So determined

"Your crazy Arthur, I was so mad at you, was telling Carey that will never date you again", Cindy admitted while leaning on Arthur's shoulder.

" I am just crazy over you. Why should I date another girl when you are everything to me. The girl of my dreams. Nothing in a million years can make my love for you end. In this life or the other one. Your my everything love", Arthur touched her lips slowly with his thumb.

"Babe your making me shy", Cindy blinked dramatically staring at Arthur.

"You are the only one, I always dream of. My perfect man babe. I love you so much, babe. You are the only one I want to see. The only one I wanna be with. You complete me in a million ways, babe. I am glad we met and came this far. I cannot possibly think of loving anyone else the way I love you. You are my life, I cannot imagine my life without you. Stop doubting me. I really love you so much", Cindy complimented Arthur who was amused by her words.

" Wow!!! I am so glad I love you more babe. Where did you learn the words from", Arthur tickled her.

"Aaa....stop I learned it from my heart", Cindy grinned touching her heart.

"Your so dramatic I see", Arthur laughed continuing tickling her.

"Hey Carey....", Cindy woke up Carey who was already a sleep.

" it morning already...", Carey's words were slurred.

"No, it's barely 10 pm", Cindy chuckled.

" did it go you seem so happy give me the juice", Carey sat on her bed waiting eagerly for Cindy's story.

"When I went over he was trying to act mad. He later told me it was a lie that he wanted to test if I loved him. Claiming if a girl is extremely jealous she really loves you", Cindy informed her.

" That's so lame of him the hell", Carey was angered.

"Yea I know I think he was just confused", Cindy defended him.

"All in all, I am glad it was all a lie and you're happy", Carey grinned at her.

"That's your nodules just warm it up. I am so sleepy will talk more tomorrow", Carey said going back to bed.

" Sleep well-sleeping beauty", Cindy said as she warmed the nodules.

"Sleep well babe", Carey wished her as she dozed off.

"Waky waky waky....rise and shine", Carey shook Cindy.

"Aaahh...what time is it", Cindy asked rubbing her eyes.

"It's 7", Carey smiled at her.

"That's early where are you going to...this early", Cindy sat as she was amazed by Carey.

"I am going to my first lecture. Its Monday", Carey grinned.

"Ooouu.. the lectures have begun what the hell. The lectures start at 9", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"Yeah... I want to arrive early", Carey said folding her hair to wear her shower cap.

" There is no need to go this week. Its only introduction", Cindy chuckled.

"You can't be serious I miss a whole week.....", Carey was amused.

" Yeah just go and see how few students will attend ", Cindy assured her.

" Let me go and see for myself", Carey mumbled.

"Tell me all the details about yesternight...", Carey told Cindy as she started making tea.

" Ooou...after he confessed he was testing me. He started telling me the sweet nothings. We ended up speaking those sweet things. It was weird. At least I had read some novels and had one in mind the sayings. He laughed and started saying that I stole the words. It was such a memorable experience", Cindy stared at the roof.

"Your couple goals. How I wish will be in a relationship like yours. With a guy who truly loves me", Carey gazed at Cindy.

" You are so pretty and lovely. You will find a guy that really loves you", Cindy assured Carey.

"I wish that", Carey said.

"Breakfast is ready will you take it now", Carey asked Cindy as she prepared the table.

" Nope, it's a bit early will take it later", Cindy continued laying on her bed.

"Have you chosen your lectures well. I would advise you to do it today and don't choose afternoon lectures", Cindy advised Carey.

" Thanks, I will do that asap I need a part-time job in the afternoon", Carey said while sitting to take breakfast.

"Oou yea... i can help you in that. I normally do small jobs on weekends. Especially being a booth babe, a waitress at corporate events, and parties. Can you be joining me I link you up...", Cindy raised a brow at Carey.

"Yes...of course, would love that please do that", Carey appreciated Cindy.

" Alright, deal will inform my boss about it. Will tell you all about it when you came back", Cindy assured Carey that she would help her.

"Thanks, you are God sent", Carey beamed.

" Let me go shower ", Carey left to the bathrooms.

" Carey....hey", a lady called out her name. The lady was in the company of other two ladies.

"Hey...", Carey grinned.

"Congrats", the lady told her as she came near her.

"Thanks ", Carey faintly smirked.

" Your more pretty than I thought", the lady licked her lips sexually as she smirked at her.

"Mmh...thanks", Carey told her nervously.

" Don't be shy babe", the lady came closer to her that Carey felt her breath.

"Am Sasha or you can call me babe", Sasha winked at Carey.

" Aaaah... Babe why...!!!?" Carey was shocked.

"Cause I like you", She touched Carey's lips using her index finger.

"Your speechless... waiting to see you again", Sasha winked at Carey as she left with her two friends.

"She is a fucking lesbian the hell", Carey thought to herself as she went to the bathroom.

" There are lesbians here", Carey raised a brow at Cindy.

"Yeah, they are everywhere why ask?" Cindy was shocked by Carey's question.

"Cause met one and she said she is Sasha", Carey informed Cindy as she wiped her wet body using her towel.

"That girl is savage stay away from her. She is bad news", Cindy warned Carey.

"Really.....will do that ", Carey was nervous.

" Relax...don't be afraid of her remember what I told you.....", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"That being a bitch and having confidence will make my path smooth in the campus", Carey finished.

"Yeah, you said it girl just do that, "Cindy cheered her up.

" Thank you am going for my first lec. See you later..", Carey took her bag and started walking to the lecture halls.

"Only two people in the lecture room....", Carey thought to herself as she entered the room.

" Hey....", She greeted the two guys who were sitting on the front row.

"Hey Carey", they greeted her back.

" already know my name", She was not surprised at all. Like everyone on campus knew her.

"Am Daylan ", one guy smirked at her.

" Am Dylan", the other guy introduced himself.

"Your both twins", Carey was amused with their striking resemblance.

"Yeah", Daylan nodded.

"Oou that's good", Carey said.

" Came sit here", Daylan requested her to sit beside him.

"You mean your taking medicine....", Daylan was amused.

"Yeah, I am", Carey smiled at him as she was searching for a place to place her bag.

"Nice... I am glad we are also doing Medicine", Daylan smiled at him.

"I really liked the way you were dressed at the party. You really looked good", Daylan complimented her."Oou thanks", Carey appreciated as she removed a notebook from her bag.

"You don't look like a Med student", Dylan spoke to her breaking the silence.

" Mmmh...really that's what everyone is telling me", Carey chuckled.

"You are pretty and charming would love to know you more", Dylan winked at her.

"Mmh..stop I was the first one who talked to her", Daylan gave Dylan a warning look.

"Alright....bro", Dylan chuckled.

" You both funny", Carey chuckled.

"Let me ask you a question and be honest", Daylan cautioned Carey.

"Yeah ask..", She nodded.

"Do you have a boyfriend", Daylan confidently asked her while Dylan giggled sarcastically at him.

"Calm your balls, bro. You're going too fast", Dylan uttered his words like a jerk.

"I don't waste time", Daylan smirked at Carey.

"I don't have", Carey replied rather uncomfortable of their flirting.

" I came babe", Daylan whispered in her right ear.

"Hey...guys", two guys walked in as they greeted the three.

" Hey...", they collectively replied.

"Woow...Carey", One guy was amused seeing her in the room.

"Hey..", She smirked at him.

"Imma so happy will be seeing more of you", He winked at her.

"Shes mine man", Daylan yelled at the guy.

"Really... Carey", He asked as he came to sit beside Carey. She was in between the two.

" Not again. A great way of starting my lectures", Carey thought to herself.

"Am George", he smirked at her.

"Pleasure meeting you", Carey fake grinned at him.

"Students", A middle-aged man entered the room with a briefcase.

" Hey....", they collectively replied. He placed his briefcase on top of the table and sat down.

"Welcome to campus. I believe your all medical students", he cautioned them as he removed a paper.

"Yeah", they all nodded.

"Today we won't be learning. Its just introduction to the unit Biochemistry", the professor declared.

"Am Mr. Calvin", the professor introduced himself.

" Can you introduce yourselves", Mr. Calvin requested them.

They all introduced and talked a bit about themselves.

"Carey...", Daylan smirked at Carey whispering.

"Huh...", She responded turning over to glance at him.

"Write your number here", Daylan gave her his notebook.

"Mmhh...fine", She took it writing her number.

"Can you all write your names and emails in this sheet. Will send the course outline via email", Mr. Calvin stood and gave them the sheet.

"See you next week", He took the sheet and left.

"Will text you Carey...", Daylan hugged Carey and left with Dylan quickly.

" Oou they have really rushed...", George stood as he took his notebook.

"Yeah", Carey nodded.

"Can we hang out? The lecture ended early", George grinned at Carey giving her that look 'please say yes'.

"Yeah, we can but you have to take me first to the registration office of medicine. I want to select my units for this semester", Carey informed him.

"Definitely can also do that too", George spoke as he held Carey's hand in a tight grip.