Shortest Grail War

After Lancer stopped barking everyone stopped air froze while I turned off my mystic code but Medea caught a sight of it and started giggling.

I was only able to keep myself thanks to self hypnosis.

While they're still silent I checked Shirou with Post Cognition, thankfully he's still alive it seems he didn't run into Archer vs Lancer since it didn't even happen in the first place good, now I just need to handle Illya.

Saber being totally serious didn't even flinch and just got ready to fight.

"Who did that!? Is it funny!? I will kill whoever did this!" Lancer yells.

"Nevermind that, are you here to fight Lancer!?" Nice save Saber distract him.

"Yeah I am here to fight! I will find who did this afterwards" Too bad he never lived through that fight.

Artoria plus Avalon is not something Gáe Bolg can penetrate.

While Saber and Lancer are fighting on the side Bazzet was looking at me with a deadpan stare.

"You did that right?"

"I mean he's the Hound of Ulster, it shouldn't be impossible for his legend to affect him"

Deadpan stare intensifies.

"Well I didn't expect such a young master, tell me kid why are you fighting this war?"

"I got involved with wrong kind of people?"

"What kind?"

I showed Alaya's mark she looked very scared, sure I am scared of Alaya as well but they're extra scared.

While we were fighting I heard Saber using Avalon, it appears Lancer decided to use his Noble Phantasm after that he just flew right up and fell down at Bazzet's feet and died...

That was anticlimactic, Bazzet didn't even get to use her command spells.

"Well, I believe this concludes our job for tonight it was nice to meet you."

I am not really worried about her since she always liked Cu Chulainn's legend she must know that he wouldn't ran away even if he knew he is going to die.

Without him the war has no importance to her since she wanted to give him a wish to "save" him.

"Well, good job Saber."

Ahh Saber is smiling, she almost looks goofy. I guess she enjoyed that fight. I kept quiet until we made it back to Assassin.

"Well, it appears that we kinda missed the start of the war *cough* but now that the war has started Saber, you're tasked to kill Gilgamesh once he arrives. We have the geographic advantage since the grail is going to manifest here we don't have to leave our territory.

Archer might be troublesome due to his reality marble... what am I saying as long as you fight one on one battles with other servants, there's no servant that can stop you in this war but don't get ahead of yourself.

Archer of this war is a man much similar to Emiya Kiritsugu and he doesn't care what kind of tactics he is using."

Saber nodded while Assassin looks intrigued at such man, Medea just yawned.

"Can you tell me about him since you appear to know him"

"Of course he's a counter guardian, adopted son of Emiya Kiritsugu at that, well he's not really evil, he's true neutral"

Medea's eyes bulged she still remembers Shirou's cooking, Saber tensed she never met Shirou but she can only guess what Kiritsugu did to that kid.

"Make no mistake Kiritsugu didn't teach him anything more than simple magecraft, kid was the one that took the whole hero of Justice thing to extreme and sold himself to the world, he is a man that let other people hung him after being framed because it would require him to kill innocents to brake free"

There's no need to get Saber hate Archer.

I talked about origins of EMIYA for the rest of the night, let's hope that Rin would come to me for an alliance after seeing Berserker.

Since Shirou didn't summon a servant Illya kinda got confused and didn't kill him yet, she will probably talk to him like she did in the Heaven's Feel.

Knowing Shirou he will utilize his skill "Harem Protoganist" to it's limits and get her to his side...

I am going to need some Servants to die for the inital emergence of the lesser grail let's hope Gilgamesh would be enough since if it goes like this everyone is going to be keeping their servants after the war.


Next day, I showed Magi Mari to Saber, she decided to go and buy some alcohol and drowned herself with it for the rest of the day.

The puppet I ordered from Touko has arrived that day, she attached a note saying something came up that made her late, well as long as I have the puppet it's fine.

Also Berserker wrecked Rider so she probably went back to Sakura...

Shinji died.

on the second day we spotted Rider prowling around the temple probably looking for a another way in.

While these are happening Illya actually talked with Shirou I didn't listen on them but Illya took Berserker and her maids and moved to Shirou's house causing Sakura to ran away after a particularly tense breakfast.

"Are you going to keep watching?" Medea asks while hugging me from behind.

"They know I am here they have yet to attack or talk I have no need for them but they need me, have you decided on your wish Medea?"

"I looked through your options and explanations, I think I am going to choose to have this fragment of my soul to reincarnate. I will go back to the throne after I die but it will hopefully give me the life I wanted"

I just nodded, third magic deals with souls so it's possible to wish for reincarnation.

While we were watching Illya ride Shirou like a horse (Not sexually) Medea's hands wandered to my muscles.

"I hate muscles"


"It's fine, I will have to make do with it, sorry now that I have decided on my wish I can't stay with you... At lest let me have this" Hearing this I turned to catch the sight of her purple dress dispersing into motes of light to reveal the lingerie she's wearing under it.

I have no words...

"I saw these while touring the city I got them while Saber kept you distracted, buying clothing certainly has a different feeling... Ritsuka are you breathing?"

"N-o, Yes!"

Don't blame me for acting like this teenager body can't react properly.

Thankfully "body reinforcement" is a thing otherwise I might not have lasted long enough for her to enjoy it.


Third day Saber is red, Saber is very very red.

"Saber what happened, it's not like Servants can get sick and you should have enough prana"

"You guys were so loud!" saying this she just went to the kitchen. Sasaki just grinned and gave a thumbs up, none of us knew today was the last day of the fifth Holy Grail War.

At knight the stairs were crowded with Berserker carrying Illya and Shirou on one side and Rin and Sakura with their own servants.

Shirou and Sakura kept glancing at each other it looks like they decided to team up against me.

While this might have worked if not for the timely arrival of Gilgamesh.

"Magician! You told me that I would die the second time we met, I ask you can you kill me?"

This threw the impromptu team off.

"King Gilgamesh I don't remember meeting you" Please don't

"Ah right you said something time travel shenanigans." Shit!

"So can you survive a black hole?" That wiped his smile.

"No but you didn't say you're going to fight me, you said there was someone capable of killing me" Ahh future me why did you spill the beans.

"That would be Saber here but it seems there's a three way deadlock"

"Wait!" Rin yells back

"What do you want Tohsaka-san?"

Rest of the talks have been boring I explained that death of Saber or Gilgamesh is enough for thd grail's manifestation.

Hearing this Gilgamesh started to fight with Saber while I flexed my mark to sent Archer into a frenzy he's a Counter Guardian he knows the consequences.


Ah I forgot about the mystic code Hound of the Red Planes indeed...

So, he explained it to the rest of the patchwork team and I had to reveal my plan for "reviving" Illyasviel getting Rin's approval helped with keeping Shirou calm.

He really bonded with Illya I guess, also saying that Illya will have the third magic once she comes back relaxed the maids.

"You guys are talking about this like it's nothing but does grail even have enough magical energy"

"That doesn't matter to the user of Second True Magic" I answered with pride.

"How did you got Zelretch on your side?" Archer asks shocking Rin since he knows about Wizard Marshall.

"I am the user of second magic idiot, you think that vampire would help" This totally brought everything they knew to dust.

By the time we were done with the geas and the promises and stuff Saber came back looking ever so pristine and with a magnificent smile on her face.

"Finished your battle?"

"I waited 10 years to kill that man, why do you even respect him"

"He has his moments"

"If you say so master, so what's going to happen"

We explained what's going on to Saber which she just nodded, at this point Illya has already passed out from the surging magical energy.


We got to the temple, Assassin started battling Archer since he wanted to die while fighting...

I mean he could have stayed but whatever.

Once I got the lesser grail I entered the grater grail using it while the rest of the group follow me.

Unfortunately the only people who can enter inside the grail is me and my servants.

Getting in we came face fo face with Illya who was wearing dress of heaven.

"That outfit is too revealing."

"Nii-san is a pervert!"

"I don't want to hear that from someone older than me"

"Fine, what's your wish?"

I pulled out all the trees I had in my inventory, there's no concept of time here so I don't know how long it took.

"I want these to be planted in strategic locations around the world."

"Done" And the trees are gone.

"Now bring me the mana storage I will fill it up"

After I filled it up it was Saber's turn since it's going to be a little emotional with Medea.

"Can grail turn back time or change an event?" Saber asks her voice especially hollow.

"Not unless you know time travel, even then you'd be killing everyone that lives in this timeline" Illya doesn't hold back anything causing Saber to collapse, following that she terminated her contract with the world.

"Mas- Fujimaru, thank you for trying to warn me, let's hope we can meet in better conditions" and Saber goes back to time of her death.

Next is Medea, who explained how the reincarnation is going to work since her spirit is going back to the throne afterwards Alaya didn't have a problem since she doesn't perceive time as we are.

"Well, like Saber said let's meet in better conditions Ritsuka..." We hugged and she disappeared.

"Next what nii-san?"

"Stop calling me like that and next I will top the grail again and use the third to put your spirit into this puppet body" Illyasviel gave me a cute smile and get got to work.

To the outside it has been no less than a minute but I was there for who knows how long, lucky people don't age in places outside of time axis.

Once I got back with new and probably improved Illyasviel we found Shirou, Sakura and Rider watching Magi Mari on Assassin's laptop with Archer and Rin reading my findings about how Magi Mari is actually Merlin fooling around.

Sensing her arrival Berserker manifested in front of Illya and took her to his shoulders, now that Illya has the third magic she can support him.

I didn't get the third for myself, if I want immortality I will send a piece of my soul to a cultivation world similar to how Medea reincarnated.

Cultivation is much better when it comes to immortality

Sakura and Rin has enough magical energy to upkeep Rider and Archer.

"So what are you going to do now nii-san?"

"Go back, I am not from this dimension, I still have things to do there I just came here for knowledge on some things"

"Stay in onii chan's house today we are going to throw a party!"

"Fine I can stay for another day." I still have to troll Shirou and Sakura after all.