So annoying

"Harley is not a good person be extra careful with her", Cindy warned Carey after Harley approached them claiming to meet the new best-dressed lady.

" I will definitely imma that.... don't mess with me bitch", Carey gave Cindy the bitchy look giggling.

"You are  exaggerating it girl", Cindy cheered Carey.

"Drink more", Darwin gave Carey a drink.

" I am not used to drinking told you...", Carey denied his offer.

"Why is she refusing to take the drink? When she is drunk it's easy to make out with her", Darwin thought to himself gazing at Carey lustfully.

"Why are you giving me that dirty look", Carey lifted a brow at him.

"You're just too hot", he flirted her.

"Stop that", Carey gave him the look of 'you will never get it'.

"When is the party ending...?", Carey was exhausted.

"Are you bored... nope it will end at dawn", Darwin replied.

"Oou... all that time.....", Carey yawned.

" Are you tired....", Darwin raised a brow at her.

"Yea", Carey nodded in agreement.

"Let me take you home", Darwin offered.

"Alright thanks", She grinned at him.

"Wow!!! I love your....", Darwin smirked.

"My... ", Carey lifted a brow.

"Mmmh never mind", He didn't disclose it.

"Let me inform Cindy we are going", Carey said twirling her hair.

" Nope can't you see they are busy babydoll don't ruin the moment", Darwin giggled as they stared at Cindy who was deep smooching Arthur.

"Mmmh yeah your right", Carey chuckled as Darwin tightly held Carey's hand as they tried to get their way out of the club. It was all crowded and moving a stride forward they had to push or excuse themselves.

"This is so tiring", Carey was irritated as the drunk men were drooling at her especially after the contest of best dressed.

"Am sure they are going to smash up", Aiden stared at Carey as they were heading to the main exit door.

" That's obvious they are holding hands", Mason emphasized.

"Must catch up on them", Aiden stood heading towards Carey and Darwin.

Carey sat on top of Darwin's car as he was standing between her legs.

"You so pretty babydoll", Darwin pushed her hair.

"Yeah your pretty too", Carey chuckled.

"Your so silly I really like you ", he smirked at her.

" How..", she cautioned him.

"Just everything about you and I mean it", his voice became lower as his lips were closer to hers.

"Should I accept it...", Carry thought to herself.

"Get away from her", Aiden grabbed Darwin's shirt tightly as he gave him a warning look.

" I told you she is mine. You can't take advantage of her when I am seeing that", Aiden busted out releasing Darwin from his grip.

"He is not using me.....", Carey yelled at Aiden. 

"He is.....", Aiden went closer and held Carey's arm tightly.

"Leave her alone ", Darwin busted out furiously. Aiden pushed him backward as he fell on the floor.

" Let me go. I don't want to be with you", Carey tried to loosen from his grip but he was too strong for her.

"You wanna go home ", Aiden asked her.

" Yes", Carey frowned.

"Will take you there", he smirked at Carey.

"NO!!! ", She declined his offer.

" Will carry you then to my car", he giggled at her.

"Okay dare me", he gave her a waiting look.

"I dare you", she dared him.

"Whaat your crazy put me down", Carey ordered Aiden who carried her bridal style.

"Nope am taking you by force", he refused.

"Your heavy what do you eat", Aiden kept her on top of his car.

" I eat stubborn boys like you", Carey frowned at Aiden with the look of 'are you crazy or something'.

"You wanna eat me huh..!!", Aiden raised a brow at her coming closer to her.

"I am very good in that eating", he licked his lips.

"Gross", she frowned.

"What is wrong with you", Carey questioned him as she stood up.

"Come here , enter the car I take you home", he opened the car door for her signaling her to enter inside.

"Mmmhh alright Mr..", she said sarcastically entering the car.

" Let me buckle the belt for you baby girl", Aiden was so close to Carey that he could feel her breath.

"You have been drinking a lot", he raised a brow at her.

"Yeah, you expected me to drink water or milk", she moved not wanting the touch between them.

"What do you want Aiden?" Carey questioned him as he started the engine.

"I want you baby girl", he smirked at her. She just looked at him sarcastically and turned to face outside.

"This one is so obsessed he is literary forcing himself on me. Am not even interested in him", Carey thought to her self.

" We have finally arrived", Aiden woke up Carey who was sleeping.

" Huh....!!!", she was amused staring outside to confirm her suspicion.

" You doubted", Aiden chuckled.

"Yeah", Carey replied hastily.

"Thanks for taking me back here", Carey thanked Aiden taking her bag.

"All for you baby girl am at your service", he winked at her.

"I need to sleep", Carey politely dismissed Aiden who seemed to be determined to stay in her room.

" Sleep", he glared at her.

"When your there", she raised a brow.

"Yeah..... baby girl", he smirked at her.

"You ain't serious ", Carey was bored with his stubborn nature.

" I am so serious, am watching you. You will thank me later", he removed his shoes sitting on Cindy's bed.

"When she cames where will she sleep", Carey asked him.

" She won't come back tonight. She will be eating her boyfriend", Aiden gave Carey a lustful glare.

"Fine am so tired and sleepy. How will I change to my nightdress when you're staring at me", Carey raised a brow at Aiden.

"Will close my eyes then", he said as Carey switched off the lights.

"This girl is so pretty and hot. Control yourself dude", Aiden thought to himself as Carey undressed in the dark. It was not that dark he saw a glimpse of her body.

" I hope those eyes are closed", she reminded Aiden whose fingers were apart and could peep well at her.

"Yeah baby girl", he mumbled.

"Wow!!!! the aroma woke me up. Whats that your making....", Aiden asked as he went close to Carey.

" It's creps", she smiled at him.

"Oou... never heard of that....", he raised a brow at her.

"Learn It from the chef here", Carey boasted as she mixed the mixture while pouring it on the pan.

"Oou... i even get delicious breakfast. Am impressed baby girl", Aiden winked at her.

"It's just a sweet gesture for forcefully bring me home yesternight", Carey faked grinned.

" Stop giving me that look", Aiden sat at the studying table.

"That's not a dining table...", she yelled.

"I can make it one its not even a big deal if I eat from here", Aiden groaned.

"Hugh....!!! fine will serve there", Carey accepted in defeat.

"It's so yummy this is super sweet", Aiden smirked at her.

" Buh your sweeter", Aiden licked his lips staring at her.

"Its in the morning.... just cut your perverted thoughts", Carey sat beside him as he continued taking in the breakfast.

"You have become so addicted to me huh!!!! baby girl", Aiden lustfully stared at her.

"You wish", she mumbled.

"The heck....!!! this is a surprise. You two sitting close together taking breakfast!!", Cindy yelled as she walked through the door.

" Geez...!!! can't believe this.... so you.... aham...", Cindy dramatically opened her eyes wide not believing what she was seeing.

"Nope.... its not that we didn't aham...", Carey assured her as she glanced at Aiden who was excited about the situation.

"Why aren't you talking ", Carey questioned Aiden.

" Nothing it's just your reaction that amuses me", he whispered.

"Everyone is talking about how you are way prettier than Harley. I caught her saying that you are just a fake and not pretty. I stormed her and put her in her place.I got you baby doll",Cindy smirked at her all psyched up.

" Babydoll....!!!", Aiden raised a brow.

"Yeah, that's how Darwin calls her", Cindy replied uncomfortably knowing that Aiden wouldn't want to hear his name.

"By the way...", Cindy came closer to them.

"Darwin told us that you forcefully took Carey with you ", Cindy raised a brow at Aiden.

" Yeah, I did, I sensed that he wanted to use her", Aiden replied glancing at Carey.

"Who told you he wanted to use her", Cindy raised a brow.

"My heart", Aiden pointed at his heart staring at Carey.

"Your mad", Carey frowned at him.

"You two always amuse me", Cindy giggled.

" What we're you two doing alone at night in here", She raised a brow at Aiden.

"We were sleeping why aren't you believing that", Carey informed Cindy who seemed so nosy wanting to know everything that happened between them.

"I can't believe that", Cindy nodded her head.

"I need to go and do some shopping today will you take me", Carey asked Cindy.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You really need good clothes. Especially those that will make this campus dudes crazy", Cindy winked at Aiden as she spoke to Carey.

"You're a bad influence on her", Aiden spoke to Cindy.

"Your the worst influence", Cindy notified him.

"Am an adult", Carey informed them.

"Thanks for the breakfast babygirl ", Aiden appreciated Carey as he left the room.

"You have to tell me everything", Cindy told Carey as she laid on her bed.