Lucky charm

"My sleeping most handsome, sexy attractive, and sweetest of them all. Waky waky baby boy...", Joanita pecked Aiden's lips.

"Aaahh... babe you're so sweet if this is how you'll be waking me up beside you. Will be coming here more often", Aiden rubbed her back.

" You were so sweet yesternight. The way you made me feel was mind blowing. it's been long since I felt that way", Joanita praised him.

" You are more sweet babe especially the way. You are in control you turn me on real quick", he grabbed her closer.

"Mmmhh.. yeah babe what do you expect from such a beauty like me", She bragged.

"Breakfast is ready....", she whispered in his ear drawing small circles slowly using her fingers on his chest.

"Aaahh.... you're making me high again", Aiden gasped out loudly in excitement.

" That's what I want babe", Joanita notified him a flirty look.

"Let's go now", she tried to push him off the bed.

"Do you know what I want most for breakfast..?" Aiden raised a brow at her.

"Tell me babe", she said in a seductive tone.

"It's you that I want especially licking your cookie...", he chuckled as he patted the place he was referring to.

"Aaaa.... do it now baby boy", Joanita faced him with a desperate look.

"You didn't get satisfied last night...", Joanita questioned him still leaning on his chest.

"I can eat you the whole day and night. Will never have enough of you", Aiden whispered flattering her.

"That's why... you lasted for long. I love your stamina baby boy", she praised him as he gazed at the thought of her.

"You naughty girl. I love you already. You want more of me...", Aiden grabbed her behind making her whimper.

"Yes.... yes...", she whispered as she went closer to face him.

" Your request is my command babe", He seductively whispered grabbing her tighter as he tickled her waist making her crack up loudly.

"Aaah.. stop", she tried to stop him.

" Fine babe let's go and eat. Imma so hungry. I don't have the energy to bang you",  Aiden chortled.

"Wow....!!! all these for breakfast. I'm so amused. You also a great chef...", Aiden was amused seeing the various kinds of meals that she had prepared for breakfast.

"Yeah, you made my night. Today I woke up in high moods. So I decided to surprise you with this grand breakfast", Joanita said as she served him a hot dog, smokie, and mango juice that he had requested.

"You're sweeter than this breakfast", he winked at her while biting his smokie.

" This is how will do to you after this....", Juanita sucked the smokey holding it with one hand.

"I'm bigger than that", Aiden cracked up as she inserted the whole smokie in her mouth.

"Definitely baby boy", she stood up getting closer to Aiden.

"Ya baby girl. I liked that naughty illustration", Aiden winked at her seductively.

"Am all yours baby boy", she said while sitting on his lap.

" You like this....", Juanita spoke in a sexy tone.

" Definitely babe", he whimpered in pleasure while she moves up and down on his laps.

"Aaahhh... Carey", Aiden mistakenly called Carey's name as Juanita's lap danced on him.

"What...!!! did you say", she raised a brow at him.

"I said carry on", Aiden lied as she fell for it.

"Why can't I get this girl out of my mind? Juanita will just help me forget the obsession I have for her", Aiden thought to himself while Juanita continued doing her thing.

"Your so sweet babe", He whispered as his lips moved closer to hers.

" Why did she call you..", Cindy questioned Carey as they were heading to the stalls.

"She called to tell me that Ryan informed her that he invited me over at the party. Anna said that it seems he was so impressed with me which makes me nervous. I it because I sold many of his perfumes in such a short period", Carey informed her as their strides quickened.

"You're so lucky Carey", Cindy told Carey as they stood outside diamond's stall.

" I don't believe in luck, I just think it was meant to be. Wish you the best as you go to advertise your shoes", Carey tapped Cindy's shoulder as she left.

"Carey are you a witch or what....", Cindy was excited hugging Carey in a tight grip.

"No...why say that...", Carey mumbled nervously.

"Stop panicking just kidding you," Cindy cracked up loudly pointing at Carey whose facial expression was astonished.

"What's the good news about....?" Carey raised a brow at her.

"After you wished me good luck in the morning my day was way better than yesterday. More people bought the shoes am so happy. Thank you so much", Cindy appreciated Carey which made her more confused.

" Why are you thanking me....", Carey raised a brow at her.

"Cause you wished me good luck and it is happening. Your lucky charm worked on me", Cindy pointed out excitedly clapping her hands.

"That's not true stop bringing things up", Carey warned Cindy politely.

"Hey girls...", Fiona yelled at them to join her on the queue.

"You are attracting a lot of attention. Just look at the way we are being stared at", Cindy informed Fiona as they joined her.

"Who cares about them. They can go to hell", Fiona frowned looking all silly.

"Where is your friend Vera....", Cindy questioned Fiona.

"I don know but I have noticed since yesterday she has been avoiding us", Fiona pointed out as she started serving herself.

"More delicacies for me", Fiona filled her plate with meat making them crack up.

"Seriously...all that ", Carey glanced at the filled plate of Fiona.

"Yeah, we should eat well. Cause the food is free", Fiona informed her chuckling.

"You're the one making other people miss food", Cindy said as they searched for an empty table.

" There goes Vera do you see her", Carey pointed at her.

"Oh...!! yeah, I think we should join her so that we can confirm our suspicion", Cindy suggested that joining Vera would be a good idea.

"I think that's it. Let's go", Fiona said as they headed to where Vera was sitting.

"Hey distancing yourself..", Cindy asked Vera as they sat.

"Just want some alone time", Vera faked smiled while staring at Carey.

"Mmmhh... is it her...", Cindy asked her after noticing that Vera gave Carey a weird look.

"No...", Vera denied.

"Oou fine ...", Fiona grinned at her.

"So Carey... what's the theme for the party", Fiona broke the silence.

"It's red and black", Carey answered her as she ate her meal.

"Mmhh nice that's a good combination", Cindy said.

"Do you have the outfits...", Fiona raised a brow.

"Yeah, I do my only concern is my hair", Carey chuckled at the thought of her hair.

"I find it fine. It's a good natural look", Fiona tried to make her feel good about her hair.

"Why are you so silent", Fiona raised a brow at Vera.

"Nothing really", She replied as she left their sight.

"That was so uncalled for. Why is she behaving this way....", Cindy was angered by Vera's action.

"Just let her be...", Fiona calmed her down.

"That was weird", Carey sighed.

"At least we are done for the weekend", Cindy gasped as they headed to the bus station.

"Yeah so excited. Never thought would make so much money", Carey informed them excitedly.

"Yeah, you will never lack money", Cindy tapped her shoulder as their strides quickened.

"We should go shopping", Fiona suggested.

"We can do that on Friday", Cindy pointed out.

"Yeah, I am game. Can't wait", Fiona clapped her hands in excitement.

" Where is Vera...", Cindy asked Fiona as they crossed the road.

"She went earlier", Fiona informed her.

"Oouu...I don't know what's wrong with her buh I have to find that out", Cindy said.

"I need to sleep a wink or else will fall on those heels", Carey laid on her bed.

"It's 6 pm now. You don't have time to sleep", Cindy told her yawning.

"If it was not the diamond's party couldn't have gone. Am so exhausted", Carey covered herself with her duvet.

"You can't be serious. You're even covering up", Cindy chortled.

"Will lay for an hour only..", Carey said as she set an alarm.

"Carey open the door", Carey faintly heard as if someone was knocking on the door.

"Waah... haven't even slept. Who the hell is this", Carey stood irritated as she headed to the door.

"Fiona", Carey's words were slurred.

"Were you asleep...", Fiona cracked up as Carey rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah..", She yawned.

"I can see that your friend is snoring", Fiona laughed at Cindy.

"Am already used to her snoring", Carey cracked up.

"That's so thoughtful of you. Even a blow dryer", Carey was amused by Fiona.

"Thanks so much appreciate it", Carey smiled at Fiona.

"It's time to start preparing you", Fiona signaled Carey to sit on the dressing mirror.

"Wait a bit I freshen up first", Carey took her towel as she headed to the bathroom.