Campus tour

"Excuse.... where is the library", Carey asked a random guy who was standing along the path.

"Go straight on your right you will see a four storey building written library above it", the guy who had worn a black leather jacket and had hazel eyes grinned at her.

"Thanks", she appreciated him.

"Your a newbie right....", he raised a brow.

"Yeah, I am ", she nodded.

" Am Marcus", he gestured his hand for a greeting.

"Am Carey", she smiled.

"Am not that busy can take you there....", he offered giving her that look 'please don't say no'.

"Alright, thanks we can go", She followed him.

"What you doing...", He questioned her.

"I am planning to pursue medicine specifically surgical therapy", Carey answered twirling her hair.

" Woow..!!!! Imma glad to hear that am pursuing the same course", Marcus couldn't hide his amusement.

"That's great", she grinned.

"Am in my third year", he pointed out smirking at her.

"Oooh nice", she mumbled.

"We are at the library", he showed her the entrance.

"Thanks for bringing me here", as she was about to stride two steps forward he chased after her blocking her way.

" you mind giving me your number", he pleaded with her.

"Mmm.... yeah sure", she took his phone and dialed her number.

"Thanks talk later", he waved at her.

"Since.... he is doing the same course as I am. I am sure he will help me out", she thought to herself entering the library.

"Wooow", she gazed at the sight of the library.

It was so big and empty at the moment.

"Can I help you...", a young lady approached her after spotting her gazing around.

"Hey.... I am a newbie here and wanted to familiarise myself with the place first before my lectures start", Carey tried her best not to look scared  though she was nervous.

"You always have to be a bitch here and your way will be smooth ", she remembered Cindy's words. She held her head high and attained the bitchy look.

" Woow... will show you around. Am Lily the head of librarians here", the lady introduced herself. Her sweet gesture warmed Carey's heart.

"Thanks that will be so thoughtful of you", Carey appreciated her.

" Let's start with the bookshelves", Lily pointed out leading the way. Lily was so pleased with Carey and showed her around the library.

"When you need me just came and look for me here. Whats your name...", Lily raised a question.

"Am Carey", she replied.

"Pleasure knowing you", Lily smiled at Carey as she headed out of the library.

Carey later looked around and saw all medicine's course lecture rooms. She was done for the day and was so excited about her start at the campus.

"Why are you ignoring me... called you numerous times and yet you keep ignoring me", Harley yelled at Aiden.

"Cant you get it. I am so done with you", he was disgusted by her. He couldn't even hide the disgust.

"Please we can talk about this", she pleaded.

"NO.....!!!!!" he yelled at her.

She knelt down not caring who was staring at her."Am begging please give me the last chance", She pleaded.

" You are embarrassing yourself. Just get the fuck up", he spoke evilly glancing down at her.

"It's not yet over. You can't use and dump me as you please", her mood changed from begging to demanding.

"You are talking about using you. You are the one who cheated. For your info..... many chicks around are desperate for me", Aiden boasted bashing her.

"But you cheat around and I normally forgive you", she spoke in a low tone.

"Yeah... When I say its over, I mean it", Aiden didn't care about her at all.

"Just give her another chance they just made out", Mason pleaded on her behalf.

" I don' give a fuck. She cheated and that's it..... am done", he stood up heading to his room.

"Hey....", Aiden called out for Carey who was so uninterested in him.

" Why are you showing me cold feet....", he spoke heartbroken.

"Well done..... you're trying to act all emotional just cut the chase", she mocked him.

"What have I done to you so that you can treat me this way? Am trying to be nice here", he sadly smirked at her.

"Since you spanked me. That means you are so perverted and I don' want anything to do with you", she crossed her hands in anger.

"Sorry... your ass is just so tempting. Can we go together to the freshers' bash.....", he pleaded hoping she would accept his offer.

"Will protect you from all those ass holes", he finished assuring her.

"I don't attend parties and won't go to that party either", Carey added her pace.

" Slow down.... How....!!!!! you're in campus, not high school. Get a life", he couldn't believe her.

"Woow.... shes so pretty man", a guy approached them tapping Aiden's shoulder.

"She's my new girlfriend", he boasted. Aiden stared at her with the look 'just play along'.

"Woow....she is way hotter than Harley", the guy stared at Carey amazed.

"My bad... Am Nick", he spoke to Carey.

"Am Carey ", she replied fake grinning.

" Talk later. Don wanna spoil the moment", Nick waved at them and left.

"Why did you do that saying am your girlfriend", Carey was pissed off.

"Carey.... what a hot name for a hottie like you. You will be my girlfriend eventually", Aiden said with so much confidence.

"You wish", she laughed at him.

"A man gets what he wants. And I want you and you will be mine if you like it or not. No one says no to me", he warned her.

"You don't scare me. If I say NO.., I mean it", she assured him.

"That's my flat there pretty doll", he pointed out.

" Why are you showing me? You can go now ", Carey frowned at him.

" Nope am going with you to your room", he grinned.

"Mmmhh you so irritating", she yelled.

"I know, will torture you till you accept me", he promised her.

"As you wish", Carey frowned.

As they walked to her room, she didn't speak to him.

"Finally", Aiden rested on Carey's bed.

"Go and lay on your cousin's bed", she pointed out.

" No....i want your bed....", he grabbed her pillow.

"You are annoying can't you see that don't want your company", Carey busted out.

"I don't care about that", he smirked lustfully at her.

"Can't you offer me something baby girl", he sat up.

"There is nothing to be offered", she mumbled.

"Mmmh.... offer me your saliva...", he joked chuckling.

"You such a pervert. What did you say..?" Carey said pissed off.

Aiden woke up and went to Cindy's bed, where she was resting. He carried her up bridal style placing her on her bed.

"Mmmh stop it", she resisted his kiss.

"Better give me the kiss. Won't go unless you give me the kiss", he said to her still on top of her.

"Your heavy...", Carey yelled resisting but he was too strong for her.

"Yeah... baby also down there am heavy", he placed his lips near hers smooching her.

"You wish... I will report you", Carey pointed out.

" Go ahead baby girl", he said showing her the door.

"No one messes with me. I get what I want. I like you a lot and you must be mine baby girl.....", Aiden stood heading to the door.

"You are still hot when angry", He sent a flying kiss winking at her before leaving.

Carey became terrified not knowing what to do. "He must be the campus bully and rich kid indeed....", she thought petrified.