Something suspicious

Leon and Clive walked the busy streets of Louka. It was already dusk but the townspeople, instead of heading back to their homes, roamed around the streets and enjoyed the night market which Louka boast of. It was really a sight to see.

As they made their way towards the tavern, without any prior notice, Leon suddenly stepped to his left before a very familiar figure stumbled down on the ground and whined loudly. "Master!~"

It was the black-haired boy. He was on the ground with his face scrunched up as he grumbled while he stood up.

The orange-haired boy arrived not too long and it was clear to him what had happened. It was a very common occurrence whenever the two would meet and it was already set in stone what would happen.

As familiars, they were bound to their masters by a contract. These contracts acts as protection to both master and familiar. One clause in the contract was once completed both parties will be able to sense each other's presence.

Even though this friend of his knew of this, he still tried to surprise his master. The orange-haired boy's only shook his head as he does not kno what to think of his friend's antics.

Clive who was used to all this, reached out a hand to the black-haired boy but he already stood up. "Another failed attempt." He stated as the black-haired boy continued to dust himself.

"Have you finished your assignment?" Leon who just watched them asked.

The two boys nodded their heads, "Yes, we have!" The black-haired boy exclaimed confidently.

"Let's not talk here. Wait for us at the inn. We have somewhere to be first." Leon said before he continued to walk towards to where the tavern is.

But before he could go far, he felt someone latched himself on his leg that made it hard for him to walk. He was about to ignore it but there were too many people they will surely catch their attention.

Leon sighed as he thought why did he had to get this one. He picked the boy up on his collar and looked at him firmly. The boy only smiled sheepishly knowing his master already agreed.

"I'll allow it on one condition." He announced to them as he placed the black-haired boy on his feet. The two attentively listened to what Leon was about to say. "Don't make any trouble."

The two nodded their heads. The black-haired boy grinned satisfied at his accomplishment.

"What are you waiting for?" Leon said, already a few feet away from the two boys with Clive quietly beside him who stopped as Leon called for the two boys.

He looked at Leon a small smile on his face. Leon may look scary but he sure has a soft spot he thought. "What are you smiling for?" Leon snarled at Clive, his eyes not even on the other, but Clive only shrugged his shoulder.

The two boys followed suit and made their way to the tavern where they might get more information on what they were investigating. Little did they know that the night will be very "fruitful."


After the commotion Curtis witnessed at the market, he decided to take a break. It was already past noon and he hadn't eaten anything since his breakfast.

Curtis roamed the market more before he saw a food stall that sold faltcakes. The flatcakes, to him, were very fragrant. The sweet smell lured him to the stall and made him bought enough for three people.

The vendor smiled at him and gave him an extra, "I'm glad you liked them. Here is another one be sure to enjoy it well with your family."

Curtis sheepishly smiled as he never intended it to share it to anyone, that's how hungry he was but never the less he thanked the vendor and made his way to somewhere he could enjoy his flatcakes peacefully.

He found one in an alley, a stoned staircase. He sat at one of the steps at the further end as to not disturbed those who passed by.

When Curtis was about to stuff his last flatcake in his mouth, he heard people argue. It sounded distant. He was about to ignore it and stood up from where he sat but then the argument became louder.

He sighed and cursed under his breath. His curiosity kicked in and decided to see if he could help out or something. He looked for the voices that made him go further in the alley until he met with the scene that was just at the corner.

Before he stepped in, Curtis peeked from behind the wall to assess what was happening. He maybe a curious cat but he was not a very brave one.

Curtis saw a man struggled on the hold of what seemed like knights of the town. The two knights dragged the man opposite to where Curtis was. He was contemplating if he should follow but even before he could decide on what to do the man tried to pry himself from the knights with magic but it didn't helped much.

The mage struggled to use his magic. It was as if he was drunk on something that made his magic unreliable. Then and there Curtis realized something. Without any delay, Curtis followed them closely. This will be a crucial thing in their investigation he thought so he needed to do this properly.

The knights, irritated by the man, smacked him on the back of his head that rendered him unconscious. One of them picked him up and swung him on one of his shoulder.

Curtis was surprised his expression then turned cold. It was clear that these knights were up to something suspicious.

The more he followed them, the more they get further away from the town itself. Not long ago, they had entered a forest.

When Curtis looked back he was able to see the town from a high place. It seemed like he was following them up the mountain that was at the back of the town.

After sometime, the two knights stopped and looked around. "What is it?" One knight asked.

"Nothing I thought I felt something like someone was following us. I've felt this from earlier but brushed it." The other one answered.

His comrade chuckled a little, "You are imaging things. Who would follow us here? Everyone knows not to disturb the knights. Now come they sure are waiting for us."

"I'm sure I've felt something." The other knight mumbled. He looked one last time behind them before he followed his comrade further in the forest.

Curtis quickly hid behind a large tree, his heart seemed like it was about to come out of his chest as he waited for the knights to move again.

He sighed in relief once he heard their footsteps as those get further away. He peeked from where he was and saw the back of the knights go deeper in the forest. He sighed in relief as he was not discovered yet.

He took a deep breath and carefully made his way in the forest but it was not that far when he heard more voices. This made him hid behind a tree again but made sure it was near enough for him to hear them.

"Finally!" One knight exclaimed as he saw two knights emerged from behind the bushes.

"What took you so long?" He asked them as they got closer.

"We got held up by this one." One of the knights who arrived said as he poked the mage on his comrade's shoulder. "He was a feisty one."

"Whatever go bring that inside and exchanged with us. I'm itching to get something to drink." The other knight said as relieved the tension on his neck.

"Ok, ok. We'll just bring this in and then you can go once we comeback." The other said as he shook his head. He led the other knight who was with him inside the small house.

Curtis who tried to peek in from behind his hiding place, saw a dark hallway once the door was opened. A sickening stench of rusting metal invaded his nose suddenly and quickly left after the door was closed. This made his whole body shiver in disgust and fear.

Whatever was in that small house was something beyond his comprehension. It was clear that these knights were involved with the disappearances but what puzzled him was the lack of the sound of the flute.

He was informed beforehand of what had happened in the town but there was no sound of flute as they made their way there. It really confused him but before he could think more the two knights emerged from the door, frowns on their faces.

"Damn! It reeks in there." One knight said as the two who were outside the whole time only chuckled.

"Get used to it." The other knight said as he and his comrade left their post but before they can get any further a high-pitched and piercing cry echoed from within the house.

The knights looked at each other with astonishment and fear evident on their faces. Curtis's expression was no different from the knights'.

After sometime, one knight chuckled nervously, "No worries it's just ha-"his sentence was cut-off by a loud explosion-like noise that came within the house followed by another ear-piercing cry that sent shivers down their spines.