I wore my suit and I am looking fresh, at least I think I am looking fresh, I already retrieved my CAD and checked it with postcognition to see what they did, to it and it seems I got lucky since it wasn't tampered.
For my first match on Ice Pillar Break I decided to play it safe with a Data Fortification before starting my attack this won't work later on but this is the first match.
Data Fortification is weird, you see in here they look at an object in the information realm and rewrite the information to bring the changes thus magic.
I mean sure magecraft is similar but the effects are different thanks to that small differences, for example Data Fortification is just a spell that casts Magic Resistance...
Yeah it sounds ridiculous when you put it like that, since my interference strength is strong I should be fine but I doubt anyone can cast a Data Fortification on the level of A Rank Magic Resistance.
So while Data Fortification sound good it's nothing if you can't back it up, so in the future matches I will be using my own reinforcement on the pillars.
Type-moon reinforcement works like this, you scan the targeted object and fill the literal gaps between materials, like between two cells in human body or between atoms of an material, so even though it doesn't have magic resistance it's hard enough to take on magic attacks.
Maybe I should mix the two methods of defense...
Anyway I go to the designated stage and think about my attack method, I am using Gandr to destroy shit, my tutoring under Rin have made it my go to attack.
If you underpowered it it's a minor curse, at high power it can just wipe things off the world and with CAD I don't have to make that hand movement Gandr required also thanks to CAD I don't have to fire it off my hand I can just set up a start point for the spell and it will appear there.
It's actually terrifying to use Gandr without it's limits. I don't think I can use Gandr in next matches since it would be boring to watch.
I should come up with spells I wonder if I can make spatial attacks without frying my CAD.
My opponent arrives he's an average dude but he's wearing beach gear, whatever makes him confident I guess.
*Start Sound*
First I cast my best Data Fortification on my ice pillars to ensure I have enough time to end this man's whole career and I aim my Gandr.
The reason I did this is because I have to put in locations for my Gandr, it would be much easier to shoot if I didn't bother but I might just hit my own pillars if I aimed like a gun, Gandr tends to get affected by gravity a lot, that would be embarrassing.
While I was making my first five Gandr shots my opponent tried a spell on my Ice Pillars after his own Fortification but it was ineffective.
Interference strength is not something that can be trained so it's just natural talent and unfortunately this guy wasn't my match...
Well, I am getting too caught up here.
I finally finish my Gandr Shots and five reddish black circles appear on top of his pillars delivering five beautiful to my opinion overloaded Gandrs I made sure to not evaporate it.
After my shot the pillars crumble into dust due to Gandr's curse and I continue making more, I eventually won of course, a second per Gandr and ten seconds for Data Fortification a total of 22 seconds for a match it's good but not good enough.
Side note I found Gandr on international magic archive, I thought it didn't exist in this world but it does and unfortunately not many magicians was able to use it to my mastery level.
Ignoring the applauds I made my way back to our teams place to receive my praises, my ego wasn't stoked like this for a while.
Getting back to the tent indeed I was praised but I am aware that my next opponent doesn't give a shit about defense and will use his best attack right away, my current tactic would work for my next opponent but it won't work against Masaki.
I need something better than 12 seconds Gandr for Masaki since that's all he needs as well.
I got on the stage for my second match, I am not exited about this, I already got the locations for the ice pillars memorized but the Gandr is going to take a second each to charge up anyway since my output is not unlimited.
Sure I have unlimited Mana but my body can only handle so much before poisoning, even my main body has a output limit even after all the refinement I went through.
Anyway I got on the platform to exact point I was at previously so my coordinates won't be mistaken.
My opponent is wearing his school uniform thankfully, the beach gear threw me off on the previous match.
*Start Sound*
Hearing the sound I input the coordinates right away alongside my Gandrs and watch 12 circles open on top of my opponents pillars.
He is using lighting to destroy my pillars but he's slower than me in the end I win with three of my pillars still standing.
I should come up with something better for the finals something flashy after all I am fighting Masaki someone from Ten Master Clans.
[Why are you beating yourself like this Master just using reinforcement would stop Rupture and you can take your sweet time after that]
Hearing Cortana I remembered that Rupture. That spell evaporates all liquid in an object be it blood in humans or Water in Ice Pillars.
The problem starts with the pillars since even though they're being kept cold they're not immune to the heat of the summer thus they're already melting.
I can reinforce the shit out of them by the time he destroys 3 of my pillars and if I reinforce right the whole pillar will be completely solid and rupture will be useless and his heating spell takes time he can't afford but my pillars will be strong enough to take any punishment he can dish out.
Beating a Ten Master Clan member like this definitely good for the troll in me.
But I should come up with something flashy nonetheless.
I was once again praised at diner but it looked like poeple were not expecting me to win my finals well...
We'll see about that
I am waiting for my CAD to comeback which I am sure it was tempered since Precognition warned me, this is my final match in Ice Pillar Break.
I even selected something flashy to finish.
"Are you nervous?" Turning around I can see Mayumi standing there with a worried expression.
"No, why?"
"You're against Ichijou Masaki someone from Ten Master Clans or have you forgotten?" She put her hand to my forehead to check my temperature.
"You don't have a fever neither hmm" They really don't think I'd win do they?
"Mayumi I am fine" This gets her out of her frantic mood since I always call her Kaicho.
"You really think you can win?"
"What would you do if I win?"
"Sigh If you have confidence just win the match I will think about it and don't think I forgot about the elf ears!" With this she leaves the room and Isori brings me my CAD.
I just insert my magic circuits and isolate the Electric Golden Silkworm in the CAD this will let me use it without worrying and also I will have proof of tampering after the match.
"Fujimaru-san what are you doing?"
"Isolating a worm don't worry I will talk about it after my match"
I moved to the platform Masaki is already standing there his hand is ready on the CAD.
I really have no way of losing but I boost myself with Cortana to handle the structural analysis better since that's the most important part of my plan.
*Star Sound*
After the sound I cast structural analysis on my pillars while Masaki already took down one of mine.
After the analysis I use Reinforcement to it's highest degree causing the Ice Pillars to be surrounded by circuit patterns.
By this time Masaki took down four of my pillars but his Rupture is no longer works.
After breathing a sigh of relief I holster my CAD and stretch my hands as Masaki goes frantic he finally realized what's up and starts his inferior spell that heats up the target.
Unfortunately I have no reason to give him the opportunity. I go through with the hand signs for Chidori Senbon but this is a mixed ninjutsu, I mixed it with Chidori Eisō's ability to change the lighting's shape after it impales the target.
After all no one said we can't use ancient spells.
Twelve little senbons made of lightning leave my hands and pierce Masaki's pillars and explode in a magnificent show.
Crowd is silent while I have a satisfied smirk on my face as they announce my win.
I silently left the tent towards my room not wanting to deal with people giving me shocked looks, this time it's no praise, you beat hundred normal magicians no matter how talented you get praises, you beat one Ten Master Clan member everybody loses their minds and I got caught by Mayumi on the way of my escape.
"What was that spell Fujimaru do tell me?"
"I thought ninjutsu was just illusion and high speed movements"
"Well turns out it wasn't" She didn't look amused but gave me a hug nonetheless. After all this is all she can do her marriage is not in her hands.
"Thanks, can I continue my escape now?"
"Fufufu not so fast you're coming back with me"
"No! at least give my CAD to Tatsuya"
"Huh why?"
"The reason I used ninjutsu is because I found out my CAD was tampered with"
This knocked the joy out of her and asked for details in the end CAD went to Tatsuya, Mayumi went to talk with Juumonji and I teleported to my room.