
We left the house in the morning before Sakura arrived, now that we took Shirou out of equation and I am going to summon Saber I can act more freely.

I also need to protect Shirou from Lancer, Kirei and Illyasviel since I'd feel bad if Shirou died because of me but it's a profitable trade.

Saber with Avalon can defeat Gilgamesh even if he used Ea on top of that, Saber should be able to take out Berserker as well since her underpowered Noble Phantasm was able to take out multiple lives off him.

Saber will be Vanguard and Medea(Boosted by Gems that I am filling through Kaleidoscope for extra ohmp) will be rear support, or she can just wait at the base since Saber might not accept to gang up on another servant but it's better if we stayed together.

In the visual novel, Medea was able to locate and kill Assassin's original master and kill whoever he or she was...

"Should I summon Assassin as well?"

"No, you can't support three of us fully if you do so. By the way why are we roaming the city aren't we supposed to find a base for ourselves?"

"I already have a location we just need to go there first and we're touring around, you won't have much time to enjoy yourself once the war starts"

"You're right I guess..." Saying this she hugged my arm while we kept walking.


I brought Medea to Ryuudou Temple around sundown she loved the place and instantly altered people's memories to let us live there.

It's kinda ironic that she doesn't have any problem of messing with people's heads considering what happened to her.

While she was going to locate Assassin's master she also made me Chaldea Arctic Uniform with her skills and put some enchantment on it, now my outfit has heat regulation and much better defenses than my "Hero Costume" like being bulletproof.

In the mean while I am watching the old Edelfelt mansion to figure out when Bazzet is going to show up while tinkering with a mystic code for Lancer and Archer...

Mostly for trolling purposes.

I am not that worried about Kirei, his life is tied to Angra Mainyu with his death he should die as well.

Again this was pointed out my Medea.

'Cortana make a plan to increase my wisdom stat'

[It can't be increased master...]

Such tragedy...

I confirmed that Bazzet didn't come to Fuyuki yet, she's also going to kill the observer sent by Mage's Association maybe that's taking some time.

Well, this means I won't have to save her from Kirei since Shiki is finally going to go ahead with her plans after stalking the two sisters for a while.

This might just get Rider on Rin's side but she's not really interested in the grail, I can just have her get the glory even give her the cup after I am done with it or give her that poison sword NP.

Archer shouldn't be much of a problem since Shirou is not being involved is enough of a alteration from his timeline...

"What are you doing in the roof all alone Master?"

"Thinking, planing, I always said knowing the future is boring but now that I messed up with the future I know I can't help but get worried"

"Well, it's normal to be afraid of the unknown and you don't have much experience with life, try not to overthink stuff" Medea assured me and kissed my forehead before leaving...

'Cortana did that really happen?'

[Huh what Yeah...]

I forgotten about her being tied to me she's flustered as I am.


Next day Shiki slashed Sakura and ran away before Rin was able to hit her with Gandr she would have ran after her but Sakura started vomiting worms.

Seeing this Rin took her to her house, I guess she knows what those worms are but didn't know her sister had them.

I watched the rest through my Post Cognition, Rin used the Pendant she was going to use on Shirou to stabilize Sakura.

Shinji didn't even realize his grandfather died and currently searching the city for Sakura, he also doesn't suspect Rin since she was always acted cold towards her.

Let's hope two sisters can make up and plot for Rider's first death so that she would go back to Sakura.

Maybe shake down Shinji a bit after all he's a coward without his grandfather and Kirei there's no way of him getting a backer unless Gilgamesh seeks him out.


"...From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,

come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

Now that Kirei is dead, Gilgamesh is alerted. Okay not alerted but must be he's amused at best, furious at worst, so I decided to summon saber while Medea summoned Sasaki Koijiro.

Poor Assassin is bound to the gate like in the VNs, now I have three servants on my side and my mystic code is finished.

Fun fact. I taught Assassin how to use a computer and gave him my spare laptop that's using my experimental multiverse internet connection gem... Yeah name can be better.

He's been surfing the net to look at his own legend and play games, he started playing Assassin's Creed...

Also I located a frequency to watch Magi Mari and started watching it, Merlin is surprisingly doing a good job of being a internet idol.

Now, back to the summoning.

"I ask of you, are you my master?"

She's small, she's heroic and her ahoge is it twitching in alarm, most likely because of what I am about to do.

"SEIBA!" I hugged her right away she's too cute I totally understand Medea's obsession now.

"Let me go, and answer me!"

"Master she's too cute I want to dress her up, can I dress her up?" I totally understand Medea.

"What's going on here!?" I ended the hug, we should explain it to her before she decides to take answers herself.

After our little talk and my "evidence" of Alaya and return of her sheath Saber was on board, I mean she will get the grail in the end.

It doesn't matter if it can't grant her wish, this will also fulfil her contract with the world and make her a Counter Guardian...

I can totally see Alaya's angle here.

"In the end you will get the grail for your wish but don't blame anyone if it's incapable of fulfilling your wish."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You need to know "how" before you wish, for example if you wish for world peace but don't know how. Grail will kill every human because it's the only possible way"

I really can't... I have to warn her at least I would have possible denilablity if I ran into Merlin or something.

Saber just nodded and excused herself but before she left I called her out.

"I will have to trouble you but can you teach me how to fight with a sword?"


"How many people can learn swordsmanship from you and I have a good sword but can't use it since I don't know how."

"I will help."

"Thank you Saber"

With this I started learning the way of the sword from Saber with Assassin giving comments about it being just swinging sticks.

Actually the Saber and Assassin fought for a while but after Assassin used Swallow Reversal, Saber stopped getting angry at his comments about western swordsmanship.

I would have learned from him as well but Durandal is a western sword, thankfully it doesn't reject me.

I had to have Medea make a scabbard for it since I am not keen on keeping a sword that's famed by it's sharpness out in the open where my amateur hands could slip it.

I must say it was hell to train with Saber, I mostly just swung my wooden sword until I couldn't move my arms.

Medea healed me right away to see if I would continue, I have a feeling she likes watching me work out, I have idea where our relationship is.

Whenever Medea healed me I did got up to continue, there's no way I am giving up on the opportunity to have Saber teach me.

We mostly used the mornings as for scouting/touring/date? while Assassin waited at the temple and worked on our personal stuff at night.

I can work at maximum capacity without sleep for a indefinite amount of time thanks to Cortana, I never used this ability since who would refuse sleep but now that I am limited on time I abused it.

I am also designing a mystic code alongside Medea to make use of Class Cards... I can just get them from Prisma Illya worlds.

This Mystic code is going to be similar to Omnitrix from Ben 10 but with Heroic Spirits and eventually has a direct connection to Throne of Heroes and give it's user all the heroic spirits except Gilgamesh because of his damned ego.

Is it arrogant of me to think I will have full access to throne of heroes one day that I can use it at my leisure?

Yes, but I need a goal for myself otherwise I will go crazy from boredom after I am done with My Hero Academia so, this is what I am doing.

Of course current resources of Type-moon is not enough since technology level is low even Class Cards Zelretch made is one use types that you need to change to another class card if you want another heroic spirit...

Maybe he didn't bother with it since he was doing it for shits and giggles...

I will be mixing magic and technology even magical technology from some dimensions to make this, it's going to be glorious.

What's the current date I wonder I have stopped counting for a while...


"Master-san there's a spearman at the door although I am up for a good fight but he doesn't approach the stairs"

I heard Assassin, well he was asking Medea since she's his Master.

"We'll send Saber and I will be watching from the side time to greet the hound of Ulster"

I have already talked about the possibility of which servants to fight so they all know Cu Chulainn.

"I am ready to fight Master!" Saber comes through is that a tiara made of flowers?

I shot a look at Medea who just grinned.

We went to greet Lancer and Bazzet while I activated my mystic code that will alter certain sounds, it works since no one really infuses prana to their voice unless they want to amplify the sound.

There he is with a lazy smile on his face Lancer is waiting while ignoring a pouting Bazzet.

Seeing us Lancer started talking and somehow I heard a recorder beep...

Let's hope that's Zelretch recording this.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

My mystic code works! I wanna cry!