Start of an boring ecchi novel.

"You always wanted a little sister right? Little sisters are good right?"


"Wait really?" Please, don't look that shocked dad.

"Knowing you, you already went ahead with a women and getting ready to marry without asking me first and this is your last attempt at letting me know right?"

"Son are you okay you look too serious for this kind of conversation, let's talk about benefits of little sister's"

"Sigh, fine go ahead"

Here I am listening my dad which he is mentally younger than me at this point talk about benefits of having a little sister.

"So are you okay with a little sister?"

"I don't really have a choice on this one do I"

"I knew you'd be happy to get a little sister" I really want to punch that face.

I hit my head to the table why is that all of my father figures are all laid back to a uncomfortable degree.

Let's hope I can survive Maria's antics and stop her from building me another harem or trying to get Mio in my bed.

There's also Yuki and her sister who's probably going to try to get in my bed as well... I can handle Kurumi since she's not really fallen yet but Yuki is going to be problematic since her sword chose her due to her faith and devotion towards me!

Trying to not sleep with anyone in a harem world is hard, especially if you're the MC.

At least they have to remain pure for the plot point which is hard to imagine someone as pure after getting groped and touched everywhere except having sex.


So we came to this Family Restaurant to meet my new sisters they're actually my blood related cousins as well but so is Hasegawa.

Normally I would be disgusted with the idea but my morality has left the club after "healing" Maya.

"Are you nervous?"

"As if, I am just thinking how's my life in the house is going to change since you keep traveling"

"Little sisters are good son you can do naughty things with them as well" Saying this my dad winks.


"Well I was joking..." Yeah I read the novel it turns out you weren't joking.

While we're waiting the duo sisters entered and draw the eyes of others the duo is naturally Mio and Maria but they for some reason didn't come to our table right away.

At this point OG Basara would be a nervous wreck and go to the restroom to wash his face and run in to the lucky pervert situation.

Me being an intellectual just sat down with my head down and waited, I was so calm that my father was getting nervous for me.

'I am not falling to the harem of this novel!'

"Ah Jin-san sorry it seems waitress didn't know about you guys and ushered us to another table" I look up to Maria who's explaining the misunderstanding.

Well, the two certainly look the part of the main heroines. After they sat down and ordered drinks and we started talking.

Mio not getting busted at the restroom was acting more closely and honestly I didn't ask any questions to dad. I played the yes man.

I just said we need to talk later to my dad and went along with the rest. it's not like I can change anything at this point in time.

That night at our previous home, I asked my father what's up with moving in with two demons while we are packing up. I know why but there's a thing called character development. I mean I hope there's character development... Author?

"So dad, mind telling me why are we moving in with two demons?"

"Ah, you noticed sigh I should have told you before but didn't think you'd accept it"

"Not like we're still heroes I couldn't care less as long as they don't do anything wrong"

"Fine I'll tell you but be warned they're probably going to try to get you out once I leave the house"

At my nod dad told the story I already knew daughters of old demon lord that "died" and current demon lord is chasing them since Mio inherited the majority of that power.

"Fine I'll take care of them but it looks like I need to start training again"

"You're fine with it!?"

"I know what you're worried of don't worry I got it" I give a smile full of confidence that puts my dad at ease.

He doesn't need teenage drama after all he's going to search for my two mothers after the demon realm is handled and there was no mention of their exact location in the novels it's just said they're in some type of prison.


Turns out dad already looked for houses, two of us went to look at it and rent the house in the town Mio and Maria are living and we quickly moved in within a week, well the boxes are still around but I can handle it with magic after I unmask the sister duo.

Thing that worries me is the fact Maria sneaked into my room to put a eroge game about step sisters in my first night here...

Not "regular sisters" but "step sisters" especially and it's BDSM, I don't know if it's her nature as succubus but this is going to be a problem since they're still planning to throw me out of the house at this point in the story.

Imagine the shit I am going to deal with once she begins her real assault. I just took the offending item and threw it into my inventory...

I'll play that shit later, I am actually curious about eroges I never played before so why throw it away.


I woke up, ever since my memories unlocked the nightmares stopped because I stopped caring about the people who are not family/friend, I protected my friend that day and that's all it matters.

So, I am doing my morning stretching and getting ready for my run if I have time for it, I need to get back into fighting shape after all.

Regrowth V3.2 Might let me stay in shape but it won't allow me to get in shape easily and I can't just rewrite myself with the data of my main body that would destroy the bloodlines I have.

I would have used the class cards but there's actually something called Chaos here that can summon and control Heroic Spirits...

Scariest shit is that includes Class Cards and Heroic Spirits from Throne of Heroes I checked it with precognition it's not looking good, so no Arash/Medea for me until that bastard is dead, since I don't know the area of effect that thing has.

"Ah Basara you were awake? Good morning" Mio enters the room, to wake me up probably. I am trying to avoid the lucky pervert moments and probably make this novel boring but I am here for a one(maybe two)[Three at worse] girl not for a whole harem of girls.

"Yeah good morning, just stretching what's up?"

"I came to wake you up but you're already awake so come downstairs Maria is cooking"

"Okay, thanks." I never had a little sibling before I don't really know how to treat little siblings and I don't really know how am I going to have character development with these guys since I would be snipping most of the plot twists.


Getting downstairs I found Maria cooking with an apron well she has something under it but one wouldn't see if they didn't look carefully.

"Basara-san good morning"

"Good morning Maria" Saying this I went to the table and sat down smell of breakfast is guiding me the whole way.

"Mio-chan went to wake you up how did it go?"

"I was already awake"

"Did you like the game?"

"Huh? What game?"

"I placed it in your bed, it's about little sisters didn't you find it?"

"Nothing was on my bed Maria and please don't admit sneaking in my room"

"How can that be I made sure to put it under your covers as well!"

"Well, there was nothing under my covers." I lied with a straight face. Lucky for me I managed to pass this check with my charisma stats and made it until Mio and Dad arrived.

We used this day to finish cleaning, buying missing furniture etc. you know essential stuff.

Unfortunately some stuff can't be avoided and I ended up riding a bike around town with Mio sitting behind me I must say Maya's breasts were better...

We talked about my school transfer and all that jazz until we reached at the supermarket since we need to buy some stuff before going back.

"Wouldn't it be better if you get the bike while I bring the cart?" Mio asked but I didn't agree since there's a plot point ahead and I am not abandoning my newly bought spices because of some low lives.

I coated two of us with a thin membrane of space and made it invisible to others, Mio isn't skilled enough to catch my use of space manipulation and we made it to our bike in safely.

No bullshit low lives bothered us. One might say why hide, are you scared but no I am above humanity at this point and I rather not get my feet dirty by stepping on bugs.

Let's just hope Hasegawa didn't notice my little trick she's in town after all. So we rode back home Dad is going to leave for Demon realm next week to handle the war that's brewing.