Celebrity of the twilight

"Why are you staring at me... you are reporting me. That's so lame of you", Aiden flashed at Daphne pissed off.

"Calm down can't you see she's not in that mood", Cindy was pissed signaling Aiden to go away.

"Suit yourselves", he evilly smirked at them as he moved towards a damsel who was walking past them.

" The hell really Aiden...", Cindy raised a brow.

"Hey pretty lady...", Aiden winked at the girl. She wore a white short tight dress.

" I love what I am seeing", he licked his lips seductively .

"Oou Aiden..", she tapped her forehead.

"You know me already... wow", he smirked at her.

"Yeah.... who doesn't know you", she interrogated him staring at his outfit.

"You like me yeah....", he smirked at her.

"You really wish... two glasses please", she cut short her speech as she spoke to the bartender.

"Your name...", he moves closer to her.

"Am Pearl ", Pearl knew the kind of stubborn and irritating jerk Aiden was. She just wanted peace and couldn't talk to him rudely cause he is short tempered.

" Ooou... excuse me I need to join my friends", she politely wanted him to let her go.

"I can come and join your pals...", he winked at her.

"Nope am with my guy actually", Pearl grinned at him with the look 'just relax and am already taken'.

"Issa fine... the hell you behaving like ur super hot", he dismissed her disgracing her yelling inappropriately.

"The hell get a life. Who the hell do you think you are!!!!!!", Pearl yelped back as her strides increased.

"Have spotted you, just wait for my wrath", he yelled at her.

Aiden remained all alone at the counter bar.

"I can't believe am alone in this damn party", he spoke to himself ordering another drink.

"I told you now look.... at him. That girl he was causing a scene over, what is her name.....?" Cindy questioned Daphne.

"I don't know her name but the guy she was with seemed like a bad boy", Daphne informed her.

"Oou just relax sorry for his behavior though", Cindy apologized on behalf of Aiden.

"Its fine thanks", Daphne appreciated.

"You can come join us", Cindy woke up as she gestured her hand to Daphne.

"Thanks ", Daphne followed her as they were approaching Arthur.

" Am sorry for that ", Carey spoke as they left the terrace.

" No need to apologize, your such a darling am not surprised he likes you", Darwin smiled.

"Thanks for being there as you promised you would take care of me and you're doing that", Carey thanked him as he sat pulling a chair for her to sit.

"Thank you Mr romantic", she joked making Darwin giggle at her remarks.

"I liked the kiss babydoll", Darwin smirked at her. Carey was shy and she tried to glance at him.

" Liked it more", Carey mumbled shyly.

"Woow.... falling for you", Darwin held her hand.

"Nope.... you're going too far we just met today", she surprised him as he thought that she would accept his advances easily.

"Let's go at Cindy's", Carey requested Darwin.

"Okay... let's go babydoll", he accepted holding her hands in a tight grip.

"Hey....", Carey waved at them.

" Hi... its you...", Carey was appalled after spotting Daphne.

"Yeah, it's me", she replied in a low tone.

"Do you two know each other?" Cindy questioned them.

"Mmmhh..", Carey couldn't talk about it.

"Yeah, we met earlier. She is the girl I was telling you about earlier", Daphne admitted it.

"Ooou... it was her shit!!!", Cindy was surprised.

"This will be kinda weird. Are you sure you still wanna stay here", Darwin touched Carey's thigh.

" Yeah am sure I did nothing wrong", she smiled at Darwin.

" I am sorry he is the one who keeps pestering me", Carey apologized to Daphne with a grin.

"Am not mad at you it's not your fault", she assured her that all was okay between them.

"Cool...", Carey grinned at her.

"What did I hear you already kissed", Cindy raised a brow.

" Mmmh... yeah", Carey nodded.

"Stop that you making Carey uncomfortable", Arthur whispered to Cindy.

"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the freshas bash", a beautiful lady stood up in the middle of the club.

" How are things going so far", she shouted all psyched up.

"Amazing, cool, great", the crowd yelled.

She spoke a few words cheering the crowd. The place was so amazing and fun. This was the perfect place for a youngster who wanted the fun to hang around.

"All the newbies can you all stand up and came here", she announced.

"Whaaat...!!!! walk there ", Carey glanced at Darwin.

" Yeah, they always do that then the best-dressed competition thing. Just go", Carey seemed anxious and never wanted to go.

"Let's go", Daphne told her.

"Alright", Carey finally accepted as her strides were smooth walking like on the red carpet.

"You hot newbie", a guy shouted from the crowd.

"Just assume him", Carey thought not turning to glance at him.

" Thank you all...", the lady whose name was Anna continued.

"Who's your best top ten dressed lady....", Anna yelled at the crowd.

"All the ladies you will walk here as in model. The top ten ladies with the most shouts will race against each other", Anna instructed them.

" Are... you  ready...my....people..", Anna yelled.

"Are...you...ready....", Anna yelled.

We are ready!!!!!", the crowd yelled back.

"Am so nervous what is this", Carey whispered at Daphne.

" I am too...don't panic be courageous so that you don't be ridiculed", Daphne encouraged Carey.

"Thanks will try it", Carey appreciated.

"Don't try,  just do it", Daphne tapped her shoulder.

After the modeling for the best-dressed newbie. Carey and Daphne were among them.

"I told you,  you will make it just be brave", Daphne whispered.

"Thanks, it worked", Carey appreciated her.

"Are...you...ready...for...the best female well...dressed...and...prettiest...newbie", Anna yelled as the crowd screamed.

"Let us start with the first round of the walk and the top three will be selected", The battle began, When Carey appeared screams we're heard and the guys were cheering for her.

"Each stride she takes is so perfect and she is making my world go crazy. Why is this girl making me feel this way", Aiden glared at Carey as she turned right and left walking like the model she was.

"This girl is really amazing. Will make sure she's mine", a blonde guy who was beside Aiden was talking to his friend.

"Excuse me.... she is mine", Aiden uttered his words to the guy knowing well that Carey despises him.

"Congrats she's really sexy and pretty",  the guy spoke to Aiden.

They selected the top three most pretty and well-dressed newbie lady. Daphne didn't make it while Carey was among the top three ladies.

"The moment we all been waiting for the best dressed and prettiest newbie this year....", Anna shouted.

"Yaaay the hot lady in the black dress", a voice was heard from the crowd.

" And now let start....", Anna instructed as the music began.

A lady in a white and red dress was the first. She has curves and the figure of a model.

"Help me God...", Carey gasped as her turn reached. She was careful and each stride she walked was perfect.

Cheers, were the evidence of how Carey impressed them. After the walk, Anna instructed the three to stand in front for the winner to be selected.

" Give it up for Fiona..!!!!!!", Anna yelled as Fiona one of the three girls was cheered.

The cheers we're not so loud.

"Give it up for Dana.....!!!!", Anna yelled as Dana one of the three girls was cheered for.

"Finally, give it up for Carey....!!!", Anna yelled as Carey was being cheered for. The shouting for Carey was louder and stayed longer.

"The moment we were all waiting for. This year's prettiest and best well dressed newbie is Carey...!!!!", Anna yelled as Carey walked again on the tiny runway. Carey was amused and couldn't believe that she was the best prettiest and well dressed.

"Carey say something", Anna gave her the microphone.

"Am Carey a newbie. Thanks for choosing me and love you all", Carey grinned as she was given a small crown.

" We love you more baby", the guys yelled out staring at Carey.

"Thank you Carey and welcome to the campus. Take your gift and you can go join your pals", Anna hugged Carey. She walked all eyes on her while she headed to where Cindy was.

"That was amazing. You can enjoy the party", Anna dismissed the gathering.

"I am so happy for you girl. You really looked adorable there", Cindy congratulated Carey.

"Thanks, it was not easy became nervous at some point", Carey told Cindy.

" Congrats girl you looked awesome there", Daphne complimented Carey.

"Thanks for the encouragement", She appreciated Daphne.

"Am proud of you baby doll", Darwin held Carey's hand in a tight grip.

" Thanks", she said grinning at him.

"How I wish you saw how the bad boys of the school were drooling at you", Cindy giggled pointing Darwin.

"Why are you pointing at me", Darwin chuckled.

"He is among the bad boys", Carey giggled.

"Yeah of course", Cindy yelled.

"Ooou... am so shy babe", Carey covered her eyes.

"Stop it...", Darwin tickled her waist.

"I am so angry at that stupid jerk Darwin. Look the way he is all over her", Aiden said pissed off.

"She's not into you. She wants the guy man just stick with Daphne", Mason yelled as the music became louder.

" Nope, I want her especially now that she has been declared the queen of the newbies", Aiden yelled back at him as he took another drink.

"You have drunk enough", Mason told Aiden who was over drinking due to his frustrations.

"No girl especially in this campus has ever said no to me", Aiden stared at Carey as she was playing with Darwin whose hands were on her shoulder.

"Maybe she doesn't like you. This one is different from the others", Mason pointed out.

"I can't believe this. She is mine alone. Will make sure they won't last forever", he sipped another drink.

"Let's go and dance ", Darwin pleads Carey who seemed not interested.

" I am not a fan of dancing just go dance", Carey didn't want to join him.

"Just look your friend Cindy is dancing with her guy. Daphne as well has a dancing partner", they both stared at them.

"Mmm... fine you have won", Carey said in defeat as they stood and headed to the dancing floor.