
" Thanks for everything Cindy for making my life better here and for standing with me cause familiarising with a new place isn't an easy thing at all. You have made my life easier and for being good to me haven't known you for long but I feel you've known each other forever. We really connected easily, I think you have already noticed that too", Carey appreciated Cindy.

" I love you, Carey. I think we are soul sisters though we are different in a way. Our souls connect very well. You get what I mean....",  Cindy faintly grinned at her.

"I think so but that's so funny. I never thought you will say about this soul thing", Carey chuckled, her mood changed to excitement.

"Yeah....!!! not because of the way I dress and look. I also believe in those things", Cindy chuckled

" Let's go to that shopping. We will talk later", Cindy stood as she took her bathing dish and towel.

"Going to take a bath ", Cindy left.

"Wow...!!!! I'm really thankful to Cindy. She's such a darling the way I feared being a newbie cause of the rumors, I heard concerning the way newbies are always treated harshly and humiliated, but my stay here is quite fantastic. I really love campus", Carey spoke to herself as she gasped while glaring at the roof.

"I'm done go wash that body", Cindy entered the room quickly.

" On it ", Carey took her stuff as she headed to the bathroom.

"Hey..... Carey", a random girl greeted her as she entered the bathroom.

"Hey....", she grinned at the lady.

" I'm Tasha ", the lady grinning weirdly at Carey.

"Pleasure meeting you",  Carey told her politely.

"Yeah, congrats you were so cool there. I loved your confidence you didn't behave like a newbie are you a model or something...", Tasha cautioned Carey.

"Hell no I'm not a model", Carey chuckled.

"Oh, that's good to know ", Tasha smiled at Carey.

"Yeah will talk later wanna take a bath", Carey politely asked her to end the conversation.

"Alright see you later",  Tasha smiled widely as she left the bathroom.

"That was weird. She stared at me as if I am the girl and she the guy is she what I'm thinking....? "Carey thought.

"You... have really stayed",  Cindy raised a brow at Carey.

"It's this weird girl that met at the bathroom. She was asking me if I was a model or something and then she gave me a weird look. I started wondering if she's straight and then, she was just exaggerating the whole thing of me yesterday winning the best-dressed newbie. I think they are just exaggerating everything", Carey rolled her eyes as she scanned for the outfit to wear while they were going for the shopping.

" You will get more of that because most guys saw you and I'm sure even, you will be posted on the social media pages of the campus especially magazines the contest is usually the thing of crowning the most dressed but actually in reality. They always check at the prettiest newbie",  Cindy informed her.

"Never thought of that", Carey said as she concluded dressing up.

"Wow....!!!! that's so cool. A denim pencil dress you look so cool and pretty", Cindy admired Carey's outfit as they left for shopping.

"I really love this dress. You should buy it asap. Just see the way it's showing your curves really quite well. I love this", Cindy said as Carey turned to look at her self in the mirror.

"Woow...!!! really love it", Carey turned over to look at herself.

"Will definitely take this one", She went to change.

"Strawberry ice cream", Carey ordered.

" You love strawberry... ", Cindy came to join her at the booth.

"Yeah, it's my favorite flavor", Carey scooped the ice cream using her small spoon taking it in slowly.

" It's really yummy never knew you love ice cream", Carey raised a brow.

"Who doesn't love ice cream....", Cindy chuckled.

"Will be coming here more often", Carey was thrilled by the sweetness of the ice cream.

"It's her... she is a tomboy...", Carey was amused as she saw Tasha coming in.

" Who is coming.....", Cindy raised a brow.

"The girl I told you met in the bathroom and she was acting all weird", Carey said as she tried not to stare at Tasha.

"Oouu...most girls in campus love this place", Cindy glanced at her.

"Yea girls with ice cream", Carey chuckled.

"Hey Carey....", Tasha greeted her.

" Hey....", Carey grinned.

"Can we join you", Tasha requested.

"Yeah definitely", Carey accepted her request.

"Hey...", Tasha tapped Cindy's shoulder.

"Hey it's you...", Cindy chuckled cause she didn't check her.

"You know each other", Carey was amused.

"Yeah ", they both nodded.

" My bad....she is Dana", Tasha introduced her sister to Carey.

"She is my younger sister and a newbie like you", Tasha's sister Dana smiled at them.

"Pleasure meeting you", Dana grinned.

" How is campus life so far", Tasha cautioned Carey.

"Mmmhh... it's good. Its better than I imagined it to be", Carey answered.

"Yea it's good especially after you won the contest", Dana chuckled.

"Which course are you taking....", Dana cautioned Carey.

"I am taking medicine", Carey mumbled.

"Medicine...!!!", Dana was shocked.

"Yeah, are you surprised", Carey raised a brow at them.

"You got brains", Dana spoke as she took her cream.

"You're in which year....", Carey asked Tasha curiously.

" Am in my third year", Tasha replied.

"Oou that's great you about to graduate", Carey asked.

"Yeah... its next year", Tasha grinned.

Woow...!!! lucky you...", Carey told Tasha as she looked at Cindy who was extremely quiet and using her phone.

"Cindy..", Carey called her.

" Yeah....", She replied hastily.

"Whatsup...", Carey asked her concerned.

"Nothing really...", Cindy replied as she glanced at Tasha.

"It was nice seeing you. We have to go", Carey told Tasha and Dana as they left the ice cream parlor.

"Finally we are here", Carey laid on her bed in exhaustion.

" Yeah, we need to figure out about dinner", Cindy tapped her head.

"Oou will prepare nodules it's easy to prepare", Carey suggested as Cindy nodded in agreement.

"What is the problem....why are you so sad", Carey asked Cindy concerned.

"It's Arthur he cheated on me...", Cindy shed a tear as she informed Carey.

" Whaaat...!!!!really how did you find out about that really sorry", Carey said as she stood up and went to sit beside Cindy.

"His best friend texted me that he has been seeing another girl from here", Cindy cried.

Carey went over to comfort her." Relax hun he doesn't deserve you. Don't stress yourself about him.He's a jerk and douche bag", Carey comforted Cindy.

"Yeah am so done with him", Cindy told Carey angrily as she stood to take a glass of water.

" Have you asked him about it", Carey asked Cindy.

"Nope, I haven't since got the text in the afternoon", Cindy said all soaked up in tears.

"I think its better if you go talk to him", Carey suggested.

"You right. It's not too late to do that", Cindy stood as she wiped her tears.

"Aren't you waiting for the nodules", Carey asked Cindy as she was heading towards the door.

"Will take it later when I am back", Cindy left as Carey was left alone and continued preparing the nodules.

" Why did you cheat on me!!!", Cindy yelled as she entered Arthur's room.

"What are you talking about...", Arthur asked her shocked.

"Your bestie texted me that you've been cheating on me", Cindy couldn't contain herself.

" He told you that was cheating and you believed him", Arthur said as he went closer to her.

"Don't you dare touch me", Cindy yelled.

" "Cooldown babe the yelling and shouting won't help. Actually, it was just a test. Cool down told him to text you that way so that could see your reaction", Arthur grinned weirdly.

"Am not a fool he texted and told me that you've been cheating the whole time", Cindy tried to cool herself.

"At that time when he was texting you, he was here. We saw a blog on how to know if your girlfriend really loves you. The blogger wrote that without jealousy there is no love. So Roma came up with an idea that we should trick you to believe that I am cheating on you. The idea of texting you was all his and he immediately texted you. We waited for more than an hour for your reply but you didn't text back. Started becoming worried that you didn't love me. When you have stormed angrily earlier became excited cause saw you love me", Arthur spoke as he gave Cindy an apologetic look.

" That is so damn stupid and foolish. You think I will believe that stupid story", Cindy raised a brow.

"Please babe believe me. I know it was so stupid of me to come up with such a stupid idea. I am so sorry for making you angry", Arthur apologized.

"It's so foolish", Cindy frowned.

"Will never do that again doubting you.... I really love you am always worried that you may fall for another. Cause of your beauty and confidence have noticed a lot of guys stare at you when am with you", Arthur spoke as he placed his hand on Cindy's thigh.

" so flattered", Cindy grinned.

"Promise me you will never doubt me. I really love you Arthur a lot. Dont ever doubt my love for you", Cindy embraced Arthur.