Having fun isn't that nasty

"Dance... dance baby doll don't be a party pooper", Darwin came closer as Carey wasn't ready to dance.

" Mmmhh.... am not used to these things", Carey informed him.

"Will show you, dancing isn't a hard thing", Darwin yelled as the music became louder.

"Just move your arms and legs, free yourself babydoll", he signaled her to cheer up.

"Is it done like this", Carey started dancing shaking what her mother gave her.

"Oooh damn it, yeah you doing it well", Darwin was impressed. Carey moved her body more easily and felt comfortable doing it.

"Your doing it well babydoll, "Darwin high fived her.

"It's club banger time", the Dj yelled as the music was louder.

" Yeeeeiiiii", the crowd shouted.

"Bend down baby doll", Darwin gestured at Carey to bend over and dance.

"Whaaattttt!!!!!!", Carey was amused as he demanded her to whine on him.

"Mmmhh have never whined before", she yelled shyly.

"You see the way that girl is dancing on that guy. Just do the same to me and you have a big booty that won't be too hard for you", he assured her.

"Mmhh... will try it", Carey said in a defeated tone.

"You're doing it quite well", Darwin shouted.

"Am I really...?" Carey stood up facing Darwin.

"Just continue doing it stop standing up", Darwin pushed her backward.

"That's enough am so tired", She notified Darwin.

"Oou lets go rest babydoll", he held her hand tightly

"I need to go to the ladies", Carey informed him as they were going to seat.

"Let me take you", he insisted.

"Nope, that will be too much am just going to the ladies", Carey chuckled.

"Alright but be careful", he cautioned her staring as she left his side.

"The hell this is what they do at parties", Carey spoke to herself as she was shocked of how the party people we're making out aimlessly.

" Miss newbie pretty lady come to daddy", a drunk guy approached Carey as he tried to touch her inappropriately.

"Excuse me.... stop touching me", Carey yelled at the guy.

"Hell, no can't let you go damn hot girl", the guy came closer pushing Carey to the wall.

"Aaahh...stop!!!!", she yelled out.

"Stop playing hard to get give me that kiss first wanna feel you", the guy touched her inappropriately as he tried to move his lips closer to hers.

"Get away from her", a guy pushed the drunk guy away from Carey.

"Aiden!!!!!!!", Carey was amused, scared, and speechless. At that moment she didn't know what to do. Thank him or get away without saying a word to Aiden. What difference does he have with the guy anyway. They are both bullies.

"What do I say to him, I thank you won't hurt. He did save me anyway .The drunk guy was too strong for me", Carey thought to herself still gazing at Aiden.

"Are you okay....", Aiden asked her concerned.

" Yeah... i... am thank you", Carey nodded as she gasped.

"Why are you walking all alone", he asked her coming closer to her.

"Was just...going to the ladies", she said becoming uncomfortable cause Aiden was getting closer to her.

"Let me take you", he smirked at her.

"Thanks", She appreciated as they headed to the ladies.

"Will be waiting here outside", Aiden smiled at her as she entered inside the washroom.

"Congrats for being the best dressed. Your really pretty Carey", a random lady praised Carey.

" Thanks for the compliment", she grinned at the lady.

"You're so perfect... am Zena", the lady continued.

"That's a unique name have never heard of it", Carey glanced at Zena.

"Which course...", she raised her brow.

"Medicine", Carey smiled at her.

"Whooaa!!!! you doing medicine. You got the beauty and the brains", she praised Carey.

"Thanks for the compliment it was a pleasure meeting you", Carey grinned at her.

"Oou you still here", Carey was surprised to see Aiden still waiting for her.

"I promised to watch you ", he winked.

"About today trying to cause trouble with Darwin wasn't cool", Carey frowned.

"Mmmhh...yeah baby girl I like you", Aiden  repeated the words he said as they were at the terrace.

"I see that ", she chuckled.

" Am serious baby girl really like you ", he calmly told her.

" I don't believe that at all", Carey raised a brow at Aiden.

"I really do babydoll", he reassured her.

"I am not in the mood for that right now", Carey gave him a childish frown.

"Okay....", he nodded.

"Carey!!! you're prettier than I saw you there", a guy who had worn black sweat pants and white t-shirt hugged Carey by surprise.

"Excuse.....", Aiden raised a brow at the guy.

"Sorry was just excited to see her never knew you were together", the guy apologized.

"Why did you give him that look", Carey questioned Aiden. He surely frightened the guy with the look he gave him.

"Just wanted him to know that your mine", Aiden took Carey's left hand forcefully in a tight grip.

"Am not yours", she insisted.

" You will be mine soon", he smirked at her as they approached Darwin.

"You again", Darwin woke up in annoyance at the sight of Aiden and Carey holding hands.

" Calm down he saved me from a drunk guy who was forcing himself on me", Carey tried to cool him down.

"You don't know how to treat your date or should I say your girl well", Aiden notified him in a neutral way but somehow pissed attitude.

"Who are you to judge me", Darwin spoke in annoyance.

"You should be with guys who know how to take care of their ladies well. Like me baby girl will make you feel like a queen", Aiden praised himself.

"That was amazing babe", Arthur tickled Cindy.

" Stop it your making me have goosebumps", She chuckled really hard.

"That's what I want my honey bunch", Arthur winked at her.

"You being naughty", he lightly pinched her cheeks.

"You really look so adorable babe", Arthur kissed her forehead.

"You look more adorable babe", Cindy repeated his words.

"You're a copy cat why are you repeating my words", Arthur grinned at her.

"Am not a copy cat", she tickled his waist.

"Stop that it's me who should tickle you", Arthur tickled Cindy more.

"Here comes the queen", Cindy was amazed to see Carey.

" How you doing so far babe", She asked Carey

"Doing quite well", Carey grinned at her.

"Did you dance", Cindy raised her brow.

"Yeah", Carey nodded.

"You even aham... on him", Cindy winked at her.

"She did it quite well ", Darwin chuckled.

" I can't do it, have never danced this way", Darwin mocked Carey as she was refusing to dance with him earlier.

"Stop embarrassing me", Carey whispered to Darwin.

" Babydoll stop being shy", he mumbled at her.

"The night so far is fun", Carey said after a while breaking the moment of silence It.

"Absolutely girl told you it will be lit", Cindy smiled at her.

"You were so right", Carey said in agreement.

"Long time no see Cindy", Harley grinned at Cindy.

" Hey, it's been long", Cindy pointed out.

"Hey...!!! Carey congrats and welcome to the campus", Harley congratulated Carey smiling weirdly at her.

" She can't take the spotlight from me", Harley thought.

"I was last year's best dressed. I just wanted to introduce myself so that we can catch up later", Harley sat besides Carey.

"That's good pleasure knowing you", Carey was amused by her sweet gesture.

"Yeah dear have you seen Aiden", Harley asked Cindy.

" Yeah earlier but now can't see him anymore", Cindy answered uncomfortably knowing the situation he was when she saw him.

"He was with another girl and he fought with Darwin over Carey. No I can't tell her that now it will heartbreak her knowing she wants to go back to Aiden. The guy who is now pursuing my roomie Carey", Cindy thought to herself as she glared at Harley.

" Let me just look for him", Harley stood up as she walked through the numerous people.

"Who was that...?", Carey raised a brow at Cindy.

"She is the ex-girlfriend of Aiden", Cindy fake grinned at her.

"Oooh, she's pretty though", Carey praised Harley.

"Not much as you ", Darwin winked at Carey.

" You were eavesdropping", Carey tapped Darwin's thigh.

"Yeah, you got me there ", he winked at her.

" Hey babe", Harley approached Aiden who was at the counter.

"Cant, you get it it's done between us. We are so done", Aiden glanced at her pissed off as he continued taking his drink.

"Been looking for you. You mean..... you came here alone", Harley smiled hoping he had no other girl in his life except her.

"You wish... I came with a chick", he told her

"Where is she...", She raised a brow at him irritating him more.

"That's not your business. Fuck.... get away from me", Aiden yelled at her.

"Cooldown stop yelling. You are attracting unnecessary attention", Harley pointed out.

"Just fuck off ", Aiden stood walking past her and leaving her standing.

" That is so embarrassing", a girl yelled laughing at Harley.

"Shut the fuck up", Harley busted in anger.