good and don't make trouble with everyone. If you need something go ask Ms. Langrin." He said towards them as he patted their heads before going inside the carriage.

The two nodded their heads, "We will master Rem." Lila and Nanna said in unison as they smiled at Rem.

Leon looked at how Rem interacted with the two and thought that he really has a soft spot with kids, especially omega ones, maybe it's because he is an omega too. Leon was brought out of his thoughts when Rem asked, "Where will we meet Oswald and Clive?"

"They said they will be meeting as at Minow village tonight as they both need to settle things first." Leon said as he ordered Curtis to depart glancing at the two as before leaning back on the carriage making himself comfortable.

Curtis acknowledge the order and made the horses move. The two young ladies waved their hands and waited for the carriage to be out of sight before going back inside the mansion to continue their almost forgotten daily tasks.


Minow village is a small village a few miles from the Moon village. It is located beyond the hills of Ardula, beside the longest river in Arga kingdom, Karys river. Minow village is well known for its water berries as well for its fresh water creatures mainly the Pilan crab. Pilan crab is said to taste the sweetest when eaten fresh and when cooked the sweetness becomes subtle making it a favorite among the older generation. It is the main ingredient of the famous soup in Minow village, pilan soup.


Arriving at Minow village, Rem and Leon went directly at the only inn available in the village, the place where they agreed to meet up with Clive and Oswald.

As Curtis find a place to settle the carriage, Rem and Leon went ahead and reserved some rooms for them. Rem and Leon decided to take a rest first before checking out the whole village as they still have some time to spare before Oswald and Clive arrived.

Once Rem and Leon received the keys to the rooms they reserved, they waited for Curtis before handing him the key to his room and proceeded to their own room and rest.

The rooms they reserved has identical arrangements. The only difference were the beds, apart from Rem and Leon's room, all the rooms have single beds while Rem and Leon's has a bed large enough for the both of them. The rooms also have tables placed against the wall along with a chair.

"It's been awhile we were out like this." Rem started as he sat and lightly bounced on the bed testing out how soft it was.

Leon hummed as he checked the whole room not leaving a corner unturned as well as the view their window overlooked. It was a habit he acquired during his years of service under his majesty before he decided it was time for a change.

Before their conversation continued, a knock was heard on their door followed by Curtis' voice, "Masters it is Curtis bringing you your luggage."

Rem opened the door letting Curtis in as he settled their luggage at one corner of the room. Before Curtis leave their room Leon spoke, "You can have the rest of the day to yourself we will be checking out the village later. If you need anything just ask downstairs." Curtis thanked them before making his way to his room.

Rem checked their luggage chuckling as he saw a lot of things were packed neatly. "What is it?" Leon asked seeing Rem chuckling as he rummaged their luggage.

"Well, it's nothing really it's just that Lila and Nanna packed too many of our things. Its either they don't know that we won't be out too long or they just over packed thinking we will be uncomfortable on our journey. Whatever the reason, we have too many things here good thing we have a carriage otherwise we won't bring all of these." He chuckled again thinking he should be packing their things next time.

Leon nodded as he made himself comfortable on the bed calling out to Rem, "Come here and let those things be. I want to rest for a moment before we walk around."

Rem looked at Leon and smiled. He made his way towards the bed slipping beside him. "We should do this often."

"Do this often? Helping in Clive's work?" Leon asked, his eyes closed as relaxing on Rem's embrace.

"No silly. Resting! Having a trip!" Rem frowned a little before relaxing beside Leon as he hugged him while Leon hummed in response.

The two quickly drifted off to dreamland after their conversation.