First day at work

"Yay... are you ready for today its weekend am so excited", Cindy woke up Carey.

" What....!!! time is it", Carey asked Cindy rubbing her eyes yawning like someone about to eat anything around her.

"Your hungry.... breakfast is ready. Rise and shine baby girl", Cindy shook Carey.

"Baby girl...!!!! your cousin has influenced you to calling me that", Carey chuckled.

"It's 6 am", Cindy informed Carey as she was serving breakfast.

" Get up and shower. Have already done that", Cindy instructed Carey as she wore her clothes.

"Am amused you love money more than your studies", Carey chuckled.

"Money makes the world go gaga", Cindy grinned at her.

"I hope you haven't taken any drugs. Your so high", Carey notified her.

"Go shower and come take breakfast. We need to be there by 8", Cindy gave Carey the expression of 'don't waste time'.

"Running", Carey took her towel and went to shower.

"Yey... finally here...", Carey arrived drying herself fast.

" That was quick at least we will arrive early. Just wear black and white. We will be given our shirts there", Cindy instructed Carey.

"On it ", Carey was ready to go.

" Let's go", Carey told Cindy who was waiting for her.

"Let's call a cab or you prefer public means", Cindy questioned Carey.

" I am not a rich kid. I rarely use cabs", Carey chuckled.

"Today you will use the cab. Its much faster", Cindy opened her bag to request for a cab.

"The cab will be here in the next five minutes", Cindy informed Carey.

"Are you Miss Cindy....", the cab driver raised a brow at Carey.

" Yeah... it's her buh we are together", Carey replied. They both entered the cab. Their journey to work wasn't that long.

"Thank you for the ride", Cindy appreciated the driver as they highlighted the car.

"You welcomed", he smirked at them as he drove off.

"Wow..!!! what is the event, this place looks great", Carey gazed staring at the place.

" It's a trade fair. We will be booth babes today", Cindy answered her as she finished signing on the gate.

"Nice can't wait for that", Carey said nervously.

"Relax... it's not a hard thing", Cindy tried to comfort her.

"I hope so", Carey beamed at her.

"Hey....", Vera hugged Carey.

" Hi..", She replied.

"Am glad your here", Vera led her to a seat.

"Thank you", Carey appreciated with a slight grin.

"Your early at least we will tell you how work is done before the others join us", Fiona notified Carey.

"Thanks will appreciate that", Carey gazed staring at the place.

"Thanks, I know what to do now", Carey appreciated them after the briefing and was ready to go.

" I am now ready for it", She confidently told them.

"Hey guys....", a well dressed lady greeted them.

"Hey Miss Anna", they both greeted her back.

"You must be Carey....", Anna raised a brow at her.

"Yes, it's me Miss", Carey replied.

"Welcome. I hope they briefed you concerning the job....", Anna questioned her.

"The pay will determine on the number of items you sell. Be a go getter and you will make more cash", Anna advised Carey.

"I am", Carey said confidently.

"I love that", Anna applauded her.

"You will be given different brands. Carey yours will be perfumes. Make sure you sell and advertise well", Anna explained.

"Hey you all....", three more ladies came. They were part of the group. They all welcomed Carey. They changed their uniforms, Carey was anxious but contained it.

" Hey welcome...this is Diamonds perfumes", Carey grinned at a lady who was eyeing the perfume.

"Oou can I have one ", She requested.

", Definitely", Carey gave her one of the perfumes. The lady was impressed and bought it.

"Thank you", Carey beamed at the lady.

" Yo girl, let's take lunch", Cindy approached Carey.

"Yeah, I'm hungry ", Carey yawned dramatically.

" You don't have to yawn", Cindy chuckled.

"How were your first sales....", Cindy questioned her.

"It went well sold more than twenty perfumes", Carey said disappointed.

"Wow!!! you have really tried and it's your first day", Cindy clapped at Carey.

"Stop being silly", Carey chuckled.

"And you how many shoes have you sold....", Carey raised a brow at her.

"Eight", Cindy replied embarrassesd.

"That's nice", Carey half smirked.

"You think...", Cindy smirked sadly.

"What have you served yourself...", Cindy cautionbrow at Carey as they were looking for a table before spotting their colleagues.

" Chicken curry", Carey informed her.

"I have served myself all the types of meat that were there", Cindy chuckled.

"Your crazy....", Carey chuckled.

"Hey guys...", Cindy greeted them once again as they sat.

"How were your sales going on so far", Fiona questionned Carey.

"Imagine she has sold more than twenty of her items", Cindy answers on Carey's behalf.

"Wow!!!! you got a lucky charm or what....", Vera was amused.

"Nope, I don't do charms", Carey chuckled.

"I thank God the food is provided", Carey said.

" Yeah, and it's the only time during the weekends we get to take in this kind of dishes", Fiona said as she ate her chicken.

"This chicken is so yummy I need more. Whoo!!!! goodness gracious who am I seeing coming towards us", Fiona gasped.

"Hey ladies who is representing my brand", Ryan Diamond questioned them.

"She is ", they pointed at Carey.

" After you finish taking your meal come and see me", Ryan informed Carey.

"Alright, sir, I will", She answered him back.

"Was that Ryan Diamond....", Vera asked Fiona.

"Yeah....he is so cute and young", Fiona dramatically gazed staring at Ryan.

"Your lucky girl to be representing his brand. When you go talk to him tell us everything that will happen", Cindy said.

" You're exaggerating ", Carey chuckled.

" Don't forget", Vera reminded her.

"Alright, let me take this real quick. I don wanna keep him waiting for long", Carey notified them.

"Wish you the best baby girl", Vera smirked at her.

" Why did he ask for me. I hope I didn't do anything wrong", Carey thought as she walked.

"Excuse me where can I find Mr. Ryan Diamond", Carey asked a lady who had worn a diamond's t-shirt.

"Let me take you to him", the lady offered to take her to Ryan.

"Excuse me Sir", the lady said as Ryan turned to face them. He was sitting in his limonzee.

"Came nearer", he requested Carey.

"I loved the way you sold a lot in a short period of time", Ryan sipped in coffee as he talked to Carey.

" Thanks", that's the only thing Carey told him.

"Just wanted to see you. Can you give me your number....?" Ryan said as he waited for Carey to respond.

"I will have to give him. I hope is a genuine person. Maybe he will offer me a better job", Carey thought to her self while staring at Ryan.

" find me hot...", Ryan winked at her.

" Nope... I was just...", Carey mumbled.

"I always get that look. This is my card. Call me today don't forget", He gave her his card.

"You may now go", he commanded her as she highlighted his car.

"Whooaa...that wasn't easy. Why did you become dumb there", She patted her head nervously not believing that she stared at Ryan.

" Now he will think am so head over heels for him", Carey spoke as she went to open her stand.

"I need to sell all of this. Imma do this", Carey encouraged herself.

"Hey Miss you look so lovely.....", Carey praised a young lady who was looking at the perfumes.

"Thank you", the lady grinned.

"Can you give me two perfumes", the lady requested. Carey handed it to her as she paid.The rest of the day was amazing.

"its time to close. Woow.... your table is almost empty", Anna was impressed not believing that Carey managed to sell all that.

"Are you pursuing a course in business cause you so good at it", Anna raised a brow.

" No am pursuing surgical medicine", Carey answered her.

"Really.... what!!!! am impressed", Anna helped her pack the perfumes in thee boxes.

"Here is your payment for the day", Anna handed Carey money after counting the number of perfumes she sold.

" All this...", Carey opened her eyes wider cause of shock.

"Yeah in each perfume you sell. You get a commission of two hundred", Anna notified her.

"Thanks didn't expect it would be this much", Carey counted the money still not believing.

"You deserve it ", Anna half smirked at her.

" Carey let's go home", Cindy in the company of her friends came to pick her.

"Goodbye Miss Anna", Carey shook Anna's hand.

"Goodbye Anna", Cindy and her friends waved at her.

"Your so official with her", Vera giggled making Carey ashamed.

"She's a student at our campus", Cindy said as they walked.

"Whaaat....!!", Carey couldn't hide her amusement.

"Yeah buh on her final year", Vera pointed out.

"That nice working is great" Carey said.

"Yeap how much did you earn", Fiona cautioned Carey curiously.

" thousand", Carey didn't finish before the girls gasped in shock.

"Are you using charm or what. Thats too much in a single day", Cindy couldn't believe that her roomie made more money than her.

" Nop!!!", Carey laughed.

"We all made five thousand", Vera said.

"That's good too", Carey smiled.

"Maybe", Vera chuckled.

At the bus station, they didn't talk too much. The girls were so exhausted cause being a booth babe isn't an easy job. Standing almost a whole day trying to advertise the products is tiresome.

"You haven't told us what happened with Ryan diamond", Fiona raised a brow at Carey.