Low Wisdom Stats

I wasn't expecting the whole deal to be hiring an Assassin, I actually thought I would have to accompany Touko and Shiki while they did their thing in Fuyuki and calm down Shirou while they played around Sakura's body.

Then Touko somehow decides to have the grail herself since she wants to reach the root and we have to fight her then she somehow gets Gilgamesh and Berserker on her side...

[Master your imagination is running wild]

Thankfully that didn't happen, now that I came back to Fuyuki and there's 6 weeks before the war.

From what I know there's two weeks before Caster is summoned, I can just scout the city find the master and get Medea after she killed her master.

How should I talk to Medea, that is going to be problematic, since she doesn't like being used or lied to I have be honest with her and I do think she's beautiful...


Anyway as long as I am honest with her alongside the mark Alaya put on my hand I should be able get her loyalty.

For now I am going to finish the books I got from Zelretch and try out Gemcraft with the gems I bought...

It was a bit pitiful that I had to hypnotise the salesperson to make him think a 15 year old buying store full of gems and paying it in cash was a pretty normal stuff...

In summary I have enough gems to do magecraft I am not necessarily tied to Gemcraft but it has good applications once I got it down and I will do some research since I saw some books related to Imaginary Numbers(SPACE!) amongst the books.

During these next two weeks my knowledge and power will be on another level.


The next three weeks have passed like a breeze I may have a attraction towards researching stuff no not really I like the observation part of it you know you build something after you research it and watch it work that's my joy, I wasn't bored one bit even got lost in it for another extra week.

I wasn't like this in my previous life, I wonder what changed, sure back than it wasn't magecraft research but it was research in the end...

Something for later I guess because Touko called my hotel room thanks to Zelretch "dropping" the number on her, apparently he really just tied the paper to a rock and dropped it from high altitude to her head since it was her puppet body...

I have no words...

Touko called to tell me Shiki is in Fuyuki now and have been scouting Sakura and she can see four different lines of death confirming my theory of we can just end this with two knife moves.

The extra line I wasn't expecting is probably Rider's prana connection, there's three weeks left to war after all she Zouken probably made her summon Rider right away.

Shiki is going to kill the worm and Angra Mainyu tomorrow while I will scout the town for Medea, I know she gets summoned one month before the war but I don't know when she betrays her master.

I am just thankful that I don't need to meet Shiki myself, the only reason she's not going OP is because her third personality which has direct connection to the root, she thought life is boring when you know everything that's some scary levels of power but I did send all of my strawberry ice creams to the address Touko told me.

I don't remember if she liked them or hated them but I doubt she will throw them to trash.


Currently I am roaming while thinking, should I just send a black hole to the church and be done with Gilgamesh.

Can he survive a black hole ?

Who's going to send Lancer after Shirou if Kirei dies early?

In the end I decided to let Saber handle Gilgamesh, let's hope he won't remember me if I end up in some FGO dimension.

I located the Caster's master in a bar there was no trace of Medea he's missing two of his command spells, meaning his death is near...

Now that I seen him I can backtrack his movements through Post Cognition and find his hideout.

There's no need to alert Medea after all.


Next day after I found the Medea's master she killed him so I have been tracking her for the past two days, she's going to collapse in front of Kuzuki tonight and of course I can't let that happen.

I mean sure Medea will probably have some happiness while she lived with him but I can at least give her the grail.

I mean after all after I got the lesser grail which give me access to the greater grail I can just refill the thing using Kaleidoscope.

It's like having my own personal genie but I doubt Alaya would let me keep it but I should be able to abuse it for somethings like getting Illyasviel's soul should Shirou is able to reach out to her.

I don't know why but I have this urge to help out Shirou...

I don't even like the guy, just his cooking.

Shaking my head I started moving towards Medea with my presence unconcealed, there's no need to hide.

I will even say that I was watching her, she didn't kill innocent people and didn't even eat anyone's soul to lengthen her time here.

"You don't even bother hiding why don't you show yourself magus!"

"I prefer Magician." I believe she's squinting her eyes it's har to see through her hood.

"You look 16 at best and you want me to believe that this era isn't the best for magecraft I really doubt..."

I opened a wormhole that's tied to some random place in space it's not traversable yet but it's nice for watching space this shut her up.

"What do you want?"




"Sorry that came out wrong, I need you to be my servant in the upcoming war."

"Why do you even need the grail?"

I showed my hand to her which she just pales upon looking at it.

"I got myself in a bit of trouble"

"The way I see it you need me but you can just summon your own servant why do you want me?"

"If I summoned a servant it would probably be an Assassin, I need a skilled Caster."

"In return I will get the grail is that it?"

"Well, we're also kinda saving the world..."

"Fine! I can't believe I am going under a 16 year old brat"

"I am not 16 yet."

"That doesn't make me feel any good, come here and make a contract with me"

Once I got close to her she grabbed my collar and lifted me up.

"I don't like betrayal got it?" Seeing me nod she put me down and we made a contract, my command seals are the same as FGO Fujimaru Ritsuka...

I was hoping for something unique.


After I got Medea we started walking towards Emiya Residence...

What I want good food.

On the way I filled Medea on the whole Angra Mainyu thing and how it's being taking care of, she was furious about what happened to Sakura and agreed to help out once Zouken is dead...

I mean just because Zouken died doesn't mean all those worms are going to "Safely" remove themselves out of her.

Unfortunately this was something pointed out by Medea I had no idea, didn't even thought about it.

It's good that Shiki didn't "assault" Sakura yet, she's trying to time it to do it in front of Rin.

I don't know why but I guess she made the connection between them.

I wasn't really suspicious of Medea's loyalty, I mean she recognized Alaya's mark, I doubt she would piss off Counter Force.

Not that Alaya would protect my sorry ass but she doesn't need to know that.

It's not lying if you're not telling it in the first place.

On the way I had Medea change into "normal" clothes that will fit this age.

She also has Item Creation Rank A so I will have her make my Chaldea Uniform with enchantments.

Shirou was surprised to see me again but I mean, he did say I was invited.

I even bought groceries on the way.

Medea was even more shocked, she was thinking we're going to some hideout or something.

Bringing her here was a great idea.

I will take her out to the city in the mornings, not like Servants need sleep she can do her work at nights.

After dinner Shirou pulled me into a room once more.

"not that I am minding visitors but can you tell me why are you here Fujimaru"

"I found a couple treasures and I need you to identify them for me"

"How am I going to do that didn't you say I was doing magecraft wrong?"

"You just need to use Structural analysis on these two shiny swords"

I pulled them out and gave them to Shirou which he just gave a blue screen before using Structural analysis on them.

"Sword of Festering, a sword that leaves poison cuts and Durandal..."

Did he just say Durandal, The Durandal!

I am so keeping this sword.

"Wait isn't Durandal is the famous sword of Roland?"

"Yeah, thanks for identifying them for me"

"Isn't that supposed to go to some museum?'

"This sword is a magical artifact capable of killing an army there's no way it's going to see a light of day"

He appears to think I am going to seal it or something, well whatever it doesn't matter.


Since we introduced Medea as my "older sister" Taiga insisted to put us in the same room at night...

"Why don't we sleep Medea nee-san?"

"Stop calling me like that"


"I am going to ask something."


"That kid has the catalyst to summon Saber right?"


"Then why don't we just take it and summon Saber ourselves you can support two servants."

This is what they call low wisdom I guess...

"Medea can I kiss you?"


"Aww men"

At night Medea "borrowed" Avalon from Shirou.

Since we actually didn't have any malicious intentions bounded field didn't even register it.

Now I have to make sure Lancer doesn't kill him though.