Preparation for the party

"Show me your dresses want you to be perfect at the party", Cindy informed her as she glanced at her closet trying to find her perfect dress for the party.

" This is the only dress, I have for a party", Carey raised the dress.

"What.... hell no, you can't go to a party with that dress. It's so long and fits a corporate event only", Cindy refused the dress instructing Carey to keep it back in her closet.

"Will lend you.... one of my dresses", Cindy smiled at Carey.

" Are you okay with that", she finalized her sentence.

"Yeah who am I to say no to that sweet gesture", Carey grinned fascinated.

"Okay..... selecting five good dresses and you have to pick one", Cindy picked up the dresses showing them to Carey.

"They are all perfect. This one..... the black lace dress let me try it and you will tell me. How I will look", Carey picked the black lace dress wearing it quickly.

" How do I look", She gestured at Cindy turning around.

"Holy shit.... you so damn hot", Cindy was amused.

"It looks way better than on me", Cindy blinked dramatically.

"You exaggerating... will go in this. Thank you for the dress", Carey appreciated looking at herself in the mirror over and over.

"Darwin will come to pick you up...", Cindy informed Carey rolling her hair.

" Mmmhh...really... it's fine", Carey was nervous.

"Yeah, he will pick you up cause the club is a bit far from school", Cindy smirked at her.

"Am fine. Cause you picked him for me trust he isn't a douche bag", Carey faked a grin.

"Glad you're okay with that. Cause Arthur will come to pick me up", Cindy finished fixing her hair.

"He will boast around cause of you", Cindy flirtered Carey.

"Why....?", Carey raised a brow.

"Cause you so hot in that", She pointed her protruding ass.

"Oooh ", Carey giggled.

" Let me fix your make up for you", Cindy suggested and Carey nodded in agreement.

"I don't have a makeup kit", Carey felt embarrassed glancing at the roof.

"No big deal, you can use mine", Cindy opened her make up kit.

"Won't that be too much? Wearing your dress then your makeup. Can go make up free", Carey suggested feeling over-dependent on Cindy.

"No...dont be silly, we are pals now", Cindy insisted.

"Thanks a lot, you have been a great help", Carey sat on the dressing mirror waiting for Cindy to apply the makeup on her.

"Which color shade do you prefer...", Cindy showed the various colors on the kit.

" I want this shade", Carey pointed.

"Alright let's do this", Cindy took the concelour and first applied it on her. She applied the foundation quite well the eye shadows were amazing. Lipstick the dark red color shade which made Carey more gorgeous.

"You can now turn over and look at yourself princess", Cindy finished applying the makeup on her.

"Mama Mia.....!!!!! cant believe it's me", Carey was amused by her looks.

" You look so pretty. No one can believe that your newbie. You look so elegant. Darwin will be so glad to see ya...", Cindy praised Carey.

"Thanks, you an angel sent for me", Carey stared at her reflection.

" I am sorry ain't good in applying makeup. Can't promise will help you on that", Carey bites her upper lip.

" No worries girl will apply it myself. I'm good in that", Cindy applied the makeup on herself real quick.

"Wow, you so hot. Arthur will be so marveled", Carey flirtered her which made Cindy laugh.

" Here he comes talking of the devil...", Cindy stood to open the door.

"Can you turn for me", he raised her hand while she turned.

"Am speechless babe", he kissed her forehead.

"Hey Carey...", he came closer and hugged her.

" You look so hot, so damn hot ", he thought to himself.

" You look spectacular", he said knowing well he couldn't describe her as sexy.

"Thanks", Carey appreciated.

"Let me take my purse. He has texted, he is on his way. Just wait for a few minutes", Cindy walked out leaving Carey in the room.

"Relax breath in and out. Breath in and out", Carey spoke to herself as she breathed in and out.

" It's just a party relax....", she pointed at her reflection.

"Is it him", She opened the door.

"Darwin...", she was surprised to see him.

"He's so cute", she thought to herself gazing at him.

"Woow....!!!!is this you", he stared at her not even blinking. His mouth was wide open in amusement.

"Nope, it's not me", Carey giggled.

"Can't believe what I am seeing you so gorgeous babydoll", he giggled and hugged her passionately making Carey space out.

"Can we now go....", Carey asked him as he loosened his hands around her waist.

" Yeah, we can. Can you kiss me first babydoll", he smirked at her licking his lips.

"NO!!!", she said with so much authority.

"Relax it's not a fight", he pointed out.

"Whaat...!!!! this guy is rich ", she thought to herself as he opened for her to enter the car. She buckled her seat belt revealing her thighs.

He placed one hand on her thigh irritating her." Can you stop being touchy touchy Mr.", She frowned.

"You so tempting will try not to ", he smirked at her.

" Which course are you pursuing", he started the engine.

"Medicine", she peeked at the window.

"You got brains there", he was amused.

"Yeah, and you", She cracked up at his use of words.

" Engineering", he said as they left the campus.

"Woow you got more brains", she joked around.

"Nah you got the more brains", he giggled.

"Is the party far", Carey asked as she turned to face him.

"Not that much. It's a thirty minutes drive to that club", he responded.

"'s where", she raised a brow at him again.

"At sparkle's", he grinned.

"Sparkle.....", Carey never knew the place. Her reaction amused Darwin.

" Yeah, sparkle club. You mean you have never heard of it", he raised a brow smirking.

"No.... never", Carey informed him.

"Where do you live if you have never heard of the club? It's the coolest club around ", he stopped at a petrol station.

"Just check if it's accurate. At times they do steal.....", he gestured at Carey to check the meter.

"Yeah, it's exactly that", she whispered.

"Thank you", the petrol guy said to him as they drove off.

"What was that for", Carey questioned him.

"These dudes steal at times. It's good to be sure", he muttered.

"So... you never told me where your from", he waited for her reply.

" Am from Sunshine estate", Carey replied.

"That's not far from here. How don't you know of Sparkle", he raised a brow.

"I have never gone to a club or any raunchy teenage party", Carey informed him embarrassed trying to act all cool.

" WHAT.....!!!!!!! you're kidding me", he was amused.

"Yeah why lie....", she assured him.

"You're a good girl the mum's little... girl", he giggled mocking her.

"Yeah, I am", she nodded.

"Do you have a boyfriend", he asked.

"Nope", she replied.

" so innocent girl", he raised a brow not believing her innocence.

For the rest of the journey, they were all quiet. "We are finally here at sparkles", Darwin informed her as they were driving inside the place.

The parking lot was so big making Carey shocked. "There are a lot of cars", she said as they scoured for a parking space.

"This party is always parked just wait until we get inside....", he assured her.

"Finally, we are here.....", he gasped.

"Yeah finally", Carey repeated his words.

"As we go inside remember to always be on my side", he unbuckled his seatbelt as he opened the car door for her.

" Thanks", Carey took her purse.

"Shall we...", he gestured for her to cross her hand in his.

"Is all this necessary", she raised a brow.

"Yeah baby doll", he smirked at her.

"This place is mind-blowing", she said as they were at the entrance. The bouncers asked for their school id, as they entered.

" What...!!!!. Many girls are like nude here", Carey's jaws dropped.

"Yeah it's campus you will be used to it", He reassured her.

"Just sit there don't move. I am going first for our drink then we look for Cindy", he left heading to the counter.

"Two glasses of tequila with ice", Darwin ordered.

" On it...", the guy on the counter replied preparing his request.

"Thanks", he took the glasses as he went to Carey.

"Hey... pretty girl. You must be a newbie right... Have never seen your face before", a drunk guy winked at Carey.

He was a little bit drunk and staring at her unpleasantly. "Let's go and will crush your cookie well", he spoke in his drunken state.

"The hell get away from her", Darwin yelled at the guy as he placed the glasses on the table.