An Offer You Can't Refuse

I bet Zelretch would laugh at me if he saw me using Kaleidoscope to dive underwater to dig someone's "trash".

Maybe he is laughing, Alaya did mention some detestable vampire asked her to listen me so he's probably watching...

That doesn't make me relax at all.

In the end I found three swords and a spear, I was kinda expecting four of each but I am not complaining, they're still radiating powerful auras.

I put them in my inventory hopping Zelretch won't "Borrow" them, not like I can protect myself from him if he decided to mess with me or steal from me.

Now, let's see where did Touko Aozaki lived and is she still in contact with Shiki Ryougi?


I located Touko Aozaki in an Island... I guess she's in hiding thankfully I knew she was in Miyama Town, I need to pinpoint people if I want to follow them in Post Cognition.

It's not a requirement but I am not skilled enough yet.

The reason I am not just walking up to Shiki and talking to her is that she would just slice me apart and be done with it I believe she should be living happily with her husband and daughter around these times.

I will be sad to separate her from her family but her eyes can kill Angra Mainyu without destroying the grail.

Also I rather not meet her in person I read the Wiki Page and it was enough to scare me.

Let's hope Touko would accept Noble Phantasm as payment.

While I was going to the bus station I saw a big red box with a goofy "Z" painted on it...

Really Zelretch...

Opening it up I see that there books in the box, books about Magecraft but mostly about Gemcraft and there's a note.

[I am not going to take you as a disciple but it hurts to watch you run around like this have these books, study them and show me something amusing.

Yours Truly, Zelretch.]

I don't know if I should be happy not being his disciple or get angry over him watching me like a reality show, it's totally different from being a fancfic MC.

Sighing I put the books in my inventory, at least he won't be messing with me much since I am amusing to him.

So I travelled for the rest of the week while reading the books Zelretch graciously offered, some of them were focused on theory but at least I got structural analysis, self hypnosis and memory alteration just in case I got seen.

On the Gemcraft side of things I don't really have gems with me so, I was just reading it but, this is going to be my main focus on Magecraft side of things since you can just make a gem tied to Kaleidoscope outputting infinite energy.

One should not be mistaken, Kaleidoscope connects one to the infinity of creation, infinite possibilities, one can draw anything from it as long as they know how so, I can just make gems for clean energy or let's say I went to RWBY and got Aura, I can use Kaleidoscope to draw Aura from it to replenish my own reserves.

This magic is broken but hard to use at the same time...

Speaking of Aura, I should stop by there and get my Aura unlocked that thing is just too useful.


I arrived at the nameless island, fine it has a name but I didn't bother to learn it. There's a small community of fishers and such that's living on the island.

Touko is living on the end of the island in a small house, I am not sure if she's hiding from Mage's Association or just found something here that got her interest.

I honestly don't care but I need Shiki and she's the only person I know that can help me contact her.

After all Shiki's prosthetic arm must be in need of maintenance.

Couldn't I ask Shiki Tohno, well if I remember ending of Tsukihime is close to beginning of Fate/Stay Night, so he is probably not available and I think he would be even harder to convince, after all he is probably banging one of the heroines at this time around...

[You really need to get laid Master]

'Please don't remind me Cortana'

I have already tripped the alarm bounded fields around the island, so I wasn't surprised to find Touko waiting at the door but I wasn't expecting her to have a smile on her face.

"What is this, they couldn't catch me with Enforcers now they're trying Honeypots, unfortunately my sister is the shotacon." I am going ignore that last part.

"I am not with Mage's Association, I am here for a trade."

"What are you looking for exactly?"

"I need somethings need some inhuman things dead and they can't be killed through conventional means"

"Well, you got to the wrong person now sit back while I erase your memories, you're lucky that I am not killing you"

"Humanity's survival depends on it." Once I said this I felt like someone was watching me, Touko felt it as well judging by her expression and my right hand started to burn as a blue circle carved itself there.

I faintly heard Alaya's voice in my ear calling me "Cute"

"I presume this is enough evidence" She clicked her tongue before gesturing me inside.

I followed while thinking why Alaya helped me out with this...


Sitting down Touko lit a cigarette.

"Alright, fate of humanity I buy it. What do you want from me?"

"Can you contact Shiki Ryougi?"

"Shit, I should have guessed, she would have sliced you apart if you had gone to her directly, fine what is your payment"

She just got threatened by the world and she's still asking for payment.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that magus are shameless.

"I happened to aquire a Noble Phantasm straight out of King Gilgamesh's treasury, well it's been left underwater for the past ten years but it still holds it's mystery"

"Show me" She seems genuinely interested, good.

I took out the spear, I am planing on giving two of the swords to Rin and Sakura, since I will be taking the grail and I will probably kill Shinji.

I never killed but I need to get used to it somehow and Shinji is a prime target...

Well on the other hand just thinking about it makes me sick, let's shelve the killing for a while.

Sensing the spears magical energy Touko didn't even ask where I just pulled it, to her it doesn't matter if it came out of my ass at this point.

The only problem I have with these NPs is that I don't know what they do.

Like what if this spear is Gae Bolg Prototype...

It can't be since it's pure white spear but you get my idea, maybe I should've gotten Shirou to use his version of Structural analysis.

"Okay it's an acceptable payment, what needs dying?" Acceptable she says.

"A five hundred years old worm magus and manifestation of every evil of humanity."

"I got the secons but what about the worm?"

"Let's explain it like this, Holy Grail got tainted during the third war and almost killed off humanity during the Fouth war and this worm Matou Zouken got a piece of the black grail and implanted in the womb of her adopted 6 year old granddaughter while planting his main worm body into her heart his plan is to take her body once she becomes the grail to attain immortality..."

I was somehow able to rile up Touko with this story.

"The grail piece inside the girl is connected to Angra Mainyu, Shiki just needs to make two knife cuts on the girl to kill the worm and save the world"

It's actually easier than expected the problem is going to be wining the war but I will probably have four or five servants on my side.

"Okay that can be arranged how's her defenses"

"Nothing... Zouken is just using her as prana factory by infesting her with worms and a future heir breeder just in case his plan fails from what I gathered even her step brother touched her at least once"

Touko broke the pen in her hand.

"Well, you got me on your side." I just remembered something.

"By the way can you make a puppet body for me it's personal."

"Just tell me why and I will give you a price"

"You see one of the people that helped me is adopted son of Mage Killer and his sister is the next grail, girl is going to sacrifice herself. I was planning on using the third while grail is active to put her soul in a puppet"

"That would take another NP from you unfortunately you don't have ..." She couldn't finish due to me pulling out another NP out of my inventory.

I might not like Prisma Illya, Illyasviel but Fate Stay Night Illya is tragic and deserves a chance at normal life.

"To think you'd sacrifice such thing for one girl, you can't be a good magus if you're this soft you know"

"It's fine I am not a magus anyway."

"Really than what are you"

"At least let me keep some secrets."

"Fine when do you want this to happen."

"War starts in 7 weeks it would be better if it was finished before the war started"

"Got it, it's enough time, leave me the info of this girl I will talk to Shiki, with that kind of back story I don't even have to pay him isn't that awesome" Okay she's really heartless.

"I am leaving a bag of coffee beans for you it's my own harvest"

"Whatever kid go away I have business to do"

I left two bags one for Touko and the other is for Zelretch, knowing him he would want one as well.

With my job and trolling finished I left the island now I need to get Medea and save Bazzet also make sure she doesn't take advantage of Shirou and live with him, that always pissed me off.

Wiki literally says "Taking advantage of his good nature she lived in Shirou's house"


(Touko POV)

I can't believe I got my hands on two Noble Phantasms! TWO! That kid had no idea how valuable they're I got them practically for free.

I took a breath to calm myself, he's being backed by Counter Force so maybe he's really not a magus and doesn't have any idea what's going on.

I looked towards the coffee he left, he said he's leaving one bag why is there two bags.

"Why did he left two?"

"Haha it's for me Miss Touko"


Who's that, Zelretch! What's he doing here?

"May I ask what are you doing here Wizard Marshall?"

"I am watching that young Magician and how can I ignore his gift when he left it for me, good day Miss Touko."

Saying his part Wizard Marshall left like he was never here...

He said young magician! That kid is a magician, how long was I out of touch from the world that I never heard about another Magician.

Anyway it's okay not like I offended anyone and I even profited yeah.

Now let's look at this gift, it must be some coffee if Wizard Marshall took an interest.

*Bag Opens*

"We're free lads, onwards to our consumers! Ah young lady could you lend us a hand and brew us. We are...."

*Bag Closes*

"I need a drink, something strong"