Related things

This made Curtis' hairs stand up as the thought of the mayor murdering people for something or someone surely didn't sit with him. The two knights who disappeared in the dim hallway like they were engulfed by the darkness emerged and not long Curtis heard another shrilling scream that made his hairs stand up even more.

The scream was of desperation and fear as if the voice was corned and ravaged by a wild beast.

This made Curtis sure that something was inside that shed and the mayor was protecting it or housing it otherwise why would there be knights stationed there.

After learning everything, Curtis decided it was time to go back and meet with his masters and relay the things he had witnessed here.

But before he could go far without being noticed, he felt the ground shake and heard a loud explosion-like noise that came from behind him. He looked back at the shed that was still visible from where he stood. It was almost destroyed, the guards were all on the ground unconscious.

Curtis was behind the bushes when he heard the loud noise. A cloud of dust came running at him as something came out from on top of the building through the dust soaring to the sky.

Curtis was not able to make out what it was since the sun had almost set. He was also busy as he protected himself from the wave of dust that came at him.

After some time, the whole forest became quiet and still. Not even the sound of small animals can be heard.

Curtis peeked from where he hid and looked at the building. The building, even though it was small, was almost destroyed. The ceiling caved in on the part where the being came from but the walls were still somewhat intact.

The knights, who were near the building, had all woken up and came to their senses. Their faces showed fear, panic and confusion.

"What happened?" One knight said as one came out of the building after sometime.

"It's gone." This knight came to check the inside of the shed after he recovered from the shock.

"What do you mean it's gone?"

"I looked in every nook and cranny of the whole room and I couldn't find it. It was nowhere to be found! Clearly it was the one that got away." The knight said as he pointed to the sky.

"We are so screwed. The mayor won't let us get away with this." The knight who seemed the leader said.

He looked to where the creature flew. The creature flew towards the town.

"What are you all waiting for? Move!" He said as he thought of ways to subdue the creature. They must find a way otherwise there won't be a town by sunrise tomorrow.

Curtis on the other hand, hid as the knights passed by the tree that concealed his location. He heard some parts of the knights' conversations.

If he understood them well the creature who came out from the small building was something related to or at least something the mayor knew about the existence of.

Curtis deduced that whatever was in the building was a key to the disappearances or at least both things were related. He let the knights leave first and waited for a couple of moments before he himself moved towards the town. His destination was the place where his masters were, the tavern.


As the night slowly engulfed the town of Louka, people started their nightly agendas. At one of the most well sought places, people happily enjoyed themselves unknowing of the dreadful events that will take place at the dead of night.


The door flung and revealed a very loud and energetic boy beside him was another one. This one was rather timid looking but his sharp clear gaze indicated otherwise. It gave chills to anyone like they were being examined inside and out. Not long, two men came behind them and both were outstanding looking. One exuded calmness and the other exuded arrogance but both had a nobility-air in them despite their commoner clothes.

"Let's find a place to sit." Leon not minding where the two children went.

Everyone's gaze fixed on the two men as they looked for a place to rest and enjoy their meal. On the other hand the two boys, who came in first, went straight to the counter. They climbed the tall stools and settled there. The tavern manager was surprised at the two boys but nonetheless he served them well. After all, a customer will always be a customer regardless of age.

"How may I be of service to you young lads?" He uttered with his most pleasant smile. Having a big build and a scruffy face made some people afraid of him, especially children but these two boys in front of him didn't show any. Instead they bravely sat on the stools and with a bright smile, at least one of them, they spoke.

"Oh, I thought kids are not allowed here?" One of the boys asked as he made himself comfortable on the stool.

The tavern manager chuckled at the query. Did someone tell these children that they cannot go in the tavern 'cause they're children? He thought that made him laugh more.

The orange haired boy frowned , "Was my question a little dumb?"

The tavern manager stopped laughing and now showed a surprised expression. "It was not dumb. I was surprised at it. Anyone can enter this place even if you are children. It's just that you cannot have anything that-" He paused a little and looked for some men who were already drunk and continued. "You cannot have the drinks those men were having." He said as he pointed at the men who he saw earlier that were now drunk and singing incoherently.

The two boys looked to where the tavern manager was pointing and nodded their heads.

"But can we have something to drink, we prefer the special though. " The orange haired boy asked if this tavern had a special drink for children since the tavern manager clearly said they cannot have alcohol which to him was the special.

The tavern manager chuckled again but this time it was not as loudly as earlier, "For you guys? Yes we do. But do you really want the special?" He clarified, earning a nod from the two boys.

"As you say!" The man reached for two glasses. He took a container double the size of the glasses and poured liquids inside. He shook it, after a while poured its contents into the two glasses in front of the children.

"There you go, our specialty, dragon's blood." The tavern manager proudly presented them their drink and waited for their reaction.

The orange haired boy who looked at the man in front of him, sniffed the glass a few inches from him. "This is so red almost like blood it doesn't smell like one. Are you sure we can drink this?" He said as he closely looked at it. "You're not playing tricks on us just because we are children?" He added as he cast a doubtful look at the man.

The man chuckled as he saw his face but before he can say anything the black haired boy beside the orange one spoke, "You are the one who wanted it and now you are doubting the tavern manager. Where are your manners? Did you leave it outside?" He criticized the other but he himself looked at his glass doubtfully.

"But look it's really like blood, it's so red that I feel like I can smell blood from it but surprisingly it doesn't smell like one rather it smells sweet but still he might be just tricking us." The orange haired boy said ignoring the tone the black haired boy used.

The man relaxed a bit as he heard the orange haired boy. It seemed like the two were really close and they seemed like they're like this on a daily basis.

"Now, now! Let's not argue about it. Firstly, I'm not tricking you. The drinks in front of you is our specialty. Secondly, a customer is a customer regardless of their age or status. Now why don't the two of you taste them." He said as he failed in getting a surprised expression from the two instead he got a doubtful look then a curious one. These boys sure are unlike others.

At one corner of the tavern, Leon and Clive already found a place to sit. Moreover they found a place beside Oswald and Rem's table. Since they all posed like they did not know each other, Oswald was only able to look at them briefly. Rem acknowledged their presence with a nod as he enjoyed his tea.

Not long, a servant girl approached Leon and Clive. She took their orders and made her way to the counter and placed the two's orders.

As the two waited for their orders, they observed the people inside. They were both looking for the one called oldman Yershie but to their dismay they can't seem to locate him.

The waitress already came back with their orders and still no sign of the man. Before she could remove herself from their sight Clive asked her, " By any chance is old man Yershie around?"

The waitress nodded her head. She was a little surprised by their question but nonetheless she pointed to a man who sat on another corner of the tavern. The four of them looked to where she pointed at and saw a man probably in his late 50's eating and drinking by himself.

Clive thanked the waitress and let her go not before telling her to ask the orders of the two boys in the bar.