Competition Part 3

Now that I gave the metaphorical middle finger to a terrorist organization, they of course going to want me dead...

I can't say I am afraid, beating some mindless drones will put me back to my mood, people stopped talking with me after I beat Masaki they just observe me like some rare animal, the only ones that's talking to me are the "gang"

Anyway we're now going to our first Monolith Code match it's an forest environment totally suited for my shinobi ways.

After all even if I didn't train as a Shinobi in Naruto world, I trained as a ninja at the dojo with Yakumo.

There's also the added benefit of Morisaki finally shutting up about my credentials since he knows he can't beat Masaki.

I don't want to talk about our third member, this dude is here since he was the best choice left in course 1 students but I bet my bottom Yen, Leo or Mikihiko would beat the crap out of this guy.

He's basically here to fill the numbers, we already discussed our tactics. I revealed that I can traverse the trees and stick to surfaces without the use of my CAD.

So, I am going to run along the trees and pick out people while Moriksaki and our useless dude protect the fort.

I was tempted to make a bounded field for alarm around our Monolith but I didn't want to reveal that just yet.

So, I took the trees with my chakra enhanced speed and silent movements, these guys really didn't think about looking up and two of them got knocked out real quick while the last one was taken care of by Morisaki.


The second match of Monolith Code was well...

It was a city setting we were going to go with the same tactics but I said I smell trouble and of course the building we were in collapsed.

The last thing the cameras caught was me winking at it as me and my teammates were disappearing within a swirl of leaves.

Morisaki and the other dude was freaking out until they realized they're fine also somehow outside and they looked towards me who was panting since I had to carry the two with shunshin.

"Well, it seems they really don't want us to win" I say with a chuckle as I get my breathing under control.

The current situation actually favors us since our Monolith got buried with the building as well.

We were contacted if we want to delay the match but with the conditions being on our side and me knowing there's no other danger we decided to continue.

"Fujimaru don't force yourself if you can't do it we can take the delay" Moriksaki says, our third member is trying to hide the wet spot on his pants.

"It's fine I just can't pull any other ninja trick today but my magic is fine, I can just copy Kaicho and use ice hails" I assure Morisaki, I would like to use Gandr but it's live TV and no one likes to watch someone vomiting.

Anyway we left our hopeless team mate back to the rubble that was once our base and I shot five points of the area with my CAD.

I made a spell that would allow me to make bounded fields with my CAD but I have to mark cornerstones this one is supposed to give a warning to us if someone else other than us gets in the field.

"I didn't expect to use this on this match but whatever" I was thinking on using it after this match even save it for our match with Third High.

"Well, shit happens" I would have laughed at Moriksaki if we weren't being recorded.

Finished with my set up, me and Morisaki left to hunt. I knowingly chosed the path that will let me run into the two members of our enemies.

Casting Reinforcement on myself, I moved like a blur, my interference zone stopping the spells aimed at me and my reinforcement allowing me to brush off the Physical attacks by the time I was finished with these chumps the bell rings announcing our win.


I got grilled by the trio of Juumonji, Mari and Mayumi about my decision to continue after the accident but I argued my point and shut them up.

I never realized that seeing the whole argument with Precognition and preparing comebacks was possible.

This is a prime weapon for making comebacks to roast people.

Thankfully with us not delaying the match we had enough time to get ready and rest for the next.

If we had delayed it we would have to play two matches with 30 minutes rest time, I might be fine under my armor since I am used to weight from my early gravity training my teammates would be less than optimal state.

Thinking about our third member especially I don't even want to think about it, I can take on 2vs3 and people would just chalked it up to talent but taking all three people goes overboard.

It's actually getting boring but with rocky terrain I just used earth release to trap them and Morisaki took them out with his "quick draw"


After continuing with our tactics which is repetitive but works, we found ourselves at the end, the finals against Third High.

"So, Fujimaru I really hope you have a plan for this because I don't think I can hold out against Cardinal George" Morisaki admits, it's good that he became this humble dude during our matches but he's still a discriminating jerk against course 2 students.

"I have a way to handle George for a while but it will be up to you two do the rest, George's invisible bullet only works if he's seeing the target and I can arrange something for that"

"What about Masaki will your reinforcement be enough for him?" Our third member talks from his seat he came to accept his position as the useless guy.

"I even prepared something fast and flashy to take him down but even with my fastest you guys need to hold out or take out the other two if you can." They just nod I can see Mayumi listening from the door I just wink at her causing her to smile.

We got open plains like I expected and I got to work right away, first of all I put my bounded field and used hiding in the mist jutsu to fill the field with mist full of chakra, my field allows my teammates to see in the mist so our enemies can't see us while we can see them.

It won't hold up for long since ninjutsu doesn't have much on the part of Data Fortification but George will have to get close if he want to clear the mist.

"Okay this would hold up George for a while in the mean time I am going against Masaki" My teammates nod and get to their positions.

While that happens I use my newest magic called King Arthur...

Hold up let me explain, this world has better spells when it comes to structural analysis, with me having extra senses and experiencing Elemental Sight I was able to reach the analysis level of Shirou with his broken origin and element.

I will remind you guys that Shirou is able to see the history of the swords he's looking including the fighting style of it's user, also that's one of the reasons he can project NPs and it took me spells from two different worlds and extra senses from Kaleidoscope to replicate that.

Elemental affinities are bullshit, anyway with me having a way to make a deep scan of any magical item, I used postcognition to go watch the time I summoned Saber and scanned her armor.

I of course can't replicate the armor of an heroic spirit, I have the data for it and I know how to rewrite data of items with other stuff thanks to studying my class cards. I was able to make this spell that allows me to alter my armor to Saber's.

I changed the looks to Proto Saber but still it's armor of King Arthur armed with C Rank Magic Resistance and C Rank Physical Resistance.

It would have been A rank but I can't replicate the whole thing and my CAD is already at it's limits and smoking.

"Woah dude what's up with the armor" Third guy asks.

"It's my trump card" I anwser with a smile and start running with Reinforcement.

The moment I got out of the mist must have been a memorable moment I actually asked Mari to take a photo of Mayumi when it happens she asked the reason but I didn't talk.

Let's hope their expressions are funny enough to watch it with postcognition.

Getting out I ran like a beast coupled with my armor and the way wind gave way to my sprint, I look good.

I think, I was never a good judge of looks when it comes to my own.

Anyway I ran straight to Masaki who had stopped to aim at me I dodge his compressed air attacks while I see George trying different spells on the mist I brought up.

They need to get closer if they want to do that let's hope Morisaki has good aim and range.

At the hundred meter mark dodging spells becomes impossible so I don't do that and just ran straight to him.

The reason I dodged was to make him think he can hurt me but now that I am this close I shunshin next to him and knock him out.

That actually took my breath my body is saturated with enough prana that it's slowly poisoning me.

Taking a moment to breathe I ran towards George who is behind cover looking at his fallen friend it seems his teammate took the hit for him and use my last trick.

I couldn't really replicate Invisible Air but I know the principals enough to reverse it and I aimed at George who was giving me a look of desperation and suck the air around him suffocating him until he loses consciousness.

With the sound of the buzzer I release everything, mist disperses my armor goes back to being standard issue competition armor and I pass out...

I didn't think that one through did I.