"Ichiro of the Yoshima Clan"

November 13, 2095-

[Time: 2:30 am ]

Yoshima Clan's Safe House

Yamada was a former secret agent turned yakuza member, and he was no stranger to dangerous situations. But this one is different. He's outnumbered, outgunned, and facing opponents that are far more advanced than anything he had ever encountered.

Without warning, agent Nightingale appeared before him, wielding a Wakizashi, a shorter version of a katana. Her team of humanoids stood behind her, their weapons trained on him.

Yamada knew that he was in trouble. He raised his own weapon, a personalized pistol, and fired a few shots in their direction. But the humanoids were too fast for him. They dodged his shots with ease, closing in on him with deadly precision.

Yamada backed away, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he had to stay calm if he was going to survive this fight. He took a deep breath, focusing his mind on the task at hand.

Nightingale moved forward, her Wakizashi flashing in the light. Yamada dodged her first strike, then lunged forward with a quick attack of his own. Nightingale blocked his blow with ease, then retaliated with a fierce counterattack.

Yamada barely had time to react as Nightingale's blade sliced through the air, cutting through his shoulder. He stumbled backward, stunned by the sudden pain.

But he refused to give up. With a fierce determination, Yamada stepped forward, raising his pistol to meet Nightingale's blade.

Their weapons clashed together in a shower of sparks, the sound echoing through the empty building. Yamada could feel the weight of Nightingale's strength behind her strikes, but he knew that he could not back down.

Nightingale was momentarily caught off guard, but she quickly recovered, spinning around to face her attackers. Her Wakizashi flashed in the light as she sliced through the air, narrowly missing Yamada's head.

Yamada knew that he needed to end this quickly. He feinted to the left, then lunged forward with a series of quick strikes. Nightingale blocked each blow with ease, but Yamada could see that she was getting tired.

He saw his opening and lunged forward, aiming a blow at Nightingale's chest.

She deflected Yamada's blow and swung her weapon on Yamada.

Yamada barely had time to react as Nightingale's blade sliced through, cutting through his chest. He stumbled backward, as he felt the sting of the blade.

Then the humanoids moved in to support Nightingale, firing their weapons at Yamada with deadly accuracy. But Yamada was too fast for them. He dodged their shots, firing back with a calm precision that belied the chaos of the situation.

Then suddenly, the humanoid's formation changed. Their eyes started to glow a bright red color.


The humanoids suddenly began to fight differently. They started to move too fast for Yamada to keep up. They swarmed around him, their weapons striking him from all sides.

Yamada fought back with all his might, but it was no use. Nightingale's team was too advanced, their movements too precise. They quickly disarmed him, taking away his pistol and leaving him defenseless.

With a final blow, Nightingale's blade struck Yamada's chest. He fell to the ground, his body wracked with pain.

Nightingale stood over him, her expression unreadable. She had won, and she knew it. Yamada knew it too. He had underestimated his opponent, and it was a fatal mistake.

As Agent Nightingale and her team were about to deliver the final blow to Yamada, the door to the safe house burst open.

"Ichiro-sama," Nightingale said, slightly stunned. "What are you doing here?"

They were caught off guard by Ichiro's sudden appearance.

"Scanning for Identification," one of the robot-like men beamed a red light towards Ichiro.

Ichiro said nothing, but instead drew his katana with lightning speed and charged at Nightingale with ferocity. Because of this, Nightingale and her team couldn't react quickly enough and were stunned by his sudden attack and were quickly overpowered by his skill and speed.

Ichiro charged at Nightingale with ferocity . Her team tried to intercept him, but they were quickly cut down by his deadly sword strikes. The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the room as Ichiro fought with unmatched skill and precision.

Nightingale watched in shock as her team was systematically destroyed by Ichiro's onslaught. She had never seen anyone fight like this before, not even among the best agents in her organization. It was clear that Ichiro was not just a skilled fighter, but a true warrior who had trained for years to hone his craft.

As the last of Nightingale's team fell to the ground, Ichiro turned his attention to Nightingale herself. She stood her ground, brandishing her Wakizashi with determination.

As Ichiro pushed her back, Nightingale knew that she was outmatched. She could see that he was a skilled fighter, far more experienced than anyone on her team. But she refused to give up, and continued to fight back with all her strength.

The two warriors circled each other, sizing up their opponent. Ichiro moved first, his katana flashing through the air in a flurry of deadly strikes. Nightingale blocked each attack with her Wakizashi, but she could feel the force behind each blow. Ichiro was stronger than she had anticipated.

Nightingale retaliated with a series of quick strikes, but Ichiro parried each one effortlessly. She could feel herself tiring, her arms growing heavy with each passing second. She knew that she couldn't keep this up forever.

Nightingale herself barely managed to dodge Ichiro's attacks, her Wakizashi clashing against his katana with a loud metallic clang. She had heard rumors about Ichiro's skills, but she had never witnessed them firsthand. Now she knew that those rumors were true

Finally, with a swift movement, Ichiro disarmed Nightingale and held his katana to her throat. "It's over," he said, his voice cold and unyielding.

Nightingale glared at him, her eyes burning with anger and frustration.

Ichiro withdrew his katana and turned to Yamada. "Are you alright, Yamada-san?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.

Then out of nowhere, Nightingale burst into laughter.

"AHAHAHAAH! Do you realize it's that easy, young master of the Yoshima Clan?!"

Ichiro turned back towards her.

"Enough, agent. You've lost. Now go, before I change my mind about sparing your life."

Covered in blood, Agent Nightingale forced herself to stand up. Then, he grinned at Ichiro.

"You are arrogant, just like your father. That is why you will go down the same way."

Ichiro had enough of Nightingale and once again drew out his sword on her.

"Do you really think it's that easy to finish me and my team off?! HAHAHAHAHA! WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED!"

"ICHIRO, BEHIND YOU!" Yamada yelled towards Ichiro.

Ichiro's eyes sprung, as he could not believe what he was seeing.


From being broken to pieces, the humanoid agents... are slowly rebuilding.