Reconciliation moment

" Princess will you spend the night with me....", Louis urged her as he drove to towards his apartment.

"Ummm... I think , I..... should go back to my room tonight", She informed him.

"I thought you were sleeping. Please sleep tonight will buy you changing clothes....", Louis offered begging her. He couldn't imagine staying that night without her. Was he falling in love with her like Romeo fell in love with Juliet. Or was it just a mere illusional love that would fed away easily.

" Please my princess", He begged again.

"Mmh fine I will....", Carey nodded. Deep down she was confused of his true intentions but, she definitely knew spending more time with him would make her understand his intentions.

"Thank you love you so much", He yelled in excitement.

"Love you too prince.....", She assured him.

" Uummm.... are you serious.....", He raised a brow at her.

"Are you serious yourself.....", She questioned him.

"Why are you answering a question with another question. Just tell me", He insisted.

" Not now you started it yourself", Carey dismissed the topic.

"This is it...", Carey took the clothes she wanted.

"Thanks, prince", She appreciated him as they entered his car.

"Your my princess and will do everything to pleas you", He smirked at her.

"You flatter me too much Louis", Carey chuckled buckling her seat belt.

"Believe it or not buh am real princess...", He smirked winking at her.

"Aaahh... let's buy take away food. Imma hungry", Carey said as she checked her phone which was ringing.

"Umm... hey where are you baby girl.....", Aiden questioned her over the phone.

"Uuum... am with....", Carey was interrupted by Louis.

" My princess...", He called her out clearly hearing what Aiden said.

"Uum..." Carey said not hanging up.

"Who is that... Carey?" Aiden demanded an answer.

"He is my boyfriend Aiden", Cared lied to him.

"What.... the hell", Aiden hanged up angrily.

"Mmmh... is he your boyfriend", Louis questioned her.

"Nope, he is a guy on campus who likes to pester me all the time. He comes to my room uninvited. He just irritates me", She informed him.

" So sorry my princess that's why you told him am your boyfriend", Louis smirked at her.

"Yes... I think that will make him stop. Though I have a lot of problems in that campus", Carey sighed.

" You can tell me all about it when we are at my place".

"Fine prince....", She smiled at him.

" You should stop staying on campus. Rent an apartment outside or came live with me if you don't mind", Louis was astonished after Carey narrated to him about Aiden, Sasha, and Darwin.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Am not ready to rent an apartment yet....", She informed him while unwrapping the packed meal.

" You can come live here with me", Louis suggested.

"What are you saying... are you for real ...., No...! can't live with you its too early for that", Carey denied.

"Umm...'s not too early for us , I told you love you so much. Nothing is too early for love", he assured her.

"Your rushing things. Take things slowly....", Carey cautioned him.

"I will princess lets eat... now", Louis said.

"Can you tell me more about you?" Carey raised a brow at him.

" Uuum... what do you wanna know?" He questioned her.

"About you... your family, your past life. Basically what you want me to know about you....", Carey raised a brow at him.

" now twenty years old. Ryan is seven years older than me. He is my half brother cause his mum died while giving birth to him. My father later married my mum who took really good care of him. My mum has a golden heart. It's hard to believe that Ryan isn't her child. He really adores her, cause of the love she showed him. Our dad is the tough one and no none sense. We became successful cause of him. My younger sister is in high school still. Back then we weren't so wealthy as we are now buh life wasn't so hard on us", Louis narrated his life story to her.

"Waah... that's hard to believe too. The way you two are so close. Your mum has a golden heart indeed", She was astonished since the two brothers were inseparable.

"Yeah, princess. Ryan is good too. He is the one who financed my business as I started. Though will join his company after graduating. At least I have an income that sustains me. I pay my fees, accommodation and save for future", Louis open up sharing too much information about himself.

"I have never told anyone all that information", Louis admitted grinning at Carey.

"Wow! am flattered",Carey grinned tapping his leg.

"Yeah, princess... Imma sleepy", Louis yawned.

"What's for breakfast?" Louis questioned Carey.

"It's creps....", She smiled at him preparing the dinning table.

"Thank you for everything and being with me", Louis appreciated her glad that she was there for him.

"Thank you too...", She smiled at him.

"Bye love you...", Louis kissed Carey while they were at the parking lot on her campus.

" Bye prince", She smirked at him.

"Is he the guy... that made you refuse me...", Aiden yelled at Carey as she highlighted Louis's car.

"Please... Aiden don't cause a scene here", Carey begged Aiden trying to calm him.

" Yeah it's me....", Louis approached Aiden.

"Fine we will see if you will date her. No one dares to mess with me", Aiden threatened Louis giving him the fierce look.

"Bring it on....", Louis dared him.

"That dude is bad news. You have to stop living on this campus asap", Louis advised Carey.

"Mmmh... he won't do anything. Its empty threats", Carey assured him.

" No...!! I know when a guy means what he says. That guy is so obsessed with you", Louis told her.

"Yes so much", Carey admitted it.

" Mmmhh.... hey", Carey greeted Cindy as she entered their room.

"Ummm... hey", Cindy mumbled glimpsing at Carey. .

"I hope you can forgive me. Am sorry I started the argument",Cindy apologized.

" I have forgiven you", Carey smiled at her.

"Came here. I really missed you....", Cindy hugged Carey.

"I missed you more dear", Carey grinned at her.

"I have to go imma late...", Carey took her bag.

"Go study hard Dr. Carey Wayne", Cindy giggled.

"It's been a while since we talked", Cindy admitted after the long day.

" Yes first tell me about you...", Carey hastily spoke to her.

"Ummm... nothing much. Spent the weekend with Arthur. Went to watch a movie. It was so interesting", Cindy said smiling.

" Wow.... am so glad", Carey grinned at Carey.

"As for me was with Louis the whole time. We went and slept at Ryan's house on Saturday. Afterward, on Sunday we met Ryan's wedding planner who is my cousin apparently", Carey narrated how her weekend was.

" Wow.... you are now dating right....", Cindy questioned her.

"Uuum I think so though told him to wait", Carey grinned at her.

" No just say him", Cindy advised her.

"I will next time we meet", Carey accepted her advise.

"Aiden came here earlier looking for you", Cindy informed her.

"I saw him in the morning. He made a scene trying to threaten Louis to stay away from me. Tell him to stop all this. We ain't dating. Maybe he will hear you...", Carey begged Cindy.

" I will try....", Cindy promised her.

"Thank you dear am glad we are now superfine", Carey grinned at Cindy.

" Am more glad. I even thought you would consider shifting from this room", Cindy admitted.

"No... though I thought of it buh wouldn't do that", Carey assured Cindy who was enlightened after their friendship was amended.