
"You up already...", Cindy yawned as Carey was dressing up.

" Yeap sleeping beauty. I have prepared breakfast already", Carey pointed at the pancakes she made.

"Wow !!! love it you the best", Cindy thanked her.

"Your more of a blessing than I am", Carey beamed at Cindy.

"See you ", Carey waved at her as she left.

" Look who we have here", Sasha was standing outside waiting for Carey.

"Whaat!!! you again....what do you want", Carey fumbled her words. She became scared cause of the stories she had about Sasha.

"You pretty as usual.. ", Sasha stared at her making Carey more frightened.

" I need to go", Carey mumbled.

"What did you say....will escort you there. Shall we...", She held Carey's hand in a tight grip.

"I don't want to....let me be", Carey tried to loosen from her tight grip but she was too strong.

"I.....", Carey couldn't speak she wondered what to say.

" I...what....?" Sasha raised a brow at her.

"I don't like you. Why are you forcing yourself on me? I don't want to be friends with you or to have anything to do with you", Carey was pissed off cause of her stubbornness.

"I like you that is all that matters", Sasha grinned at her.

"Leave me alone", Carey tried to loosen from her grip.

"Leave her alone or else you will get it from me", Aiden's voice was heard from behind.

"Am glad your here", Carey hugged Aiden tightly as she glanced at Sasha who was bored with Aiden's move.

" Was that even necessary at all...", Sasha raised a brow at Aiden.

"Yeah, you messing with my girl. She's my girlfriend", Aiden yelled at her.

"Stop staring at us fuck off", Sasha yelled at the few people who stood to watch them.

"Will catch up on you when he isn't around ", Sasha pointed at Carey winking at her.

"Did she hurt you..", Aiden asked Carey worriedly as Carey was horrified.

"Nope, but she scares me. She just brings bad vibes", Carey mumbled glancing at Aiden.

"She won't hurt you. Am here will protect you baby girl", Aiden kissed her hand.

"Thank you ", Carey appreciated him for defending her against Sasha.

" She's bad news be careful ", Aiden warned her.

"I will", Carey nodded.

"Where are you heading to...", Aiden raised a brow at Carey.

"Going for a lecture", She answered him.

"Let me take you there", he offered as his hand was on her shoulder as they walked.

"Will just go alone", Carey declined his offer.

"Will take you", He beamed at her.

"Alright I accept it", Carey accepted in defeat.

" I better deal with him than her", Carey thought to herself while she glanced at Aiden.

"The lecture has already begun", Aiden whispered as they were outside the door.

"Yeah let me go in.... see you later", Carey informed him.

"Will go with you", he whispered.

"What...why", Carey never expected him to follow her.

"Cause wanna spend more time with you ", Aiden winked at her.

" Fine... suit your self", She accepted in defeat.

"Carey...came here", Blake whispered at Carey.

" What....", Carey whispered at Aiden who was evilly staring at Blake.

"Nothing who is he..", he raised a brow at her.

"He is my friend", She whispered.

"Thank goodness this is a common unit", Carey thought to herself cause the lecture room was half full.

"You pretty when your serious", Aiden whispered when the lecturer sat.

"You have started again", Carey playfully frowned at him.

"Carey give me your number write it here", Blake handed over Carey his book.

" You don't need her number", Aiden ordered Carey to return the book immediately.

"Who is he...why is he interested in your number", Aiden whispered touching Carey's thigh.

" Stop that", She pointed at his hands.

"He is just a guy like you", Carey chuckled.

"Your nuts", Aiden smiled at her.

"Now the lecture has ended. Can you join me this afternoon in my room", Aiden winked at Carey.

"No!!", She declined hastily.

"Carey...hey", George called her while they were leaving the room.

" Hey George...", She smirked at him and Aiden still held her hand firmly.

"Hey, he is Aiden", Carey introduced him to George.

"Is he your...", George didn't finish his words as Aiden interrupted him.

"Her boyfriend", Aiden hastily informed George.

"Wow...you look good together", George said while smiling at Carey.

"Ya, we do", Carey fake grinned at George and was angry at Aiden.

"We gotta go dude", Aiden broke the silence between them.

"Bye Carey", George went closer to hug Carey but Aiden pushed her towards him.

"What was that about", Carey raised a brow at him.

" Nothing I just wanted him to know your mine", Aiden smirked at her.

"Am not your", Carey sighed.

"You are my baby girl. You need me", Aiden tightened his grip.

"You wish... am heading to rest can you accompany me there", Carey pleaded.

"Yeah of course honeybunch. Can never say no to you", Aiden smiled at her.

"Cindy is not in", Carey informed Aiden as they entered her room.

" That will be good honey bunch", he smirked at her.

"Mmhhh", Carey rolled her eyes.

"Mmmhh", Aiden imitated her.

"You look ridiculous when you do that", Carey chuckled pointing at Aiden.

"Let me prepare something we eat", Carey stood.

"Yes honey bunch", Aiden smirked at her.

"Yummy....", Aiden finished the meal real quick surprising Carey.

" That was fast "She chuckled.

" Yeah honey... this is how will eat you. So fast", he winked at her.

"You so perverted the hell", Carey frowned.

"Never say that am your girlfriend again", Carey pointed out while Aiden was staring at her.

"Stop giving me that look", She tapped his thigh. He went closer to her and she froze. She didn't know how to react. To push him away or accept him back.

"Kiss me....", He pleaded as his lips were near hers.

"Mmmhh.. nope", She declined.

"Why don't you like me and the way I am so into you", Aiden asked her heartbroken.

" Your just obsessed with me or something I have. It will end as soon as it started", She informed him.

"No, it won't end soon and you will see that. I promise you", Aiden grinned at her which made her confused.

"Tell me why you don't like me. Am I not attractive to you...?" Aiden raised a brow at her in a flirty way.

" Aaa.... why ask that is it a must I like you...", Carey raised a brow at him.

"Cause I want and need you", Aiden spoke in a low tone.

"We can be friends", Carey moved further away from him.

"That's better than being foes", Aiden said disappointed cause Carey didn't accept him as he wanted.

"Yeah", She nodded.

"Where were you going... before we bumped into each other. You can now go am safe from her now", Carey notified Aiden.

" Was just going to meet a friend", He informed her.

"Oou nice thanks again for rescuing me from that freak", Carey thanked Aiden once again.

"No big deal, I can't imagine her doing it to you, what she did to Moline", Aiden said.

"What she did to her was so bad", Carey said sadly.

"You already know the story", Aiden was shocked.

"Yeah was told", Carey nodded.

"The love birds are together", Cindy and Vera were amused to see the two talking calmly.

" Are you....", Vera raised a brow at them.

"Mmm...nope", Carey hastily answered preventing Aiden from talking.

"Sasha attacked me today. She was forcing me to follow her. Aiden saw us and he rescued me from her", Carey told the girls as she sat to face them.

"What!!!! really...", Cindy was amused to hear what Carey said.

"That girl is becoming a nuisance", Vera said angrily.

" I know right I don't know what to do buh she freaks me out", Carey was overwhelmed by her.

"Don't worry baby girl will protect you from her", Aiden touched Carey's hand. This time she didn't resist his action. Vera and Cindy were amazed by their action and decided to keep quiet.

"Gonna go", Aiden stood as he stared at Carey.

" Bye honey bunch", He waved at Carey.

"Mmm...bye...", Her words were slurred.

"What was that.....!!!!", Cindy raised a brow at Carey.

" What...!", Carey pretended she didn't understand what Cindy was asking.

"That.. you...Aiden..", Cindy waited for her response.

"Nothing he just decided to spend the whole day with me", Carey informed him.

"Oou...just give him a chance. He seems serious with you", Vera tried to convince her to accept Aiden's advances.

"Nah it's just the cookie....", Carey chuckled.

"Not always yeah the cookie of course buh there is more to it", Cindy defended Aiden.

" Maybe...maybe not...who knows", Carey seemed not to trust Aiden.

"About the work do you have these outfits", Vera gave her a handwritten paper.

"I have this only", Carey pointed at the outfit she had.

"We need to get you these clothes ", Vera told Carey.

" Yeah will pay for the outfits", Cindy declared.

"Will give it back thanks a lot", Carey appreciates her.

"No need that is my gift to you", Cindy smirked at her.