Set in a cyber world where creating humanoids as weapons are outlawed and most of the country's regions are controlled by organized crime syndicates, Ichiro Yoshima, son of an infamous yakuza leader, was declared missing after an incident caused him to annihilate multiple government-owned Android agents, earning him the nickname "Nightmare of Shadows".
After a year of hiding, Ichiro resurfaces to complete one final mission in able for him to be freed from his life of organized crime. His mission is to pass off as an agent and kill the man behind the creation of an illegal humanoid army known as "The Shadowdroids." But first, he needs to enroll as a student in an Academy for special agents.
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading Agent Yakuza! I would like to apologize for the inconsistency of updates but I promise that I would try to add more chapters as soon as I can. Thank you and I hope you'll continue on reading! 😍🥰
OH MY!? This story is really exciting! I hope you can update more often because I can't get enough of it! Looking forward for the next chapters? 💖
It's my first time reading this genre and I must say I'm enjoying it so far. Sure there's still room for improvement but I know you'll get better soon enough. Can't wait for the next updates!
Enjoyed reading it! It's refreshing to read a different genre. Keep it up! Needs more improvement but it was a good read. Looking forward to the next chapter! 😊😊
The first chapter was a little bit unpolished but with enough practice and more experience I think it will be a great story once it is completed so far I enjoyed reading it, hoping for more chapters
This is my first time reading this kind of genre, I can say that this has a lot of potential but still needs improvement. Looking forward for the updates! [img=recommend][img=update]
Hi! This is kera, an editor of the international writing contest SWA II. I believe your book has great potential, so I invited you to join in a week ago. Please reply to me so I can discuss this with you in detail.