Rejected lover

"Hey cousin.....", Cindy greeted Aiden as she sat on his bed.

"Mason... long time huuh", She sat on Aiden bed facing him.

"Yes the beautiful cousin of the almighty Aiden", He giggles over the hilarious reacting of Aiden.

"Really... is that into necessary", Aiden lifts a brow at him.

"Yeah man...", Mason nods.

"How are you with Arthur...", He winks at her.

"Stop that you look hilarious", Aiden chuckled in a silly way.

"Fuck you man".

"We are duper fine and our love becomes stronger as each day passes", Cindy description of love was amazing. Her eyes glittered immediately she thought of him and this wasn't making sense to the other two. They thought she was just blinded by love to see the dark side of Arthur.

"No this... is being stupidly in love and blinded. Do you know this guy well to trust him they way you do. And commit to one guy as if you are a married couple", Manson couldn't believe that this was true love.

"We will be at her wedding man. Let's chase after this damsels we haven't yet met our loves", Aiden chuckles hurt by the fact that Carey chose another guy over him. How could a girl say no to him. He was the one who was rejecting the girls not the other way around. This time he met with that girl that didn't crush over him as he thought she would since he was amongst the most cutest guys on campus. There is always a first time for everything.

"Aren't you with Carey now...", Mason raised a brow at him ready to mock him since he knew that Carey didn't like him in that way.

"She has a boyfriend now...", Cindy answered.

"Whaaat....!!! sorry bro ", Mansion chuckles heading towards the door.

"It's been long since you came here. Why did you have to tell him that. Whats up...?" Aiden questioned her.

"Mmmh.... just wanted to see you....", Cindy lied knowing her agenda was not just wanting to see him.

"Fine... am doing quite well I guess", Aiden grinned at her.

"Awesome.... how are aunt and uncle? I miss them so much", Cindy admitted.

"Aaam... they are quite fine. They want us to relocate to another country next year. Apparently, my dad wants to open another branch", Aiden informed her as he prepared coffee.

"Wow...!! that's great news. Will you leave....", Cindy raised a brow at him.

"Mmh... I don't want to leave...", Aiden admitted it.

"Then don't leave....", Cindy advised him.

"Yeah so.... how is Carey", Aiden raised the obvious question.

"Mmmh... she's quite fine", Cindy murmured surprised at Aiden's question. After what she said in front of Mason concerning Carey. She thought that he wouldn't be interested knowing how she was fairing on.

"Was that guy I saw her with her boyfriend?" Aiden questioned her.

"He is Louis her boyfriend. He is the younger brother of Ryan Diamond. The owner of Diamond perfume", Cindy answered him.

"Mmh... what....!!! The hell. So she went to him cause his brother is a fucking rich man. Buh my folks own a very big hospital here", Aiden yelled in anger.

"Why are you so angry. There are so many girls on this campus who want you. Just hook up with one and stop pestering Carey. It's clear she isn't into you", Cindy informed him with the bitter truth that Carey wasn't into him like he wanted her to be.

"Yes, I know that buh my boys will laugh at me cause of that. It's so humiliating that the girl most dudes on campus wanna be with also rejected me. Do you know how that feels. I have cash like that stupid man she is with", Aiden sighed angry that Carey wasn't interested in him.

"Umm... so you didn't really like her. It's the stupid clout you after... Around your buddies. My girl is with a better guy now than you. He treats her like a queen and I can see how happy she is", She wasn't surprised since she knew his silly ego.

"Mmh... yeah I like her she's so pretty", Aiden reassured her.

"Fine just leave her alone and get some other girl to fool", Cindy advised him.

"Thanks for your honesty will certainly do that... get another bitch. Will make her jealous. She will come to me begging for me to love her. You shall see that", Aiden half grinned at Cindy.

"You are crazy, Aiden can you hear yourself talk. Thats what your good at playing around with girls. You ain't good for Carey anyway wouldn't want her to be with a dude like you. I just wanted to tell you the truth may be...., distancing yourself from her may make her realize that she likes you", Cindy chuckled.

"Umm... true buh your my cousin. You should support me", Aiden nodded trying to think of Cindy's advice.

"Just change how you treat women and I will start supporting you my dear cousin", She informed him.

"If your saying I start being blinded by love. Nah that isn't my thing and you know me", he has never fallen in love and didn't know what love meant. He misunderstood love and that was what made him be that guy who didn't appreciate women.

"The day you will fall in love you will understand more about love", She notified him.

"Ulalala.... your so stunning Carey...", Daylan stared at Carey. She wore a tight black fitting jumpsuit. Her curves we're visible as every inch of her body was clearly seen.

"Mmmh... thanks ", She grinned at him.

"That's how you will present our work....", Daylan raised a brow at her.

"Aaamm... yeah...", Carey mumbled.

"You will make the dudes not pay attention", Daylan giggled.

"That's their problem not mine", Carey giggled.

"Uuu..... how will do anything to entice that booty....", A guy whispered as Carey was heading to present their group work.

"You wish.....Aiden likes her too. If you don't want your nose to be broken. Leave that girl alone", the guy that was beside him advised the guy.

"What even Aiden likes her.....!!!!" The guy was astonished.

"Yes, she's so sexy. What do you expect", The guy stared at Carey while whispering.

"Yeah... I still admire her though", He smirked glancing at Carey.

"Just admire her. That isn't bad. Even admire banging her that isn't bad too", he giggle annoying him.

"Fuck you...", he was annoyed at his silly comment.

"Wow.....that was a well-prepared presentation. Good work Carey and Daylan", The professor congratulated them for the work well done.

"Thank you", she smiled slightly though in a professional way.

"Waaah...!!! did you see the way these assholes were staring at you...", Daylan whispered.

"Yes... I saw they weren't even concentrating on the presentation. Let them just look buh they can't touch it", Carey chuckled softly.

"Yea... doll", He smirked at her.