Searching for an escort

"Why are you so worried, what's happening.....", Cindy questioned Carey as she entered their room.

"It's your stupid cousin, we met after my campus tour and he forcefully followed me here. Then he forced a kiss.... can you imagine that he boastfully told me he gets what he wants and no one can do anything to stop him even myself", Carey narrated panting.

Cindy knew the kind of guy her cousin was. "I am so sorry about that. He indeed gets what he wants. Since we were kids, he was the bully and the annoying one. Will talk to him to leave you alone. Just calm down. Have bought pizza let's not spoil the mood.. ", Cindy smirked at her opening the pizza box.

" Its mouthwatering thanks for the pizza", Carey was enlightened taking a piece.

"Yeah, it's delicious", Cindy took another bite.

"She is trying to play hard to get on me", Aiden thought out loud.

" What did you just say dude....", Mason raised a brow at him playing his favorite video game.

"Nah don't mind me", he smirked glancing over his phone.

"Hey....can you please send me her number, I mean Carey's number", Aiden sent Cindy the text?

"Why are you so uneasy what's up.....", Mason removed his headphones.

" Mmmh... I kissed her", Aiden evilly smirked licking his lower lip.

"Aaaah... who are you referring to.....", Mason cracked up.

"It's the damsel was telling you about", Aiden answered.

"The one with the big booty", Mason raised a brow teasing him.

"Oou....yeah, remember her... So she denied you", Mason chuckled.

" Yeah, I did and threatened her that no one says no to me", Aiden smirked evilly.


"Just cut the crap or will punch you ", Aiden was tighting his grip on Mason's shirt.

" Relax beating me up won't help you", Mason said amused by his anger.

"Calm down, let this girl be is she the only girl on campus", Mason yelled trying to cover his mouth.

" I just like her way too much to let her go", Aiden relaxed sitting on his bed.

"It's about her booty that you're reacting this way", Mason chuckled.

"Mmmh yeah... it is her booty plus other things. I don't have to explain everything to you...", Aiden informed him.

"Oou alright will hook you up with a girl with a bigger booty than hers...", Mason giggled.

"Alright, maybe that will help in the meantime. Maybe when she sees me with another girl she will be jealous and ran to me", Aiden smirked at the idea. It seemed great getting another girl other than Carey.

" Alright game during the bash she will be coming", Mason winked at him.

"Gross.... stop winking at me", Aiden mocked Mason's action.

"As you say Mr....", He continued playing his game.

"He has asked for your number", Cindy showed Carey his text.

" Why.....?" she raised a brow at her.

"Of course to talk to you. What should I tell him", Cindy signaled at her waiting for her response.

"Just tell him am not interested", Carey spoke twirling her hair.

"Mmmh... you so hard to get and the way chicks here ran after him. Claiming his super hot and cool", Cindy laughed.

"She has said, she ain't interested in you. Stop asking for her number...", Cindy sent Aiden the text.

" We must go to the party. Won't take a no from you. You can't be bored when I am here", Cindy winked at her.

"Mmm... alright am in.... will go", Carey said in defeat.

"Oou you will love it hun", Cindy hugged her excitedly.

"I hope so... I have never gone to a party like that before", Carey informed her embarrassed.

" Really....!!!!!", Cindy was amused.

"Yes, my mum has been overprotective of me. I was bought a phone when coming to campus. The kind of lecture was given when coming here was so endless. She normally wants me to do things her way which annoys me", Carey narrated her story making Cindy mesmerized.

"That's sad you didn't enjoy your teen life well. I am glad you're my roomie. Now you will study and enjoy life well. As for me while growing up my parents were never around. They are always busy with their businesses flying everywhere. My nanny was a don't care and she would meet her boyfriend and leave me all alone at home", Cindy narrated her story removing her makeup.

" She seems to be a rich one", Carey thought to herself.

"That's bad and good though you enjoyed yourself", Carey smiled.

" Yeah kinda buh my parents don't care about me. They pay too much attention to their work which irritates me", Cindy's mood shifted to sorrowful.

"Let's change the topic I don wanna be emotional", Cindy cracked up.

" Yeah definitely", Carey nodded in agreement.

"Concerning the party do you have an escort there...", Cindy raised a brow.

" Nope why do I need to go with someone ..", Carey stared at her amazed.

"Cause I want you to be with a guy at that party. Especially cause you are a newbie, don't want you to be used or drugged by this raunchy campus guys", Cindy was in her best interest.

"Should I ask Aiden to go with you? He will protect you I promise...", Cindy requested Carey.

" Nah just look for another dude not him", Carey hastily refused her offer.

"No way will I go with him. Wanna make him see ain't interested in him after seeing me with another dude. He will stop bothering me", Carey thought to herself self smiling.

"Yeah you in for it. I inform the guy...", Cindy waited for her reply.

" Yeap kindly do it. Imma so ready am that bitch", Carey acted bitchy surprising Cindy.

"I love that. You will like him", Cindy assured her.

"I trust you on that", Carey winked at her.

"Hey....can you came over to my place now", Cindy called the guy.

" I am on my way in a few", he responded.

"He is coming over", Cindy informed her.

"Waiting for him", Carey smirked.

"You will like him. He is super cute", Cindy was excited.

"There he comes", Cindy went to open the door.

"Came in", She gestured at him to sit on her bed.

"How do I start... Carey, he is Darwin the guy was telling you about", Cindy smiled introducing him. Darwin is cute and hot. He has the perfect body every girl would drool on seeing him. His hair is bleached blonde, arms we're tattooed, and has a nose ring. He is the perfect image of a campus guy.

"Is she the one...", he weirdly glared at Carey.

" Yeah, she is....", Cindy said confused at his expression.

"Wow, she is so pretty and stunning", he licked his lips staring at Carey.

"Unlike Aiden, this one seems to be better. He is cool and not nagging", she thought to herself.

"She has told you will be your boyfriend for the night...", Darwin winked at her.

" Yeah and agreed ", Carey tried to act all lovely.

" Don't worry you will be fine with me. Will take care of you", he said laying down on the bed.

"Let me go and buy something for us to eat", Cindy informed them leaving the room.

"Wow... Senorita... I love what I am seeing you so hot", Darwin went and sat next to Carey.

"Please don't....", She gave him a warning look.

"I have rules when we are there no touching me just hugging", Carey pointed out.

" That will be impossible do you know why baby girl...", he didn't finish the sentence.

"Why....?" she eagerly waited for his response.

"Cause another dude will grab you if you won't be close to me. And he might do worse than I will", he tried to scare her.

"What kind of party is that anyway", she asked him moving towards the edge of the bed.

"It's a party for crazy people", he joked giggling.

" Mmmh.... okay, you will just give me a quick peck then. Cant miss to go have heard a lot of that party", Carey muttered.

"Yeah, it's your party anyway for the newbies. It will be such a waste if you miss it", Darwin winked at her.

"Will go", Carey tried to smile though the guy seemed to get closer to her.

"Glad baby girl.Can't wait for tomorrow", he placed his hand on her left thigh.

"Can't you contain yourself and keep your hands to yourself", Carey swatted his hands.